What would you do...(survey)?
2010-08-23 08:58:08 UTC
It's exactly as it says in the title :)

What would you do in each of these hypothetical situations? Details, please! :)

#1: You have never been in a relationship before. A guy asks you out, and you don't really like him like that. Do you say yes...or no...?

#2: You can't decide between two courses at college. One is one that you would love to do, but you are scared that you won't be any good at it. The other is one that you know you are good at, and although you like it, it's not your dream. Which do you choose?

#3 You have a guy friend who you secretely like. You think he might like you, but are unsure. What do you do?

#4 You are invited out for the evening, but have lots of homework. You know that you won't get the work done if you go out. What do you do?

#5 You have recently broken up with a long-term boyfriend, and you're still hung up on him. You are asked out by another guy on the same day that the boyfriend asks you to meet him to talk about maybe giving the relationship another go. What do you do? (P.S. The boyfriend broke up with you)

#6: Your parents are divorced and your mother/father is remarrying. You aren't happy about it. Do you go to the wedding to support your parent, or not?

#7: Someone you don't know is sending you hate messages via formspring. Do you reply or not? If you reply, what do you say?

#8: You have two friends. One of them is really clingy and you really don't like hanging out with her, but you want to remain friends with the other friend. The clingy friend doesn't like you hanging out with the friend you like. You want to stop being friends with the clingy one but don't want to hurt her feelings. What do you do?

#9: You failed a test because you didn't study. Do you tell your parents, do you lie, or do you just not say anything?

#10: A friend is miserable. What do you say to him/her to cheer them up?
Eighteen answers:
2010-08-23 10:28:28 UTC
1. I'd probably say yes, unless I really didn't like him. I'd just give it a try; what's the worst that would happen if not? It makes me sound so desperate, but you don't always immediately fall for the obvious people.

2. The one I'd like to do, but not sure if I'd be good at it.

3. Hmmm...hard one. I'm in this situation at the moment, so I really can't offer you any help, sorry.

4. Depends if I really want to go, and if the homework was important. I'd probably skip the night out and do the work, but if it was something really important/fun tbh I would probably go out instead. Wouldn't anyone?

5. Unless I really liked the second guy, I would wait to go out with him and see what your long-term boyfriend had to say. Though I don't know what the 'completely hypothetical' boyfriend is doing, playing you around like that.

6. Of course, I'll support my family whether I'm happy with them or not.

7. Don't reply, tell someone, BLOCK.

8. I'm also in this situation. Atm I'm still 'friends' with the clingy friend but I'm on the verge of snapping at them. Try to hang around more with the other friend and slowly distance yourself away from the clingy friend. If they don't like it, that's up to them. If it starts getting really bad, that's the time to give them a few short sharp words to tell them where to go. Don't insult them though, give them time, the whole story and make the understand how you feel.

9. Don't say anything unless they ask. If they ask, tell them you failed, but don't say you didn't study. If they ask if you studied, then's the time for a little white lie and tell them you DID study, but not as much as you usually do and it's just a subject you find hard. Everyone has their strongponits & weaknesses.

10. I'm sorry, I'm terrible with comforting people ~ I really don't know what to say on this one.
2010-08-23 18:06:39 UTC
1: You have never been in a relationship before. A guy asks you out, and you don't really like him like that. Do you say yes...or no...?

i say no, not into u liek that

#2: You can't decide between two courses at college. One is one that you would love to do, but you are scared that you won't be any good at it. The other is one that you know you are good at, and although you like it, it's not your dream. Which do you choose?

my dream

#3 You have a guy friend who you secretely like. You think he might like you, but are unsure. What do you do?

nothing leave all as it is

#4 You are invited out for the evening, but have lots of homework. You know that you won't get the work done if you go out. What do you do?

