Anyone up for some survey questions?
Cogito Ergo Sum
2013-06-09 20:38:03 UTC
1. Where were you last night?
2. Who was the last person to call you babe/baby?
3. Anyone crushing on you?
4. Has anyone ever sang to you?
5. What is a compliment you receive often?
6. Do you look more like your mom or dad?
7. What did you do on New Year's Eve?
8. What is the last thing you thought about?
9. How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
10. When you're at the grocery store do you use self-checkout?

Hope these were moderately decent questions. Enjoy and have a delightful Sunday night! :)
35 answers:
Kv ¡Chelsea for life!
2013-06-10 06:20:05 UTC
1. Where were you last night?

My room.

2. Who was the last person to call you babe/baby?

My girlfriend

3. Anyone crushing on you?

Nahhh. Way more than crushing ;D

4. Has anyone ever sang to you?

Hmm, no not really.

5. What is a compliment you receive often?

How sweet and cute I am ;p. From normal people: That I'm very honest and a good person.

6. Do you look more like your mom or dad?

My mother I think

7. What did you do on New Year's Eve?

Celebrate my b-day. Which meant going out to a restaurant and my bestfriend forgetting my birthday :p.

8. What is the last thing you thought about?

My girl

9. How many hours of sleep did you get last night?


10. When you're at the grocery store do you use self-checkout?


Very nice survey :) I should do them again, but my girlfriend gives me no time to use the computer :p
2013-06-10 04:51:42 UTC
1. Where were you last night? In my bedroom.

2. Who was the last person to call you babe/baby? I really have no idea...

3. Anyone crushing on you? I guess so, but I don't like him.

4. Has anyone ever sang to you? No.

5. What is a compliment you receive often? People often tell me that I'm "a very pretty/beautiful young woman". Some men use less polite words to express that (I suppose you know what I mean...)

6. Do you look more like your mom or dad? My mom, definetely.

7. What did you do on New Year's Eve? I tried to have fun, but I wasn't really happy that day.

8. What is the last thing you thought about? My blog. I've just written a new post.

9. How many hours of sleep did you get last night? 8 hours, I think.

10. When you're at the grocery store do you use self-checkout? Sometimes.

Nice questions indeed! Now it's Monday, anyway thank you.

Bye bye :)
2013-06-09 20:58:08 UTC
1. Where were you last night? I was with my friend in a rave in a anime convention. It rocked!!!

2. Who was the last person to call you babe/baby? A foolish girl.

3. Anyone crushing on you? If they are, then I have no idea they are.

4. Has anyone ever sang to you? Yes

5. What is a compliment you receive often? That Im "sweet"

6. Do you look more like your mom or dad? Dad

7. What did you do on New Year's Eve? I ate cake and drank a bit of alcohol since its my birthday on that day.

8. What is the last thing you thought about? I'd rather not say

9. How many hours of sleep did you get last night? About 6 or so

10. When you're at the grocery store do you use self-checkout? I have never interacted with a self-checkout machine at a grocery store.
2013-06-10 16:04:19 UTC
1. Where were you last night? At home, in my bedroom most of the night.

2. Who was the last person to call you babe/baby? Hm, I'm not sure. It would have been either my best friend or dad or niece because sometimes she acts older than she is and calls me babe, lol.

3. Anyone crushing on you? Not as far as I'm aware.

4. Has anyone ever sang to you? Not properly, friends have sung to me as a laugh.

5. What is a compliment you receive often? "I like your hair.."

6. Do you look more like your mom or dad? I'm not sure. I have been told I look like both but I think I might look like dad a little bit more than mum..

7. What did you do on New Year's Eve? I went to the pub with a friend.

8. What is the last thing you thought about? This question. And before that it was whether I should shower tonight or get up earlier in the morning to have one..

