Teen Survey on Looks?
2011-10-02 10:28:06 UTC
Answer honestly, tell if you think you look good or not say, don't try to be modest or there's no point in the survey!

Age (or round about):
Rate your overall looks 1-10:
Rate your face 1-10:
Rate your figure/shape 1-10:
Are you happy with the way you look?
What would you like to improve?
Best feature:
Do you get complimented on your look? And what are those compliments?
HONESTLY: How would you describe yourself? (as in Good Looking, Pretty, beautiful, average, ugly etc..)
Do looks matter to you when dating?
Any additional comments on this matter:
24 answers:
2011-10-02 10:30:27 UTC
Gender: Girl

Age (or round about): 15

Rate your overall looks 1-10: 4

Rate your face 1-10: 2

Rate your figure/shape 1-10: 5

Are you happy with the way you look? No

What would you like to improve? My face is so ugly :/ and I'm overweight.

Best feature: My eyes?

Do you get complimented on your look? And what are those compliments? People say my eyes are pretty.

HONESTLY: How would you describe yourself? (as in Good Looking, Pretty, beautiful, average, ugly etc..) - Ugl

Do looks matter to you when dating? No, because I'm not pretty :(
Scene C0re Crack Wh0re
2011-10-02 11:14:43 UTC
Gender: Feamle

Age (or round about): 15

Rate your overall looks 1-10: 7

Rate your face 1-10: 5

Rate your figure/shape 1-10: 9

Are you happy with the way you look? no

What would you like to improve? nothing really

Best feature: hair

Do you get complimented on your look? And what are those compliments? Yes, that I have good hair and beautiful eyes and a good body.

HONESTLY: How would you describe yourself? (as in Good Looking, Pretty, beautiful, average, ugly etc..) okay-ish

Do looks matter to you when dating? Yupp

Any additional comments on this matter: Everyone's beautiful in their own way :D
2011-10-02 10:40:30 UTC
Gender: Female

Age (or round about): 15

Rate your overall looks 1-10: 8

Rate your face 1-10: 7

Rate your figure/shape 1-10: 8

Are you happy with the way you look? Yes

What would you like to improve? Nothing this is how I was born

Best feature: My eyes or lips. Maybe my legs (I'm 5'11", 135 lbs)

Do you get complimented on your look? And what are those compliments? Yes sometimes, it varies

HONESTLY: How would you describe yourself? (as in Good Looking, Pretty, beautiful, average, ugly etc..) Goodlooking/pretty. Not drop dead gorgeous, not beautiful even, but I wouldn't say I'm just average or ugly.

Do looks matter to you when dating? There has to be some physical attraction but otherwise it's not everything

Any additional comments on this matter: Nope
Тнє ɖɘcσɗeя
2011-10-02 10:37:44 UTC
Gender: Female

Age (or round about): 19

Rate your overall looks 1-10: Meh. 6.5?

Rate your face 1-10: 6

Rate your figure/shape 1-10: 8

Are you happy with the way you look? Yes

What would you like to improve? I wish I didn't have as many freckles

Best feature: My hair or my smile

Do you get complimented on your look? And what are those compliments? Yes. Some people call me beautiful or cute. They say they like may hair a lot.

HONESTLY: How would you describe yourself? (as in Good Looking, Pretty, beautiful, average, ugly etc..) Pretty

Do looks matter to you when dating? Yes, to an extent.
2011-10-02 12:12:45 UTC
Gender?: Female.

Age?: 18.

Rate your overall looks 1-10?: 3.

Rate your face 1-10?: 3.

Rate your figure/shape 1-10?: 4.

Are you happy with the way you look?: No.

What would you like to improve?: My face and body lol.

Best feature?: Eyes and hair.

Do you get complimented on your looks? And what are those compliments?: Sometimes people tell me I'm pretty, beautiful, or cute.

HONESTLY: How would you describe yourself? (as in Good Looking, Pretty, beautiful, average, ugly etc.)?: Average.

Do looks matter to you when dating?: I've never dated but for me, I think there has to be at least some physical attraction there.

Any additional comments on this matter?: Nah.
2011-10-02 12:10:00 UTC
Gender: Male

Age (or round about): 14

Rate your overall looks 1-10: 7

Rate your face 1-10: 7

Rate your figure/shape 1-10: 5

Are you happy with the way you look? Eh.

What would you like to improve? How my face seems to be perfectly symmetrical but the left side of my face looks different from the right side of my face somehow. And I'd be a little taller and thinner.

Best feature: My personality lol.

Do you get complimented on your look? And what are those compliments? No.

HONESTLY: How would you describe yourself? (as in Good Looking, Pretty, beautiful, average, ugly etc..) Average.

Do looks matter to you when dating? Somewhat, but less than personality.