go out

#5 You have recently broken up with a long-term boyfriend, and you're still hung up on him. You are asked out by another guy on the same day that the boyfriend asks you to meet him to talk about maybe giving the relationship another go. What do you do? (P.S. The boyfriend broke up with you)

hmm, if it was a silly lil fight, give the ex another go. if it was kinda liek a thing that u could see was gonna happen over a period of time take the new guy

#6: Your parents are divorced and your mother/father is remarrying. You aren't happy about it. Do you go to the wedding to support your parent, or not?

go to the wedding. hello bridesmaid hello new dress. pfft of course

#7: Someone you don't know is sending you hate messages via formspring. Do you reply or not? If you reply, what do you say?

reply. show your the bigger person

#8: You have two friends. One of them is really clingy and you really don't like hanging out with her, but you want to remain friends with the other friend. The clingy friend doesn't like you hanging out with the friend you like. You want to stop being friends with the clingy one but don't want to hurt her feelings. What do you do?

slowly stop inviting her to things, stop telling her every thing, leave out details, dont fb her, dont text her

#9: You failed a test because you didn't study. Do you tell your parents, do you lie, or do you just not say anything?

if they knew there was a test, i would have studyied. i dont tell my rents about tests

#10: A friend is miserable. What do you say to him/her to cheer them up?

we go get a slushie ad have a heart to heart
2010-08-23 16:12:55 UTC
1: You have never been in a relationship before. A guy asks you out, and you don't really like him like that. Do you say yes...or no...?

- I say no.

#2: You can't decide between two courses at college. One is one that you would love to do, but you are scared that you won't be any good at it. The other is one that you know you are good at, and although you like it, it's not your dream. Which do you choose?

-The first one

#3 You have a guy friend who you secretely like. You think he might like you, but are unsure. What do you do?

- Just stay friends

#4 You are invited out for the evening, but have lots of homework. You know that you won't get the work done if you go out. What do you do?

-Do the homework.

#5 You have recently broken up with a long-term boyfriend, and you're still hung up on him. You are asked out by another guy on the same day that the boyfriend asks you to meet him to talk about maybe giving the relationship another go. What do you do? (P.S. The boyfriend broke up with you)

-Tell the other guy I'll think about it and talk to the boyfriend.

#6: Your parents are divorced and your mother/father is remarrying. You aren't happy about it. Do you go to the wedding to support your parent, or not?

- I go to the wedding.

#7: Someone you don't know is sending you hate messages via formspring. Do you reply or not? If you reply, what do you say?

- I reply with a funny answer.

#8: You have two friends. One of them is really clingy and you really don't like hanging out with her, but you want to remain friends with the other friend. The clingy friend doesn't like you hanging out with the friend you like. You want to stop being friends with the clingy one but don't want to hurt her feelings. What do you do?

-I talk to her about it.

#9: You failed a test because you didn't study. Do you tell your parents, do you lie, or do you just not say anything?

-I don't say anything.

#10: A friend is miserable. What do you say to him/her to cheer them up?

-Just comfort them, tell them it's ok, etc.
2010-08-23 19:49:23 UTC
1: You have never been in a relationship before. A guy asks you out, and you don't really like him like that. Do you say yes...or no...? .......................I say no. Why date someone if you don't like them? Seems to be a waste of time.

#2: You can't decide between two courses at college. One is one that you would love to do, but you are scared that you won't be any good at it. The other is one that you know you are good at, and although you like it, it's not your dream. Which do you choose?............The one I would love to do, but might not be good at it. I want a challenge.

#3 You have a guy friend who you secretly like. You think he might like you, but are unsure. What do you do?........Lol Exactly what I do everyday. Nothing but think about it.

#4 You are invited out for the evening, but have lots of homework. You know that you won't get the work done if you go out. What do you do?........*sigh* I always end up staying home. My parents taught me sometimes you have to do what is right, even if it means you will miss out on some fun, and it's just how life is. So, I do my homework and stay home.