9. How many hours of sleep did you get last night? Um, about five and a half.

10. When you're at the grocery store do you use self-checkout? Sometimes. Depending on how packed the shop is or how much I have to pay for.
2013-06-10 15:24:42 UTC
1. Where were you last night? at home

2. Who was the last person to call you babe/baby? dont think i've ever been called either

3. Anyone crushing on you? don't think so but i wish there was

4. Has anyone ever sang to you? does happy birthday count?

5. What is a compliment you receive often? my martial arts skills

6. Do you look more like your mom or dad? mom i think

7. What did you do on New Year's Eve? party with close friends who are like family and family

8. What is the last thing you thought about? what im going to answer to these

9. How many hours of sleep did you get last night? about 8 i think

10. When you're at the grocery store do you use self-checkout? sometimes...i usually mess up though!
2013-06-10 10:31:15 UTC
1. Where were you last night?

In my room.

2. Who was the last person to call you babe/baby?

My friend Hope. Just for a joke.

3. Anyone crushing on you?

My ex.

4. Has anyone ever sang to you?


5. What is a compliment you receive often?

I can't be bothered to think of any. There probably are some.

6. Do you look more like your mom or dad?

I hope neither! I know I always used to look more like my dad.

7. What did you do on New Year's Eve?

Party at a friend's house. We set off loads of paper lanterns. I had to climb up a tree to rescue one!

8. What is the last thing you thought about?

Harry Potter fan art.

9. How many hours of sleep did you get last night?

Dunno. 9-10.

10. When you're at the grocery store do you use self-checkout?

If I'm by myself. Cos I don't have the confidence to talk to the staff if I'm alone. I am socially awkward.

Yea, my sunday night was good!
2013-06-10 04:33:49 UTC
1. Where were you last night?

~ My room

2. Who was the last person to call you babe/baby?

~ Squall

3. Anyone crushing on you?

~ Who knows

4. Has anyone ever sang to you?

~ No

5. What is a compliment you receive often?

~ You have nice hair

6. Do you look more like your mom or dad?

~ Dad

7. What did you do on New Year's Eve?

~ Babysat lol

8. What is the last thing you thought about?

~ Muffins.

9. How many hours of sleep did you get last night?

~ Not many

10. When you're at the grocery store do you use self-checkout?

~ Depends on how many items I have
2013-06-10 01:50:27 UTC
1. Where were you last night?

Last night was Sunday night for me, and I was in my bedroom.

2. Who was the last person to call you babe/baby?

My ex, I guess.

3. Anyone crushing on you?

My best friend :S

4. Has anyone ever sang to you?

No, haha.

5. What is a compliment you receive often?

That I have beautiful eyes. But right now I have rings under them, all the time so people say that less often to me, haha.

6. Do you look more like your mom or dad?

I look more like my dad (eyes and hair), although a lot of peole tell me I look like my mom.

7. What did you do on New Year's Eve?

I was at a party, it was so much fun! We played poker until 8am, and I won A LOT of money haha. It was like the third time I was playing in my life!

8. What is the last thing you thought about?

I just thought about all the things I will have to do today. I just made a mini-schedule in my head. (which I usually never respect).

9. How many hours of sleep did you get last night?

7 hours. I usually sleep 5-4h a night though :S

10. When you're at the grocery store do you use self-checkout?

It depends, if I didn't buy many things, yes, but if I bought a lot of things I go to see a casher!
2013-06-09 23:14:53 UTC
1. Where were you last night?At home watching Star Wars. Don't. Judge. Me.

2. Who was the last person to call you babe/baby? My friend Joey

3. Anyone crushing on you?Pssh I don't know. Maybe.

4. Has anyone ever sang to you? Um i don't think so..

5. What is a compliment you receive often? "You're pretty" or "You've got a good taste in music."

6. Do you look more like your mom or dad? Definitely my mom

7. What did you do on New Year's Eve? um i think i was babysitting? I forget. 

8. What is the last thing you thought about? This isn't a fair question. My mind is in a million places at once. I don't just think of one thing,

9. How many hours of sleep did you get last night? 4.

10. When you're at the grocery store do you use self-checkout? Not usually.
2013-06-09 21:28:35 UTC
1. Where were you last night? at my friend's aunt's house

