1. Not yet, no, but I've been wanting to. I usually watch movies by myself at home though.
2. Heh, yeah. I really don't like Twilight, but it's still kind of amusing to see how badly they mess up. All the actors are so awkward. The only person I actually like is Jackson Rathbone, as I've enjoyed some of his other work. His facial expressions are somewhat hilarious in the Twilight movies though.
3. Can't say, haven't checked. I loved Kick-***, but I don't think they're showing that anymore.
4. Nope.
5. A couple weeks ago. Mum dragged me to see some cliche dance movie.
6. Morning films aren't cheaper where I live, so no, I've never done that.
7. Alan Rickman. Uhm, yeah. He's like 49 years older than me. I know, it's bad. Matthew Gray Gubler is adorable. So is Robert Downey Jr, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Johnny Depp and uhh... Jackie Earl Haley is kind of sweet. Loved him as Rorschach. Oh, Tom Felton is hot, and so is Daniel Radcliffe, kinda. Rupert Grint and Matthew Lewis are cutish as well. Is it wrong that I find Richard Harris attractive? He's ancient. And dead. RIP.
8. Sure. I've done so plenty of times.
9. Yup, several times. I usually just buy the DVD, but sometimes I don't have the DVD at hand, or can't find it in stores, so I watch it online. I often end up buying the DVD anyway.
10. My dad and I sometimes watch movies together, as our tastes are fairly similar. I was watching Watchmen today, and dad was in the living room with me, though he wasn't concentrating on the movie. I fast forwarded past that a bit too long sex scene. I don't think he noticed. I can't think of any occasion where he was actually watching an awkward scene with me, but I'm sure there have been some as we usually watch 18/R rated movies.
11. Of what? Man, I feel really behind sometimes. Or maybe I'm just too foreign.
12. I don't believe I've ever watched a spoof movie. Seriously.
13. I don't really have a favourite genre. I'll give pretty much anything a go, but I've found I rarely enjoy romantic comedies. The only one I remember liking is Love, Actually, and that's only because Alan Rickman is in it.