#5 You have recently broken up with a long-term boyfriend, and you're still hung up on him. You are asked out by another guy on the same day that the boyfriend asks you to meet him to talk about maybe giving the relationship another go. What do you do? (P.S. The boyfriend broke up with you)..................I go with the new guy and tell the jerk who broke up with me that I have plans so he'll have to do it another time.

#6: Your parents are divorced and your mother/father is remarrying. You aren't happy about it. Do you go to the wedding to support your parent, or not?.................Go to the wedding.

#7: Someone you don't know is sending you hate messages via formspring. Do you reply or not? If you reply, what do you say?..........I don't have a formspring, even if I did, I'd probably ignore it.

#8: You have two friends. One of them is really clingy and you really don't like hanging out with her, but you want to remain friends with the other friend. The clingy friend doesn't like you hanging out with the friend you like. You want to stop being friends with the clingy one but don't want to hurt her feelings. What do you do?...................I don't understand. If I discontinue being friends with the clingy one, do I lose the other one?

#9: You failed a test because you didn't study. Do you tell your parents, do you lie, or do you just not say anything?.............I don't say anything if they don't ask. If they do.....I'd probably lie. lol oh that's horrible.

#10: A friend is miserable. What do you say to him/her to cheer them up?.........Depends why they are miserable. But I'd probably try to make them laugh.
2010-08-23 16:07:47 UTC
1: You have never been in a relationship before. A guy asks you out, and you don't really like him like that. Do you say yes...or no...?

I'd probably say no even if I was attracted to him - I'm just not ready for that yet.

#2: You can't decide between two courses at college. One is one that you would love to do, but you are scared that you won't be any good at it. The other is one that you know you are good at, and although you like it, it's not your dream. Which do you choose?

The first one.

#3 You have a guy friend who you secretely like. You think he might like you, but are unsure. What do you do?

Nothing. I'm too shy.

#4 You are invited out for the evening, but have lots of homework. You know that you won't get the work done if you go out. What do you do?

I'd go out. I'd find a way to get the homework done, even if it involved staying up all night or something.

#5 You have recently broken up with a long-term boyfriend, and you're still hung up on him. You are asked out by another guy on the same day that the boyfriend asks you to meet him to talk about maybe giving the relationship another go. What do you do? (P.S. The boyfriend broke up with you)

I don't think I'd be open to the idea of getting back together with someone I'd broken up with. If it didn't work the first time, it's not going to work the second time either. However, if I still liked him, I would wait to get over him before going out with someone else.

#6: Your parents are divorced and your mother/father is remarrying. You aren't happy about it. Do you go to the wedding to support your parent, or not?

Yeah, I would.

#7: Someone you don't know is sending you hate messages via formspring. Do you reply or not? If you reply, what do you say?

That's why I don't have a Formspring.

#8: You have two friends. One of them is really clingy and you really don't like hanging out with her, but you want to remain friends with the other friend. The clingy friend doesn't like you hanging out with the friend you like. You want to stop being friends with the clingy one but don't want to hurt her feelings. What do you do?

Nothing. I'm a pushover.

#9: You failed a test because you didn't study. Do you tell your parents, do you lie, or do you just not say anything?

I'd tell my parents, but I don't know what they'd do. I've never failed a test before.

#10: A friend is miserable. What do you say to him/her to cheer them up?

I'd probably just stand around nervously. I'm no good at comforting people.
2010-08-23 18:08:57 UTC
1: You have never been in a relationship before. A guy asks you out, and you don't really like him like that. Do you say yes...or no...?


#2: You can't decide between two courses at college. One is one that you would love to do, but you are scared that you won't be any good at it. The other is one that you know you are good at, and although you like it, it's not your dream. Which do you choose?

-The one that I love. I can get better at it & be both happy & get a good grade :)

#3 You have a guy friend who you secretely like. You think he might like you, but are unsure. What do you do?

-I would just keep my mouth shut. :x

#4 You are invited out for the evening, but have lots of homework. You know that you won't get the work done if you go out. What do you do?

-Hang out a little then come home & finish my homework.