2. Who was the last person to call you babe/baby? my friend

3. Anyone crushing on you? probably not

4. Has anyone ever sang to you? yes

5. What is a compliment you receive often? nice eyes, or nice boobs by my friends

6. Do you look more like your mom or dad? mom I guess but right now I'm pissed at both

7. What did you do on New Year's Eve? I babysat then I came home and ate Cheeto Puffs

8. What is the last thing you thought about? how I want a job but nobody wants me

9. How many hours of sleep did you get last night? like 6 or 7 but they were rudely interrrupted

10. When you're at the grocery store do you use self-checkout? if I only have a few things
2013-06-09 21:21:02 UTC
1. Where were you last night?

-My sister's high school graduation

2. Who was the last person to call you babe/baby?

-My dad

3. Anyone crushing on you?

-Prolly not, if there is, who are they?

4. Has anyone ever sang to you?


5. What is a compliment you receive often?

-"Omg, your hair is so pretty! Are your curls natural?"

6. Do you look more like your mom or dad?

-I look like a mix, seriously. I don't look mostly like one or or the other

7. What did you do on New Year's Eve?

-Stayed home

8. What is the last thing you thought about?

-band camp

9. How many hours of sleep did you get last night?


10. When you're at the grocery store do you use self-checkout?

2013-06-10 18:31:40 UTC
1. Where were you last night? home

2. Who was the last person to call you babe/baby? bf

3. Anyone crushing on you? bf

4. Has anyone ever sang to you? no

5. What is a compliment you receive often? my smile. its lop sided though i dont get why people say its nice

6. Do you look more like your mom or dad? every single person i meet who knows my mom says i look exactly like her

7. What did you do on New Year's Eve? went out to a restaurant with my parents, bf and his parents

8. What is the last thing you thought about? these questions

9. How many hours of sleep did you get last night? like 5

10. When you're at the grocery store do you use self-checkout? no
2013-06-10 08:06:50 UTC
1. Where were you last night?

I was at the Governor's Ball music festival on Randall's Island.

2. Who was the last person to call you babe/baby?

My boyfriend.

3. Anyone crushing on you?

My boyfriend :)

4. Has anyone ever sang to you?


5. What is a compliment you receive often?

Nice body and/or nice eyes.

6. Do you look more like your mom or dad?

My mom, definitely.

7. What did you do on New Year's Eve?

Stayed home w/ my boyfriend and watched the ball drop on TV.

8. What is the last thing you thought about?

Needing to use the bathroom.

9. How many hours of sleep did you get last night?

Around seven or so.

10. When you're at the grocery store do you use self-checkout?

If it's faster.
With her head in the clouds
2013-06-10 05:39:10 UTC
1. Where were you last night? In my room, studying. Okay mostly procrastinating but you get my drift

2. Who was the last person to call you babe/baby? I have no clue, I'm not sure anyone's ever called me that

3. Anyone crushing on you? Apparently my best friend's boyfriend's best friend is and I hope so because he's a really nice guy and I like him too

4. Has anyone ever sang to you? Only the good ol' Happy Birthday. I don't like it when people crowd around me and sing Happy Birthday. I

5. What is a compliment you receive often? There isn't really one but plenty of people have called me things like 'Smarty Pants' so I guess it's that I'm smart. That's silly really because my intelligence is average at best.

6. Do you look more like your mom or dad? I probably lean toward my Mum but to be honest I don't look a lot like either (trust me I'm not adopted though, spitting image of paternal grandmother is proof enough)

7. What did you do on New Year's Eve? I don't even remember. Probably nothing. I'm boring like that.

8. What is the last thing you thought about? What I did for New Year's... at least I tried to remember.

9. How many hours of sleep did you get last night? Probably about 6. I could do better but Youtube is so much more appealing.

10. When you're at the grocery store do you use self-checkout? Yes because I generally only have a few items and it's quicker and more efficient
2013-06-09 22:10:33 UTC
1. Where were you last night?

