"-I eat lunch alone"
I do this by choice so yea, rofl. though it's not comparable with the US. We are allowed to go into the city for about an hour, shopping, going take a beer, burger and such. So yea, we're released in the center of the city during the break.
"-My father abuses my mother emotionally"
My mother abuses my father emotionally actually...woman abuse men about equally as much as vica versa(in the first world)
"-I suffer from bipolar disorder or any other mental disorders (including different forms of depression)"
mmm, I have aspergers though I don't exactly "suffer" from that. I mean I have no idea what is standard and such. I hear all kinds of things that are "symptoms", most of them plain wrong. I like to be on my own a lot and think. I'm not that emotional but more of a rational sciency person. People with Asperger are also suppose to care for structure and laws and such which is something I'm totally not for. I probably have it but it's just that the conclusion is like only half right. Like being diagnosed by a disease but only having half the symptoms.
But hey I'm perfectly happy so /whatever, everything is called a disease these days.
-I have been sexually abused: Nope
-I have no friends at school: I get along with almost everybody.
-I eat lunch alone: by choice
-I’m bullied on a regular basis: about once a year a guy will make fun of me for being short(5.2) at which point he'll find himself on the floor a second later after which I don't see or hear him anymore. People who like to be loud and laugh with people tend to be cowards.
-My parents are divorced: Nope but father left for about 9 months once.
-My father abuses my mother physically: Nope, my father is crazy in love with my mother after 29 years
-My father abuses my mother emotionally: Same as above
-I’m anorexic: Nope, working out a lot to get more slim and built some muscle atm actually.
-I have a low self-esteem: High self esteem, well, more of an attitude of "if you don't like me **** you"
-I suffer from bipolar disorder or any other mental disorders (including different forms of depression): the asperger(diagnosed at 15 so that's how soon they noticed, rofl)
-I’m overweight/obese: mmm, 130 pounds for 5.2 but I'm on the muscular side.
-My parents are having money problems: the opposite :p.
-There’s no food in the fridge: There is always something to eat but going to the store ain't hard if I want something specific.
-I go to school or go to bed without food sometimes because it isn’t there (due to money problems): I sometimes go to bed without food because I'm not hungry. I always go to school without breakfast, I never eat breakfast. Just never did in this family.
-I'm failing/have failed a class in school: Yea, I'm on the lazy side. A well, it's the only problem I can actually work on and planning to this year.