Kisses of the Sun
2008-10-13 18:25:25 UTC
So I have a younger nephew, he's younger by two years, and hes staying at my house for a couple days while my sister is with her boyfriend. Anyway today I came home and was greeted by my little neice who told me my nephew was locked in the bathroom, the house was a mess, and my two nieces, two nephews, sister and brother-in-law were over. I asked my sister and brother about my nephew and they said he wouldn't do his work, and locked himself in there. They left, almost immediatly when I got there, and left me with him. I knocked on the door and asked him to help me clean, but he refused.
So I left him alone for as long as I could, but I really had to pee. He wouldn't let me in the bathroom, and I ended up screaming and banging on the door until he finally came out. He dashed out of the bathroom so damn quick, it was amazing. Anyway he ended up running out the front door like I was gonna kill him. I wasn't gonna go after him , so I just closed the door behind him and went on with what I was doing. He totally dissapeared.
But then when my Mom came home from work...guess who was sitting in the passenger seat? I swear I could have killed him. My Mom went crazy on me when she walked in the door talking about how it was all my fault, as if he was the victim and I was the bad guy. I didn't even get a chance to explain what happenned. She pushed me down the hall, while yelling. Of course we got into a little bit of a fight and she slapped me for 'mouthing off' and pushed me in my room. While this was happenning he stood there watching, while i cried. I called my sister after and talked to her about it. She called my Mom to talk, but my Mom won't listen to her either. Help? Advice?
He's still gonna be here for another 3 days, I can't stand it.