Ok so i am a 15 year old girl and im like always horny! This one boy who i have a crush on makes me so horny but like i always get horny for no reason like literally ill just be sitting in class and i get horny!! I masturbate like everyday usually multiple times a day and after i orgasm im still horny! I have to orgasm 2-4 times before i stop being horny! And lots of times like 10 minutes later i just get horny again. I also watch porn sometimes. I started watching it like once a week but now i rarely watch like maybe once every 4-5 months. Oh and also i started getting horny reeeaaally young like reaally young. I dont know what age but like legit before i was 10. I masturbated back than to but i didnt know what it was than lol. But anyway is this normal? I mean i like it (sometimes;) but it can get really annoying like legit sometimes i cant concentrate on stuff cause im to horny. And everyone always says its the guys who are horny and always masturbate and watch porn! Ha! But anyway any other teen girls like this? And is this normal?!