Should I tell my parents that my brother watches porn?
2007-09-04 16:41:59 UTC
He's only 11 years old, and he watches porn on my mom's computer whenever i'm out. I know this because he sometimes leaves videos on the desktop, and also, I walked in on him one time, and he quickly closed a window, and turned the computer around. I'm pretty sure he does this A LOT. I've tried to help him out by deleting videos and clearing the history, but I don't know if I should talk to him about it, or if I should tell my parents.
65 answers:
2007-09-04 16:47:20 UTC
Como on!... He is your bro...

It is perfectly normal that he likes some porn he is human OK...but, what you can do instead is go and turn the adult filter ON and whenever you parents ask about it, you could say that it is useful to have it turn off, in order not to have your brother tempted to see any

Good luck!
2016-05-16 22:24:15 UTC
2016-05-21 10:35:40 UTC
I hate to say what a lot of the others are saying but it really was none of your Business to look at what your brother was watching. It is normal for him to be watching porn at his age and i don't think he needs to be embarrassed by you telling everyone. Its like masturbation we all do it but we just don't talk about it so do the right thing and ignore it.
2007-09-04 16:52:49 UTC
It's really cool that you're so concerned...and YES - I would definitely tell them. It really amazes me that some people don't seem to think it's a problem with the number of child predators going through the roof - and the thing is, most caught own a computer and most got unwillingly exposed to it via the internet. Guys start out surfing normal porn and then happen across the darker stuff and get hooked.

Your brother is old enough to be curious, but too young to be surfing porn and you should tell your parents. They might need to explain to him why it's harmful...and especially at his age.
2007-09-04 16:51:39 UTC
He's hooked now and you won't be able to stop him.

He'll have access to other computers and he'll do the same there. He's growing up and you can't change that.

Try and get him interested in some other stuff as well like say some new hobbies or sports. This will at least reduce the view time a little.
2007-09-04 17:01:22 UTC

I recall me and friends doing pranks as we were kids, there used to be a phone number free for ladies to call, and the guys had to pay for it, so we would dial the number for ladies and pretend to be women, sweet innocent fun. Nowadays (outch I sound old) with the internet and television, even advertising in magazines filled with sex, I can imagine it isn`t easy for kids to ignore it.

To talk with him is maybe a bit hard, you could try to tell it to your mom in a mild way, and than the best thing is probally for either your father or your mother to have a talk with with him, not about punishment, nor about it being bad. What he probally desires is love or attention, understanding. I do have to note that there are 11 y.o watching terrible violent movies such as saw or whatever.. A lady who used to subtitle porn movies (that`s an easy job:)) told me she would rather allow kids to watch porn than all this violence, and she may have a point.
2007-09-04 16:48:50 UTC
You need to have your parents 'learn' of your brother's computer activity as soon as possible. You don't need to 'tell' on him; all you need to do is tell mom or dad to take a look at your little brother's browsing history and DON'T delete it! That way, you are leading them to discover it themselves and it's not like you went running to them to 'squeal' on your brother. This is a serious problem, and your parents do need to be aware of it -- furthermore, they should be monitoring your computer activity at all times! Please let them know that you need them to be parents in this situation before little brother really gets himself into trouble. The porn sites aren't fit for healthy adults much less an eleven year old boy.!
2007-09-04 17:02:51 UTC
I think young teen boys are naturally curious. But to make sure this doesn't become an obsession of his. I would probably tell your dad and let dad have a little one on one with him. Dad has been there and would have the appropriate answers for your brothers curiosity.
2007-09-04 16:53:26 UTC
What kind of porn? I think you need a block on sH$^t like that! Maybe take him out with you and do thing to keep his mind else where... He may just need someone to look up to... YOU! Or you can tell your parent,BUT? What will that do to your trust to one another. Talk to him about it, I mean really talk to him, maybe gets some mags, so that he does not think your trying to embarrass him in any way, more like the birds and the bee's talk... GOOD LUCK!
2007-09-04 17:58:41 UTC
eh let him go. thats the age i started. just make sure HE knows how to delete everything so ur parents dont find out. One day just show him how to erase history and delete vids. DONT tell him why ur showing him that. i think he should get the hint. i wouldnt talk to him about it either. it would be really embarrasing for both of u.
Mignon F
2007-09-04 16:48:37 UTC
Talk to your parents.

Your brother already knows your covering for him whether you've told him or not.

It could be a thing that many of his friends have turned him onto or something else.