Any additional comments on this matter: Nope.
2011-10-02 11:11:20 UTC
Gender: female

Age (or round about): 16

Rate your overall looks 1-10: 9

Rate your face 1-10: 9

Rate your figure/shape 1-10: 10, but that comes with a lot of effort in exercising and not eating junk food that I love

Are you happy with the way you look? of course

What would you like to improve? my hair.. it needs to be longer but extensions are expensive

Best feature: my body shape, and the femininity of my face

Do you get complimented on your look? And what are those compliments? Yes,things like "wow I wish I could look like you, how do you keep so in shape, you are so gorgeous!, you have the prettiest eyes I've ever seen"

HONESTLY: How would you describe yourself? (as in Good Looking, Pretty, beautiful, average, ugly etc..)

I'm pretty, feminine, and have a lot of confidence.. I also take pride in how I present myself

Do looks matter to you when dating? some.. I don't want to date someone who looks unhealthy.. bad skin, overweight, doesn't take care of their hair, has poor hygiene

Any additional comments on this matter:

I think looks are over rated..I think it is important to take care of yourself, eat right, exercise and take pride in how you look because it adds to your emotional well being as well as your physical well being. However, it is what is at your core personality that counts the most. With enough effort and/or money, anyone can have "good looks"...not everyone can have a healthy attitude.
what's up
2011-10-02 11:06:24 UTC

Age (or round about):

Rate your overall looks 1-10:

Rate your face 1-10:

Rate your figure/shape 1-10: 6

Are you happy with the way you look? ehhhh

What would you like to improve? losing more weight

Best feature: eyes and hair

Do you get complimented on your look? And what are those compliments? yeah, my friends say i'm pretty. this guy called me hot.

HONESTLY: How would you describe yourself? (as in Good Looking, Pretty, beautiful, average, ugly etc..) average

Do looks matter to you when dating? heck no!

Any additional comments on this matter:
2011-10-02 10:43:26 UTC
Gender: Female

Age (or round about): 17

Rate your overall looks 1-10: 7

Rate your face 1-10: 9

Rate your figure/shape 1-10: 6

Are you happy with the way you look? Yes.

What would you like to improve? I'd like to lose some weight.

Best feature: My facial structure.

Do you get complimented on your look? And what are those compliments? Yes, mostly that I have beautiful eyes or amazing facial structure.

HONESTLY: How would you describe yourself? (as in Good Looking, Pretty, beautiful, average, ugly etc..) I think I'm pretty.

Do looks matter to you when dating? A little bit, but I prefer a good personality over looks.
2011-10-02 10:36:13 UTC
Gender: Girl

Age (or round about): 15 in 6 days, ahhh!

Rate your overall looks 1-10: it depends on the day haha. Today is like 3.

Rate your face 1-10: Again is depends... on a good say it's like 7.

Rate your figure/shape 1-10: 6

Are you happy with the way you look? Somedays

What would you like to improve? Skinnier.. maybe less poofy hair

Best feature: Hair... I guess... its my favorite

Do you get complimented on your look? And what are those compliments? Most people compliment me on my hair

HONESTLY: How would you describe yourself? (as in Good Looking, Pretty, beautiful, average, ugly etc..) Average

Do looks matter to you when dating? I've never really dated so I wouldn't know

Any additional comments on this matter: nope
2011-10-02 10:54:19 UTC

Age (or round about):14

Rate your overall looks 1-10:7

Rate your face 1-10:7

Rate your figure/shape 1-10:7

Are you happy with the way you look?Abit

What would you like to improve?My eyes (i have blue eyes but i really want green eyes)

Best feature: Nose,Lips,Hair

Do you get complimented on your look? And what are those compliments?People say i have nice hair and apparently i have a cute nose:L

HONESTLY: How would you describe yourself? (as in Good Looking, Pretty, beautiful, average, ugly etc..) In my opinion i'd just say average but i dont know i dont really like rating myself

Do looks matter to you when dating?I guess so but a good personality matters aswell
2011-10-02 10:34:44 UTC
Gender: Female.

Age (or round about): Mid-teens.

Rate your overall looks 1-10: 9.

Rate your face 1-10: 9.

Rate your figure/shape 1-10: 8.

Are you happy with the way you look? Yes.

What would you like to improve? I wish I had a nicer nose.

Best feature: My smile?

Do you get complimented on your look? And what are those compliments? Yes.

HONESTLY: How would you describe yourself? (as in Good Looking, Pretty, beautiful, average, ugly etc..): Beautiful.

Do looks matter to you when dating? Yes.

Any additional comments on this matter: Everyone's beautiful in their own way.
2011-10-02 16:16:16 UTC


Age (or round about):


Rate your overall looks 1-10:

-eh 6

Rate your face 1-10:


Rate your figure/shape 1-10:


Are you happy with the way you look?

