No one has any right whatsoever to pressure you to do anything with your body that you don't want to. You say that you "want to," but your question implies that the main motivation is coming from other people.
Sex is a weird thing. It's great, or people wouldn't be so interested in it. The thing is, it's not at all simple. It's simple to DO, but the implications of it can be really profound and extraordinarily difficult for anyone to deal with.
It isn't just a matter of getting two people together, it's about being prepared for that emotionally, physically, intellectually. It can be dangerous. Sexually transmitted diseases can put your health in jeopardy. Pregnancy is always a risk, and not one that anyone (youngster or adult) should take lightly.
The friends who are pressuring you to have sex - you need to consider their motives. What in the world is someone else's interest in how you choose to use your body? The answer is: it's nobody's business but your own.
When you and a partner you feel comfortable with decide that it's the safe and appropriate thing for you to do, then you two can make that decision on your own.