#5 You have recently broken up with a long-term boyfriend, and you're still hung up on him. You are asked out by another guy on the same day that the boyfriend asks you to meet him to talk about maybe giving the relationship another go. What do you do? (P.S. The boyfriend broke up with you)

-Well, I'd probably tell the dude that my relationship is complicated & give it another try with my boyfriend.

#6: Your parents are divorced and your mother/father is remarrying. You aren't happy about it. Do you go to the wedding to support your parent, or not?

-Yes. I want them to be happy, its not my wedding. That like me marrying a guy that my parents dont like & they dont go to my wedding. I'd cry :(

#7: Someone you don't know is sending you hate messages via formspring. Do you reply or not? If you reply, what do you say?

-Yeah, I would reply. I wouldn't say " FFF YOU! ***********************" Thats what they want me to do.I'd probably just say " Okay? Cool. "

#8: You have two friends. One of them is really clingy and you really don't like hanging out with her, but you want to remain friends with the other friend. The clingy friend doesn't like you hanging out with the friend you like. You want to stop being friends with the clingy one but don't want to hurt her feelings. What do you do?

-Say " if you cant accept that I have other friends then I cant hang out with you anymore. "

#9: You failed a test because you didn't study. Do you tell your parents, do you lie, or do you just not say anything?

-Tell my parents. They would totally understand.

#10: A friend is miserable. What do you say to him/her to cheer them up?

-Try to lighten the mood. Buy her food, sing, act crazy, talk to her, just be happy.
2010-08-23 16:42:52 UTC
1: You have never been in a relationship before. A guy asks you out, and you don't really like him like that. Do you say yes...or no...?

I'd say no, it's not fair to date someone you're not interested in.

#2: You can't decide between two courses at college. One is one that you would love to do, but you are scared that you won't be any good at it. The other is one that you know you are good at, and although you like it, it's not your dream. Which do you choose?

The one that I want to do, if I really suck at it, I can always switch, right?

#3 You have a guy friend who you secretely like. You think he might like you, but are unsure. What do you do?

Say nothing, I'm too shy. I'd probably wait until I was absolutely sure before I did anything.

#4 You are invited out for the evening, but have lots of homework. You know that you won't get the work done if you go out. What do you do?

Stay home, I can go out another time.

#5 You have recently broken up with a long-term boyfriend, and you're still hung up on him. You are asked out by another guy on the same day that the boyfriend asks you to meet him to talk about maybe giving the relationship another go. What do you do? (P.S. The boyfriend broke up with you)

See both of them. Chances are the old relationship won't work out, but talking to him would be good closure. And, there's always the possibility of a new relationship.

#6: Your parents are divorced and your mother/father is remarrying. You aren't happy about it. Do you go to the wedding to support your parent, or not?

I'd go, my parents support me, I should do the same in return.

#7: Someone you don't know is sending you hate messages via formspring. Do you reply or not? If you reply, what do you say?

I wouldn't reply, it's not worth giving them the satisfaction of a reaction.

#8: You have two friends. One of them is really clingy and you really don't like hanging out with her, but you want to remain friends with the other friend. The clingy friend doesn't like you hanging out with the friend you like. You want to stop being friends with the clingy one but don't want to hurt her feelings. What do you do?

Hang out with both of them, if the clingy one doesn't like it, she'll leave.

#9: You failed a test because you didn't study. Do you tell your parents, do you lie, or do you just not say anything?

I probably wouldn't say anything, there's no need to get them upset about it.

#10: A friend is miserable. What do you say to him/her to cheer them up?

Kinda depends on why they're upset. I've never been good at that kind of thing, so I'd probably make a joke about it.
2010-08-23 16:19:41 UTC
1: You have never been in a relationship before. A guy asks you out, and you don't really like him like that. Do you say yes...or no...?

Hm. well i have been in that situation before...i would probably say no. i would want to get to know the guy better because its never fun to be in a relationship with someone you dont even like.