Your parents really need to know so that the situation can be handled properly.
2007-09-04 16:47:02 UTC
I would stop covering for him and let him get caught. You said he leaves it open so just dont close and then the next time your parents go to use the computer they will see it!
2007-09-04 16:52:47 UTC
hmm, let him dig his own grave. i know it's harsh, but he seems like he is at the addiction stage already. i blame his friends, that's how every finds out about it, from there friends. i have a stronger will than my friends and have deemed porn to be usless, i would either tell your parents, or let him get caught. you parents can block the sites he goes on. maybe you could do that if you are gonna feel bas about it. if you use windows, go to the internet options, and type or copy and paste the site names in the "restricted sites" box. that will hold him; at least until he finds a new site to go to...
2007-09-04 16:52:15 UTC
He is 11, boys are interested in the opposite sex usually earlier than girls. If you are concerned about him then I would say talk to him, he is obviously embarrassed about it so i would be careful how you approach him with the subject, maybe just talk in general terms about it. If that doesn't work I might try and talk to your dad if that isn't to much for you.
2007-09-04 16:56:18 UTC
He needs to have a talk to. Not that he is doing anything wrong but that it is unhealthy to be doing this " A LOT". It also seems like he is ashamed of it and shouldn't be.

Plus, he needs a healthier out look on sex rather than actors being fake.
2007-09-04 16:50:18 UTC
it goes a couple of ways what is your parents policy on say movies if they dont care if he watches rated R movies then porn really isnt that big of a deal the human body is a natural thing and looking at it is normal and healthy for preteen boys use your best judgement noone knows your family like you
2007-09-04 16:45:42 UTC
If your brother has started to form an obsession I would. But I think maybe you should talk to him first just to save him some embarassment. If he keeps doing it then I would let your parents know. He is only 11 and some of that stuff can be pretty graphic.
2007-09-04 16:48:59 UTC
omg porn addiction, maybe you should download some kind of porn filter and install it in the computer..,,, try finding one at and also tell your parents, but for me the most important thing is the computer, no computer no porn, he cant buy porn dvd's anyway because he's a minor...
2007-09-04 16:47:58 UTC
You might mention to your parents that there are parental control parents can use to block children from viewing adult contents......this might just get them thinking in the right direction, which is to protect their children from the vices of the Internet.
2007-09-04 16:49:03 UTC
He is to young! Yes hurry and tell before he tries to run off and get some girl pregnant at that little age!
In God We Trust
2007-09-04 16:46:49 UTC
If this question is out of love for your brother, talk to him about it, without threat. Then if all else fails, immediately tell your parents. Remember this, What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? - Romans 8:31. The Lord daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our country. Selah. - Psalm 68:19 Peace and God Bless.
2007-09-04 16:46:17 UTC
Yes you should tell your parents. If he's looking at porn he may also be talking to perverts on line too. It's dangerous to keep this info to yourself.
2007-09-04 16:48:40 UTC
kinda gross, but my little bro used to do the same thing. i chose to tell my parents and in turn he was no longer allowed to use the computer when my parents weren't home. not only is it gross, but when he is opening those kind of sites he is opening that computer up to so many viruses and other problems, not to mention that if your mom ever did find out, she could blame it on you....
2007-09-04 16:46:38 UTC
Yes please tell your parents. If you do nothing and he grows up and get caught by Chris Hanson's To Catch a Predator" you will feel bad. Stop those habits before he gets older and want to try those acts on unwilling victims.
2007-09-04 16:47:22 UTC
Do it before your parents find out because they will be very mad at him. Besides he could easily get a virus or trojan while visting those sites which could cause more problem. He looks up to you probably so tell him that it is wrong.
2007-09-04 16:51:03 UTC
no dont tell them This may be a normal way for him to learn how he will grow up It may be easier for him to open up to a man. it's just he age now he's starting to grow up and to find new things in his body etc,trust that happens to every youngman,it also happen to me and look at me i'm a computer technique engineer and i'm not a phsyco not a freak none of that ,just a regular man..just and advice..take it or leave it....
2007-09-04 16:47:10 UTC
you should talk to him first to hear his side of teh story then tell your parents. It is imporant that you tell someone becuase porn before the age of 18 is illegal and if he keeps it up he could be a sex addict when he is older. But its aslo imporan tto talk to him first.
2007-09-04 16:45:57 UTC
Yeah you should, I told my parents about my brother. He started looking at porn around that age too.
2007-09-04 16:50:19 UTC
unless you want to be an uncle i suggest you tell them don't listen to other people at this age he shoudn't be lookin at porn the cloest thing to porn for him is a victoria secrt magzine
I am Me
2007-09-04 16:56:31 UTC
no, unless you think its becoming a HUGE problem just leave it for now. tell him you know don't judge or be mean or w/e just tell him you know and that its normal hes basically a teenager and so it relatively normal. tell him he may want to be more care full but i wouldn't 'tell on him'.
2007-09-04 16:46:33 UTC
I know all people are different, but that seems awfully young to me. I think you should just tell your parents and I'm hoping they would be disapproving of that behavior. I just don't think he needs to be exposed to that yet.
2007-09-04 16:46:55 UTC
Tell your parent's he isn't going to listen to you. Maybe tell them without him knowing and they could put a parental lock on it
Sarah Smile
2007-09-04 16:46:50 UTC
That would be SO embarrassing if you told your parents, even if you told him yourself. Handle this one with caution. Just mention to him that he needs to delete "things" that he has left on the computer or mom and dad may be asking him questions.
2007-09-04 16:54:39 UTC
Talk to him about it, its less embarrassing coming from his brother, it is normal for kids but if you see this continues to be excessive after your talk to him speak to your parents.
2007-09-04 16:54:00 UTC
Definatly talk to your parents that is not something he should be watching
2007-09-04 16:48:57 UTC
yea you probably should. He could have some sort of problem...hes only 11.
Tiffany J
2007-09-04 16:48:06 UTC
I would tell your folks, he is only 11 and that isn't healthy.
2007-09-04 16:48:15 UTC
You totally should talk to him. Otherwise he'll be this freak who's afraid to talk to girls.

