1. Where were you last night? ~ It's Monday at 1:21 in the morning, so last night was Sunday but since I haven't gone to bed yet last night feels like Saturday night. On Saturday I was celebrating surviving the first few days of final exams for the spring quarter / celebrating the last weekend night on campus this school year! On Sunday night I went to an end of the year banquet and studied for the finals I have on Tuesday and Wednesday.
2. Who was the last person to call you babe/baby? ~ My dad. His term of endearment for me has always been baby. Thankfully none of my boyfriends have called me that, haha.
3. Anyone crushing on you? ~ Yes, haha. Someone adorably slipped a card in my post box at school with their affections, and another person just wrote about crushing on me here - http://ask.fm/conjectures/answer/44470703063
4. Has anyone ever sang to you? ~ Several people have. The one I miss the most is my great-grandmother who lived with us when I was small and would sing me to sleep every night and wake me up every morning. In elementary school my parents would wake me up by singing the song about the little red robin - "wake up, wake up, you sleepy head, get up, get up, get out of bed, cheer up, cheer up, the sun is red, live, love, laugh and be happy." It was a lovely way to start the morning. : )
5. What is a compliment you receive often? ~ I'm kind.
6. Do you look more like your mom or dad? ~ I have my mom's coloring (blonde hair and blue eyes) and more of my dad's features.
7. What did you do on New Year's Eve? ~ I went to a friend's party.
8. What is the last thing you thought about? ~ I just watched a news story about a 31-year-old woman who was kidnapped at age 14 and held hostage for ten years who always wanted to attend the prom she'd missed out on finally getting to go to one. http://thesoultodare.blogspot.com/2013/06/31-year-old-pennsylvania-woman-held.html
9. How many hours of sleep did you get last night? ~ Four.
10. When you're at the grocery store do you use self-checkout? ~ I most often shop at Trader Joe's, Sprouts, or Whole Foods where they don't have self-checkout at most locations. Sometimes if I'm just popping into Ralph's or something I'll use the self-checkout to speed up the process.
The questions were fun to answer. I hope you had a delightful Sunday night, too, and will have a happy Monday. Hopefully you're out of school by now, so you're freeeeeeeeee. Next Monday I will be, too!
~ skylark : )