#2: You can't decide between two courses at college. One is one that you would love to do, but you are scared that you won't be any good at it. The other is one that you know you are good at, and although you like it, it's not your dream. Which do you choose?

I would choose the fies option, its always good to take chances :)

#3 You have a guy friend who you secretely like. You think he might like you, but are unsure. What do you do?

Talk to him about it

#4 You are invited out for the evening, but have lots of homework. You know that you won't get the work done if you go out. What do you do?

Go out and do the work in the morning :p

#5 You have recently broken up with a long-term boyfriend, and you're still hung up on him. You are asked out by another guy on the same day that the boyfriend asks you to meet him to talk about maybe giving the relationship another go. What do you do? (P.S. The boyfriend broke up with you)

Meet up with my ex, and talk with him.

#6: Your parents are divorced and your mother/father is remarrying. You aren't happy about it. Do you go to the wedding to support your parent, or not?

i think id be made to go to the wedding.

#7: Someone you don't know is sending you hate messages via formspring. Do you reply or not? If you reply, what do you say?

yes...tell them to **** themselves :)

#8: You have two friends. One of them is really clingy and you really don't like hanging out with her, but you want to remain friends with the other friend. The clingy friend doesn't like you hanging out with the friend you like. You want to stop being friends with the clingy one but don't want to hurt her feelings. What do you do?

Talk to her and tell her how i feel

#9: You failed a test because you didn't study. Do you tell your parents, do you lie, or do you just not say anything?

not say anything ahah

#10: A friend is miserable. What do you say to him/her to cheer them up?

distract them from the bad stuff by brining up all times and stuff :)
2010-08-23 16:18:45 UTC
#1: You have never been in a relationship before. A guy asks you out, and you don't really like him like that. Do you say yes...or no...? this has happened to me many times, im 17 and have never had a boyfriend but have been asked out several times. I say No every time because a relationship isnt worth it if i dont like the guy, when a guy i actually like asks me out then i will say yes but until then i will say no. I want my first relationship with someone i like.

#2: You can't decide between two courses at college. One is one that you would love to do, but you are scared that you won't be any good at it. The other is one that you know you are good at, and although you like it, it's not your dream. Which do you choose? Take the one you love, because it may be your only chance.

#3 You have a guy friend who you secretely like. You think he might like you, but are unsure. What do you do? I just continue being friends with him until he told me himself he liked me. Until then i would want to keep a good friendship and not embarrass myself in case he doesnt like me.

#4 You are invited out for the evening, but have lots of homework. You know that you won't get the work done if you go out. What do you do? I stay home and do my homework. Or i go out and then stay up super late finishing.

#5 You have recently broken up with a long-term boyfriend, and you're still hung up on him. You are asked out by another guy on the same day that the boyfriend asks you to meet him to talk about maybe giving the relationship another go. What do you do? (P.S. The boyfriend broke up with you) go with the other guy, why bother going through the heart brake again. I would move on and find someone else

#6: Your parents are divorced and your mother/father is remarrying. You aren't happy about it. Do you go to the wedding to support your parent, or not? yes i go to the wedding

#7: Someone you don't know is sending you hate messages via formspring. Do you reply or not? If you reply, what do you say? I reply and tell them i dont care what they say about me because there opinion doesnt matter :) if it keeps happening i just stop replying

#8: You have two friends. One of them is really clingy and you really don't like hanging out with her, but you want to remain friends with the other friend. The clingy friend doesn't like you hanging out with the friend you like. You want to stop being friends with the clingy one but don't want to hurt her feelings. What do you do? Avoid calls, every time she asks to hang out say you cant, try not to hang around her to much at school eventually she will get the message.

#9: You failed a test because you didn't study. Do you tell your parents, do you lie, or do you just not say anything? I tell my parents i failed, and i will do better next time

#10: A friend is miserable. What do you say to him/her to cheer them up? Depends on the reason they are miserable. But i would have a movie night with lots of junk food and just talk :) i would tell them they are an AMAZING friend and i couldnt ask for anyone better
2010-08-23 16:17:25 UTC
1.) No. If I don't like him that way why get his hopes up?

