i think a person falls in love with who ever they fall in love with
( i am close with a les)
2009-11-15 17:56:45 UTC
Well I try not to because I know they can't help how they feel, but yeah it does creep me out a little. Idk, just doesn't seem natural.
2009-11-15 17:56:36 UTC
Lol well, im bisexual.
And i have a girlfriend.
So i dont find it weird...at all (:
2009-11-15 17:56:14 UTC
No, if they like the person then i dont think its a problem. I am however against gay marriage. Because then they want to adopt kids and i dont think that is fair to the kid.
2009-11-15 17:55:32 UTC
are you asking if i think its weird to see 2 guys or 2 girls kissing....if so, then no as long as they dont have their tongues down each others throats i dont pay anmore attention to them thatn i do if it was a guy and a girl
i think tat you can control who you are attracted to....so i support them
2009-11-15 17:55:25 UTC
no i dont.
love has no gender.
my brother is gay and i can care less who he brings into the house.
2009-11-15 17:54:09 UTC
what do you mean do things together?like going to the movies,or holding hands kinda stuff?
im pretty cool with gays bis and lesbians....gays are actually really cool,in my opinion....
2009-11-16 11:33:39 UTC
Love is blind, you can't choose who you fall for.
If I see a same-sex couple kissing on the street, I'd treat it as if an opposite-sex couple were doing it. They're still humans, and being different isn't wrong.
Disapproving of same sex couples is as bad as hating someone because they like strawberry jam and you don't. See how ridiculous that sounds?
Dfiferent is not always bad.
2009-11-15 17:52:20 UTC
No, I don't find it weird, because gays, bis, and lesbos, they are just being themselves when they do it, and what's wrong with that??? Sometimes, it's a bit of a turn for some people.
2009-11-15 17:52:39 UTC
I'm not gay but i am big on Equal rights for everything, Sexes/gays/bi/les and everything, don't see a difference between a regular and gay couple.
2009-11-15 17:51:41 UTC
I try not to think about that stuff and mind my own business, but sometimes those thoughts cross my mind. It doesn't bother me, but I guess I find it a little weird.
the kid
2009-11-15 18:37:43 UTC
I think of it like this its their body their mind and their bed as long as they don;t bring it out inthe public its fine with me oh and gay girls are girls gay boys are boys the only thing i dont like is when a gay boy acts like a girls and whn a girl acts like a boy
2009-11-15 18:24:48 UTC
I find it a little weird, but it's their life, and I don't really care what they choose to do in their time.
2009-11-15 18:26:03 UTC
i think its their life. let them love who they wanna, have "one night stands" with who they wanna,
marry who they wanna, etc.. its their life, not mine. if someone told me i couldnt like a certain kind of person, id be pretty pissed that they think they have the authority to interfere in MY life.
in other words,i dont think its weird at all, and im all for gay mariage/gay rights/ etc.
2009-11-15 18:12:58 UTC
There's nothing weird about it. You should be with who you love.
☮Savvy :)
2009-11-15 17:52:18 UTC
not really. people are who they are and if they're into the same sex, then that's fine with me :)