- Went to get my new phone, went to a local race track, then went to bed at 6 am

2. Who was the last person to call you babe/baby?

- My friend Mike

3. Anyone crushing on you?

- I'm sure somewhere

4. Has anyone ever sang to you?

- Yes

5. What is a compliment you receive often?

- You're weird, I like you

6. Do you look more like your mom or dad?

- I'm a legit perfect mix in between them (Told to me by random people in public)

7. What did you do on New Year's Eve?

- Hmm, sat in my room while my mom slept, brother was at university, and my dad was at a friends

8. What is the last thing you thought about?

- What I did on New Year's

9. How many hours of sleep did you get last night?

- like 7

10. When you're at the grocery store do you use self-checkout?

-Not normally, we did today and it wouldnt take the card lol
2015-10-11 22:58:28 UTC
1. Where were you last night? nosy! :) It's a secret

2. Who was the last person to call you babe/baby? my mom

3. Anyone crushing on you? I don't think so

4. Has anyone ever sang to you? ye s

5. What is a compliment you receive often? "you have pretty hair"

6. Do you look more like your mom or dad? more-so my mom I think

7. What did you do on New Year's Eve? drink sparkling cider!

8. What is the last thing you thought about? how the week will pan out

9. How many hours of sleep did you get last night? 7

10. When you're at the grocery store do you use self-checkout? self checkout
2013-06-10 11:17:43 UTC
1. Went to a graduation party at a local pizza place

2. My friend (last night, in a joking way)

3. Probably not...

4. No

5. You're so intelligent

6. My dad, by far

7. Psshh, I don't even remember

8. The answer to #7

9. 7 hours and 15 minutes

10. Most of the time, actually
2013-06-09 23:15:53 UTC
1. At home, recovering from my busy week.

2. I don't remember

3. Not that I know of

4. My mom sang to me when I was a little girl. I've never been serenaded, though.

5. People tell me I have nice legs because they're long.

6. I don't look more like either. It's a pretty even mix.

7. I stayed at home with my family.

8. I thought about the movie I just watched, which was very inspirational.

9. Probably about 9.5 hours

10. I almost never use it.
2013-06-09 22:15:06 UTC
1. Having dinner with my family at a friend's house.

2. My cousins' toddler daughter, whom I saw last night.

3. Doubtful.

4. Yes, my family.

5. People tell me I'm clever.

6. I look like my mother, but by mere coincidence since I am adopted. I do not look a lot like my genetic mother, and a lot like my adoptive mother. Life is funny that way.

7. My family usually hosts a big dinner with music and drinks. I stay awake for the 12 clock chimes, the music and the food, until sunrise when I have enough stamina.

8. About the NSA whistle blower, Bradley Manning, Julian Assange, the value of information and what makes a modern hero in the US. I really want to think about something else right now. I am getting frustrated.

9. Not many. Probably four.

10. No, I would hate for those machines to take the cashiers' jobs, given how the economy is and all, so I try to do my small part to keep them needed and functional... worthless as it might be.
2013-06-09 21:27:30 UTC
1. Partying until 4 in the morning! LOL I was at a sleepover and the last to fall asleep :)

2. My BFF cuz she's crazy like that

3. A few guys but no one I like back

4. My mom

5. "I love your hair!" It's true, my dirty blonde hair is luxurious lol

6. Um, I guess my dad as I got his green eyes

7. I watched movies for 10 hours straight

8. This question

9. 5

10. No

2013-06-09 21:17:17 UTC
1. The movies

2. This guy I went out with last night

3. Mhm

4. Yep and it was terrible

5. "Your hair is so long!" or "do you know you're really pretty?"