-yeah lol

What would you like to improve?

-i would like to improve my hair. my hair is okay looking,i guess. but i think i would look better if it was longer

Best feature:

-proooooooobbaaably, my eyes. they change colors (there usually green or light brown but they have been a purplish blueish color a few times)

Do you get complimented on your look? And what are those compliments?

-yes,sometimes. people say i have beautiful eyes and some people say my hair is pretty (but im too crazy bout it lol)

HONESTLY: How would you describe yourself? (as in Good Looking, Pretty, beautiful, average, ugly etc..)

-hmm, pretty. but not like supermodel pretty haha

Do looks matter to you when dating?

-no,looks r just a bonus(:

Any additional comments on this matter:

liquid confideиce ™
2011-10-02 14:43:49 UTC
Gender: female

Age (or round about): 17

Rate your overall looks 1-10: 6

Rate your face 1-10: 7

Rate your figure/shape 1-10: 3

Are you happy with the way you look? no

What would you like to improve? i want to stop being fat. i want to have straight, white teeth.

Best feature: hair

Do you get complimented on your look? And what are those compliments? not really. i get told i have a nice hair colour. i'm naturally blonde and never dyed it. other than that, i dont get complimented, unless its by guys in nightclubs looking for a hook up, saying things like you're gorgous, but theyre only saying it cause they want a hook up not because its true.

HONESTLY: How would you describe yourself? (as in Good Looking, Pretty, beautiful, average, ugly etc..) average. i have an okay face its just my body i hate.

Do looks matter to you when dating? em yeah. looks matter to everybody whether they admit it or not. it just matters more to some people than it does to others. it doesnt matter too much to me but it does matter a bit.

Any additional comments on this matter: na.
2011-10-02 11:55:10 UTC
Gender: F

Age (or round about): 14

Rate your overall looks 1-10: 4

Rate your face 1-10: 6

Rate your figure/shape 1-10: 4

Are you happy with the way you look? meh. not really

What would you like to improve? my midget height and fat thighs

Best feature: my eyes

Do you get complimented on your look? And what are those compliments? no. i get complimented on my clothes sometimes, but not on my physical being

HONESTLY: How would you describe yourself? (as in Good Looking, Pretty, beautiful, average, ugly etc..) average, maybe a little less

Do looks matter to you when dating? idk never had a bf. but the guys i've liked...yeah i could say looks matter. but it's more about if they take care of themselves than overall hotness. a guy could be really hot but if it seems like he hasn't showered in days, then it's a total turn off
2011-10-02 11:42:17 UTC
Gender: female

Age (or round about): seventeen

Rate your overall looks 1-10: 9

Rate your face 1-10: 8

Rate your figure/shape 1-10: 8

Are you happy with the way you look? yes

What would you like to improve? i wish my hair would get longer, that is all.

Best feature: eyes.

Do you get complimented on your look? And what are those compliments? yes, people say they like my hair, my eyes, my piercings, how i dress, my eyelashes, and smile. haha

HONESTLY: How would you describe yourself? (as in Good Looking, Pretty, beautiful, average, ugly etc..) pretty

Do looks matter to you when dating? yes, i like to be both physically and mentally attracted to the person i am dating.

Any additional comments on this matter: n/a
2011-10-02 10:42:53 UTC
Gender: Female

Age: 16

Rate your overall looks 1-10: 7

Rate your face 1-10: 6

Rate your figure/shape 1-10: 7

Are you happy with the way you look? Yes

What would you like to improve? Eyesight ... I hate wearing glasses

Best feature: Eyes

Do you get complimented on your look? Yes, on eyes, figure and dress sense

HONESTLY: How would you describe yourself? Good looking

Do looks matter to you when dating? Not at all

Any additional comments on this matter: No
2011-10-02 14:04:21 UTC


-Today, 7



-Yes, for sure. I can't change who I am. I am not some supermodel, nor do I put much time into my looks, but overall I am confident with how I look, and I think confidence makes me look much prettier

-I would like more of a figure. I'm just kind of straight. I would like it if I was more hourglass. My body is weird. My middle is narrower than my bust and hips, but not narrower enough to really "look" hourglass. It's like I was almost there, but then missed :/

-My smile

- I often get compliments on my eyes. They're blue with brown around the pupils and they have yellow splotches. So they're unique. Also lots of people love my smile, it's compared to "julia roberts' smile" a lot, I guess because it's big and shaped like hers.

- I think I'm pretty, and when I try I can be beautiful, and there are some days I feel totally average.

