2010-08-23 08:58:08 UTC
What would you do in each of these hypothetical situations? Details, please! :)
#1: You have never been in a relationship before. A guy asks you out, and you don't really like him like that. Do you say yes...or no...?
#2: You can't decide between two courses at college. One is one that you would love to do, but you are scared that you won't be any good at it. The other is one that you know you are good at, and although you like it, it's not your dream. Which do you choose?
#3 You have a guy friend who you secretely like. You think he might like you, but are unsure. What do you do?
#4 You are invited out for the evening, but have lots of homework. You know that you won't get the work done if you go out. What do you do?
#5 You have recently broken up with a long-term boyfriend, and you're still hung up on him. You are asked out by another guy on the same day that the boyfriend asks you to meet him to talk about maybe giving the relationship another go. What do you do? (P.S. The boyfriend broke up with you)
#6: Your parents are divorced and your mother/father is remarrying. You aren't happy about it. Do you go to the wedding to support your parent, or not?
#7: Someone you don't know is sending you hate messages via formspring. Do you reply or not? If you reply, what do you say?
#8: You have two friends. One of them is really clingy and you really don't like hanging out with her, but you want to remain friends with the other friend. The clingy friend doesn't like you hanging out with the friend you like. You want to stop being friends with the clingy one but don't want to hurt her feelings. What do you do?
#9: You failed a test because you didn't study. Do you tell your parents, do you lie, or do you just not say anything?
#10: A friend is miserable. What do you say to him/her to cheer them up?