6. My mom

7. Sleep

8. Ever since I watched The Purge last night I've been thinking about what I'd do if it happened

9. 9 hrs

10. Nope, it takes me and my mom too long to get the stuff to scan...
2013-06-09 20:46:45 UTC
1. At home

2. My crush in my imagination

3. Not that I know of, probably this boy at my school and my sisters brother.

4. My mom haha

5. My hair is long, and I have big pretty eyes

6. I use to look like my dad. But lately alot of people say I look like my mom. I look like her but you can still see a little glimpse of my dad in me

7. Stay home

8. That Spider I told you about in my last question lol

9. Probably 6 or 7

10. No, my mom hates it haha
2013-06-10 01:30:41 UTC
1. Where were you last night? ~ It's Monday at 1:21 in the morning, so last night was Sunday but since I haven't gone to bed yet last night feels like Saturday night. On Saturday I was celebrating surviving the first few days of final exams for the spring quarter / celebrating the last weekend night on campus this school year! On Sunday night I went to an end of the year banquet and studied for the finals I have on Tuesday and Wednesday.

2. Who was the last person to call you babe/baby? ~ My dad. His term of endearment for me has always been baby. Thankfully none of my boyfriends have called me that, haha.

3. Anyone crushing on you? ~ Yes, haha. Someone adorably slipped a card in my post box at school with their affections, and another person just wrote about crushing on me here -

4. Has anyone ever sang to you? ~ Several people have. The one I miss the most is my great-grandmother who lived with us when I was small and would sing me to sleep every night and wake me up every morning. In elementary school my parents would wake me up by singing the song about the little red robin - "wake up, wake up, you sleepy head, get up, get up, get out of bed, cheer up, cheer up, the sun is red, live, love, laugh and be happy." It was a lovely way to start the morning. : )

5. What is a compliment you receive often? ~ I'm kind.

6. Do you look more like your mom or dad? ~ I have my mom's coloring (blonde hair and blue eyes) and more of my dad's features.

7. What did you do on New Year's Eve? ~ I went to a friend's party.

8. What is the last thing you thought about? ~ I just watched a news story about a 31-year-old woman who was kidnapped at age 14 and held hostage for ten years who always wanted to attend the prom she'd missed out on finally getting to go to one.

9. How many hours of sleep did you get last night? ~ Four.

10. When you're at the grocery store do you use self-checkout? ~ I most often shop at Trader Joe's, Sprouts, or Whole Foods where they don't have self-checkout at most locations. Sometimes if I'm just popping into Ralph's or something I'll use the self-checkout to speed up the process.

The questions were fun to answer. I hope you had a delightful Sunday night, too, and will have a happy Monday. Hopefully you're out of school by now, so you're freeeeeeeeee. Next Monday I will be, too!

~ skylark : )
2013-06-09 20:43:41 UTC
1. What is this, an interrogation? Lol, I'm just kidding. At home.

2. I don't remember.

3. No, at least, not that I know of.

4. Yes. My mom sang to me when I was little. You Are My Sunshine was my lullaby.

5. People seem to love my hair.

6. Mom, I think.

7. I ate, waited until the ball dropped, partied in my own unceremonial way.

8. Like, deeply? If the things that weigh on my mind now will be important in ten years.

9. I don't remember. Not much.

10. Nah, we usually go through the cashiers.

Thanks for the survey. :)
2016-12-13 20:03:50 UTC
0. How tall are you? 5ft a million. Do you like unicorns? confident,duhh 2. What are you able to pay attention suited now? Spongebob Squarepants 3. Are you donning clothing? confident 4. tarts or cupcakes? That sounds wrongg...welll i assume tarts 5. What have been you doing the former day, at 4pm? On my laptop 6. in case you had to compliment, what could you particularly pay attention to for 5 hours immediately - Justin Bieber or Selena Gomez? Justin Bieber!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... 7. Do you think of this survey is stupid? Ehh not rlly 8. could you particularly spend an afternoon as a 6 365 days previous female or a ninety two 365 days previous guy? 6 365 days previous female by using fact Im a woman!!! 9. could you particularly be a guy who feels like a woman or a woman who feels like a guy? a woman who feels like a guy. Eww 10. whilst and who became into the final individual to the touch your face? Umm no person touches my face....
2013-06-09 21:13:56 UTC
1. In your momma bed. Just kidding, I was camping.