2.)The one that's my dream.

3.) Keep to myself and not say anything.

4.) Do my homework.

5.) If he broke up with me, then he doesn't get a second chance because the relationship probably won't work.

6.) My parents are already divorced. If my mom remarried, I'd go to her wedding but if my dad was to get remarried, I wouldn't.

7.) No. I'd just delete the questions.

8.) Tell her she's to clingy and to back off for a bit.

9.) I'd just tell my parents the truth.

10.) Something comforting.
2010-08-23 16:15:28 UTC
I say yeah, for the experience of dating and maybe i could grow to like them lots <3

The one i'm good at but it's not my dream, cos i'll sail through college still have time for friends and BFs and then make a living out of it that can provide me with everything i need.

I get to know one of his frineds really well, bring him up in a conversation and see if he says anything or just flirt like hell with him at a party.

Go out for an hour or 2 and then come back and do my work.

If it was a serious relationship in where i still had feelings for the guy and the guy was nice about the break up. ie didn;t spread it, I would try to sort it out with the guy.

I support my parent they are happy so in turn i should be happy for them.They've supported me my whole life it's the least i could do.

No, i don't reply i press the "panic" button and report them.

I sit her down and talk to her and say look you're being clingy etc and if she agrees to try and change I start a fresh.

I tell my parents they should find out from me not a snotty teacher or other parent on parents night.

I ask them what's wrong and then we just talk over it and think of the good points then we go back to mine after school and chill !!

This was fun !
2010-08-23 16:23:17 UTC
1: You have never been in a relationship before. A guy asks you out, and you don't really like him like that. Do you say yes...or no...?

I would just politely decline his offer.

#2: You can't decide between two courses at college. One is one that you would love to do, but you are scared that you won't be any good at it. The other is one that you know you are good at, and although you like it, it's not your dream. Which do you choose?

Never been in this situation :S Because what I am good at, is also my dream. But I would take the risk of the course I would love to do. I catch on quickly, and I am pretty good at conquering new things.

#3 You have a guy friend who you secretely like. You think he might like you, but are unsure. What do you do?

Talk to him occasionally. Look for more signs to see if he likes me so I can be sure of myself. I DON'T act sprung in anyway. And just let nature take it's course. I probably won't make the first move.

#4 You are invited out for the evening, but have lots of homework. You know that you won't get the work done if you go out. What do you do?

Get my homework done. I mean, I am paying for my college -______- It's an investment of time and money. Why would I purposely set myself up to fail?

#5 You have recently broken up with a long-term boyfriend, and you're still hung up on him. You are asked out by another guy on the same day that the boyfriend asks you to meet him to talk about maybe giving the relationship another go. What do you do? (P.S. The boyfriend broke up with you)

I would go out with the other guy. Explore my options. Think about what I really want. But this question doesn't have enough detail to fully explain what I would do. Depends on the situation of why we broke up and how much I truly cared about said long-term boyfriend.

#6: Your parents are divorced and your mother/father is remarrying. You aren't happy about it. Do you go to the wedding to support your parent, or not?

Yes. If my mother/father is happy, I will not stand in their way. However, if the future step-parent is abusive to me or other family members in anyway. I will confront my mother/father about it.

#7: Someone you don't know is sending you hate messages via formspring. Do you reply or not? If you reply, what do you say?

This has happened to me before. I used to reply to them. But I ended up just deleting my formspring because the hate-mail was getting to me and I don't want to give those kind of people the satisfaction...

#8: You have two friends. One of them is really clingy and you really don't like hanging out with her, but you want to remain friends with the other friend. The clingy friend doesn't like you hanging out with the friend you like. You want to stop being friends with the clingy one but don't want to hurt her feelings. What do you do?

Constantly tell her I am busy. She will get the hint.