- At first....yes. Physical attraction is a big thing... but after a while, you'll grow to love someone even if they look like a beast.
Speak your heart; don't bite your tongue.™ღ
2011-10-02 12:38:36 UTC
Gender: Female

Age (or round about): 18

Rate your overall looks 1-10: 8.5 (I don't wear make-up)

Rate your face 1-10: 8.5/9...everyone tells me I'm extremely pretty, so that must mean something (I don't wear make-up)

Rate your figure/shape 1-10: 7/8 ... I wish I had bigger boobs and bum

Are you happy with the way you look?: A bit but there are a few things that I'd like to be different, but I have low self-esteem and confidence, so sometimes I feel I like great and other times I feel like I look not my best, but I guess we all have those days

What would you like to improve?: I'm getting bangs soon and that's going to change me in a good way. I'm also going to get my eyebrows threaded, because I'm finding it hard to maintain them. Also, my hair is quite short, not even to my shoulders yet :( and that has brought my confidence down, so I can't wait until it grows longer. My teeth are pearly white, but not all of them are straight, about 3 of them are not straight and it bugs me, but I'm getting braces soon. And, I'm also getting highlights

Best feature: Eyes, nose, skin, lips, eyelashes, tummy and legs

Do you get complimented on your look? And what are those compliments?: I do get complimented often, especially on my eyes, lips, skin and legs. Everyone tells me I'm gorgeous and I don't wear make-up. My best friend's mum always tells me I'm really pretty. They say I have the best eyes ever and skin. I do get stared at a lot and girls give me dirty looks. I used to get bullied, but bullies only bully those they are jealous of. Also, everyone tells me I look so much like Keira Knightley, Audrey Hepburn and a bit like Audrey Hepburn

HONESTLY: How would you describe yourself? (as in Good Looking, Pretty, beautiful, average, ugly etc..)

Very cute/pretty; but in my opinion pretty and beautiful mean the same thing

Do looks matter to you when dating?: Not at all! I am not shallow and I think people who think that someone has to be good looking are supericial. It's all about personality and how the person make you feel, if there's that special spark and you love the person. It's all about how big the person's heart is. Looks are a bonus, but you fall in love with them and not their looks.

Any additional comments on this matter: I may have low self-esteem and no confidence, but I am confident to leave my house without make-up and I think it's quite sad when girls cake all this make-up and can't leave their house without make-up on, like this girl I know, even to put the bins out. I am lucky that I was born skinny, so I can eat and never put on weight. However, this can be dangerous, because inside you could be doing some damage. That's why I run, do yoga and swim very often to keep me active and to keep my healthy. I liked to point out as well, that I used to suffer from acne, but I have now clear skin, because I have stopped eating chocolate, sweets and crisps and this has cleared up my skin. I miss eating those foods, but that's the price you have to pay for beauty lol ;) I wish I was more confident and I wish I had nicer hair lol, mine is so boring. I don't really care about fashion, however my style is very much classy and elegant and like Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's.
2011-10-02 10:37:06 UTC
Gender: F

Age: 16

overall look 7 or 8

face 6

figure shape: 7

happy? with certain things.

improve? i would like so lose some weight and tone my body

best feature: eyes

complimented? yes on my eye color, style of clothing, and my breast size

good looking

no looks don't matter as much as the personality!
I love HIM!
2011-10-02 10:38:42 UTC






My body


I get complimented on my aqua eyes everyday. I'm told they're really pretty.

I would describe myself as semi-pretty.

Yes, looks matter. I don't want to date someone with glasses and who doesn't care for appearance.
ツ Cupcake! is Fearless
2011-10-02 10:38:31 UTC

-im 15

-thats hard..i dont like the way i look but some people say i have uniqe beauty. i dont want to rate myself because i really dont know, sorry lol


-my firgue, id say a 7.5/10

-im healthy but i just dont like the way i look. maybe its just a teen girl thing but i dont like it compared to some of the girls at my school

- i would like to improve on everything. hopefully when im out of high school ill feel better about myself

-sometimes. people say i have really nice eyes

-like i sadi i really dont know

-not really. personality is more important, of course i would want someone im attracted to but its not everything
2011-10-02 10:33:05 UTC





not really cause i still got braces, sum acne scars, and sum acne

getting braces off in 1 month!! trying to rid of scars, takes time though

my nose

lots of people say im cute, girls and gay guys....

since im in puberty, not great, but once im 20, lifes gonna be good

Ali Parker
2011-10-02 10:37:38 UTC
Gender: Female

Age: 16

Overall looks: 8

Face: 8

Figure: 9

Am I happy: Eh. I wish I could have bigger boobs & a smaller butt.

Improve: I answered this in the last one ^

Best feature: Eyes

Compliments: All the time; "You're hot", "You're so pretty", "I love your eyes", "I love your hair" etc

Describe myself: Pretty

Dating: looks are about 60%, personality is 25% and how they treat me is 15%

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.