2. Funny thing actually, we were looking at baby pictures of me... My parents.

3. Not that I know of. I think I like one of the people that answered this question.( Take a guess if you'd like?)

4. Specifically, no.

5. I have beautiful (blue)eyes and I'm funny.

6. Dad

7. Waited for the ball to drop, drink a little wine, went to bed.

8. Honestly, sex..... Kinda akward now, Haha.

9. 12-6... 6 hours..

10. I don't prefer it unless I'm trying to hurry and other lanes are packed.
2013-06-09 20:54:47 UTC
1. I was watching "Meet Me In St. Louis" with my mom.

2. I can't even remember. XD

3. I hope so... I'm crushing on someone. ^_^

4. Yes, several times.

5. It's normally either something commending my writing abilities, or something about my sense of humor.

6. I could be my mom's doppelganger.

7. I moped... As usual.

8. This guy I like.

9. nine hours.

10. Almost always. It moves faster.

Best of luck to you as well! Have a good one!
ℓ εтs bℓ amε iт on sεpтεmbεr ♥
2013-06-09 20:41:15 UTC
1. I was in my room the entire night.

2. I don't even know. I hate being called that so no one ever does.

3. Not that I know of

4. Yeah. It was awkward but sweet at the same time.

5. "I love your clothes!" Or "You look cute today" When I curl my hair people like it.

6. Mom

7. I built a snowman :)

8. What I'm waiting on

9. Ten and I was still exhausted

10. Not usually. I hate it. Every time I do try it, the machine ALWAYS breaks on me! I hate it!
2013-06-10 20:19:55 UTC
1. In my bed sleeping.

2. my parents call me baby.

3. I've been told.

4. I can't tell if I'm making it up in my mind or something but I feel like I have lol.

5. my lips.

6. dad.

7. I was stuck in bed sick with a 103 temperature.

8. being sick on NYE lol.

9. 9 hours.

10. nope not at wally world.
o(≧ε≦)o Cat Girl Emoticon
2013-06-09 20:42:36 UTC

1. In my bedroom because I'm lame.

2. Probably my mother.

3. Yes. This weird kid that I want nothing to do with.

4. No. -cries-

5. I get compliments on my eyes and my butt.

6. Neither. My mom and dad have brown eyes and brown hair and are quite tan. I'm pale with blonde hair and blue eyes. Maybe more like my mom, since she's a female?

7. I went to a block party.

8. This question.

9. 12

10. Nope. We have way too much food to do that.

Thank you ^o^
2013-06-09 22:03:05 UTC
1. I was at work and then at a party

2. My boyfriend/sons father

3. Yes too many guys ( its annoying)

4. Yes, my bf.and my ex bf

5. That I'm sexy/beautiful/milf and that I hav nice eyes and hair

6. Neither , everyone tells me I was switched at the hospital with another baby lol

7. I went to a party with my son and bf

8. My job and school work

9. 5 hrs , my son woke up super early cuz he was excited for his first tball game

10. yes ,I hate it but my son likes pretending he works there lol (:
2013-06-10 07:34:14 UTC
1.At home.

2.Nobody calls me that.



5."You did well riding today"

6.Neither(Recessive genes).


8.Horseback riding.

9. 9 hours.

10.Only if I have only a few items.
2013-06-10 18:53:25 UTC

No one



You're funny


I don't remember

I don't remember

Like 12

2013-06-10 06:59:18 UTC
1. My house

2. My boyfriend

3. Uh yeah I guess so if my boyfriend counts

4. Yup c:

5. Sexy beautiful or amazing

6. Idk

7.fireworks at a friends house and kissed

8. My boyfriend

9. 4
2013-06-10 00:29:23 UTC
1.In my bedroom...:)

2.Nobody calls me that,I hate it...:D

3.I don't know...:/


5.Maybe about my grades...

6.My dad...

7.Nothing...We don't celebrate Christmas in our country...:)


9.Like 7...


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.