2012-09-27 11:16:34 UTC
I'm not sure how to really express this feeling...but for the longest I just feel like I'm not smart enough to be in some of the classes I take even though I get high grades in them. Currently, I have all honors and an AP class yet I don't feel like I'm smart enough to be in them. I feel like a fraud that somehow managed to weasel herself into those high level courses and that sooner or later I will be found out for it. My parents, teachers, and friends says that I am smart but I don't feel/think I am...
Not only that, but I also feel like I'm setting myself up for failure. Everyone else around me seems to have a pretty good idea on what they want as a career while I'm still indecisive. I used to have a pretty good idea on some of the fields I wanted to be in (Graphic Arts (Photo Editing), Medical (Radiologist), or Computer Programmer) but now I'm starting to second guess myself. Editing wise, I can't really get far with it at the moment since I don't have Photoshop and is currently using Gimp so I can't really gauge how I feel about that. Radiology wise, my laziness starts to kick in when I realize that I have to study and know a lot of medical terms and human anatomy. My laziness also seems to kick in when it comes to computer programming because I know there's a lot of languages I need to learn. My time in high school is starting to run out and within the next few years I will hopefully be going to college. I just feel so inadequate...