1) Not really....I'm never bored.
2) Bored....lol. Just kidding, I don't really have a mood right now.
3)Yes. My ex-boyfriend.
4) Crazy fun....until I get caught.
6)Yeah, wasn't he the one with the football shaped head?
7) I have 2 horse, Chester and Cheyenne, a fish named Princess, a dog named Winnie, a house cat named Tigger and and four 'farm' cats named Puss, Boots, Coco, and Muffin. I also have a ferret named Hobbes (I used to have Calvin too but he died) but he's living with the vet right now since he's sick.
8) Cookie Dough
9)Ummmm............20. Since I was born September 11th.
10)Yes, but sometimes they're interesting than the real questions.
11) It's awesome. Not my fav, that would be pink. But it's the color of my birthstone and my eyes, so it's pretty cool. I kind of hate it though since it's the color of the Oilers and they suck.
Balloon: um.........balloon. I'm totally drawing a blank.
Apricot: My ex-best friend's dad, who was from South Africa and he sounded funny when he said apricot.
Lamb: Fuzzy...and men's coats made by German P.O.W.s in sweatshops (long story)
Airplane: Japan.....it never happened....i never went there ever.....lol (repressing memories)
Lovely: British people
Ghost: That movie trailer for Shutter....totally freaks me out.
Chocolate: The word bon bon.....isn't it hilarious.
Funny: Me
Heart: break