#9: You failed a test because you didn't study. Do you tell your parents, do you lie, or do you just not say anything?

I just don't say anything and try to fix it with extra-credit before my mom notices my grade went down.

#10: A friend is miserable. What do you say to him/her to cheer them up?

Give her advice on the situation at hand. Hug her. Get her mind off things. Dance a silly dance for her. :3
2010-08-23 22:08:51 UTC
1 course not... i'd never go out with someone i don't like

#2 i choose the one that i enjoy. life would suck if i had to do something i didn't like

#3 i'd be cautious at first, but after a while i'd just ask him out because i'd be sick of waiting

#4 i'd most likely do the homework. i'm not that big on going out late.

#5 give my boyfriend one more chance, but dump him again if he makes even one little mistake

#6 i'd never go to the wedding (lol this happened to me - it was three years ago and i'm still mad at my dad)

#7 i'd reply and tell them to leave me along and go bother someone else

#8 just drift apart from her, like stop returning her calls and inventing reasons i can't hang out with her

#9 lie of course. my parents don't need to know EVERYTHING

#10 it depends why they're upset, but i'd take her shopping or do something she likes
Sundae Likes IceCream
2010-08-23 16:13:34 UTC
1. i would give him a chance but if it didn't work out than i wouldn't bother

2. the first one

3. i tell him i like him bcuz life is too short, mayb we could if it a shot, but if it doesn't work out, let's stay friends.

4. i stay in and do my homework bcuz there will b other chances to go out

5. i would go talk to my boyfriend and see what he has to say then make then make the decision from there

6. yes, go support them no matter, bcuz as i said before, life is too short

7. I don't reply, those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter. mind over matter

8. I tell her straight up in a nice way that she is annoying

9. I tell my parent

10. Go buy some Godiva chocolate, some mint chocolate chip ice cream, and do whatever they want to do
2010-08-23 16:15:43 UTC
1: ha, no.

2: give the one i love a shot

3: just play it cool and casually ask "what if a close girl friend liked you?"

4: at least do a little bit

5: boyfriend, definitely.

6: go.

7: definitely something that could get me banned.

8: i wouldnt stop being friends with one person to please another.

9: i failed the test. "why" didnt study enough.

10: one of our stupid insiders.
azn dolly
2010-08-23 22:04:00 UTC
yeah from about 12 or 13 but serious relationship only with my bf now for the last 2years.. i'm 19 this month and he's 23 nearly.. obviously say no.. lol duh

um the 1 i'm scared to do.. because it's my frkkin dream how you gonna get there if you can't even start it

i do nothing.. because i'm not gonna risk ruining the friendship

i go out.. and pull an all nighter :O

date the other guy.. no breaks up and then get back nope no thanks you're trash now i threw you in the garbage..

nopes - they divorced for a reason.. there's no way there should be a remarriage

yeah... i tell them 'thanks for taking the time out to think of me ;)'

i hurt her feelings anyway

i don't say anythinggggggg if they find out..... i run ¬__¬

i say.. let's go shopping? catch a movie.. find cute guys XD
2010-08-23 16:13:09 UTC
1.i would say no. i have done this before

2.i would choose my dream :)

3.if he's a good enough friend, i would tell him i wouldn't use a wing girl, cause that never works (i've done it before)

4.i would do my homework, as much as it would pain me :(

5. i go with my ex

6. i don't think i would go

7. i wouldn't reply

8. i would tell the clingy friend that she is being too, well, clingy

9. i wouldn't say anything

10.i wouldn't say anything. i would play her favorite song for her!
2010-08-23 20:31:11 UTC
1. i guess i could give him a chance.

2. the first one.

3. yes. talk to him.

4. go out anyway.

5.tell the other guy i would have to think about it then go talk to my ex and see if we can talk things out

7.i woud reply how are you?? f*ck you

8.stop talking to the clingy one

9.not say anything.

10.i would would go running as ast as i can and purposly fall

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.