Snap out of it you idiot.
Of course those who love you care.
Even though who hate you.
Your ex would.
I'm sure anyone who knew you the slightest would.
I don't care if your crying. Go out, go to a club, have a time and come back. Live with it. You know people do, so why get worked up? This is life honey, live with it.
Honestly. If people here, who don't even know you, hear about the possibility of you taking one too many, give these reactions, what do you think the reactions of the people who know you would be?
A friend of mine, was 12. He had ginger hair. Everyone, except me, teased him about it. And not in the " It's a bit of fun-tease way". A lot of people bullied him, some even stole his clothes when he changed for PE, his bag, his bike, phone... And they were ment to be nice.
He took his mums pills. (They slow her heart because her heart rate is too fast). His heart stopped. Everyone, even the bullies, cried for ages. They haven't ever done anything wrong since. I feel the worst, because I think that I could have done more for him. I tried my best, but he just decided to take the easy way out... For him, not for us.
Sorry for being harsh but your being stupid. Wake up and look at yourself, what your doing. It's a waste.