besides, you'll be the one busted for the porn not your younger brother. You have to tell on him.
2007-09-04 16:45:27 UTC
You need to tell your parents
2007-09-04 16:53:11 UTC
tell your parents that there's something that he needs to tell them, and let them deal with it
Kate J
2007-09-04 16:46:29 UTC
Leave him alone, he's a curious kid. I never brought my brother's two tons of porn magazines to my parent's attention.
2007-09-08 09:53:24 UTC
Try to work with him first.
Irvin A
2007-09-04 16:49:23 UTC
whoah...11 yrs old....tell him if he wont stop, u would tell the parents,,,,scare him a little
2007-09-04 16:46:56 UTC
Talk to him, and dont tell on him, cause sooner or later your parents will find out probably.
Colette B
2007-09-04 16:47:34 UTC
Yes!!!!!!!!! Porn is just as addictive as drugs and alcohol.
2007-09-05 13:15:41 UTC
are you gay?, or you have some secret disturbance about your own sexuality? that you can't let others explore their own?
2007-09-04 16:46:59 UTC
u need to tell them before he gets more interested in it
2007-09-04 16:46:11 UTC
Yeah I told my mom that my dad did.
2007-09-04 16:44:38 UTC
Tell him you know and you want him to stop.
2007-09-04 16:46:47 UTC
talk to ur brother abt it ... if he doesnt stop watchin porn, then talk to ur parents abt it straight away.
2007-09-04 16:48:30 UTC
I'm Telling, I'm Telling, I'm telling, telling t e l l ing !!
2007-09-04 16:47:17 UTC
Strive to Survive
2007-09-04 16:46:51 UTC
Tell them now.
2007-09-04 16:49:47 UTC
honestly its none of your business....thats when guys usually start getting into that stuff
2007-09-04 16:45:38 UTC
Yes. Tell him he is wayyyyyyy to young for that!
2007-09-04 16:45:23 UTC
Hes about an adolescent teen.Thats what adolescent teen boys do if we like it or not.I tried telling on my brother but my dad just gave him more porn.I think its a guy thing.....
2007-09-04 16:50:22 UTC
nah, it's his buissness. if it gets out of hand, then yeah
2007-09-04 16:46:00 UTC
yeaa.hes way too young thats not healthy!
2007-09-04 16:45:25 UTC
If your parents are such poor parents that they leave him unsupervised and don't keep track of what he does, they probably won't deal well with what you tell them.

You got screwed in the parent department. Just get through it as well as you can and move on.

Responsible parents don't allow children to have a computer or television in their bedroom. They need to be in a family area where they are ONLY allowed on them when supervised.
2007-09-04 17:13:45 UTC
he's just curious - don't be a snitch
2007-09-04 16:52:58 UTC
have a chat with him
2007-09-04 16:46:31 UTC
your parents should figure it out if it truly effects him.
Yahoo User
2007-09-04 16:44:29 UTC
yeah thats gross
2007-09-04 16:44:35 UTC
you should, immediately.
2007-09-04 16:44:57 UTC
hahahah no

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