2012-03-30 22:34:01 UTC
I want to ask her out for the day after/next day and my friend helped me devise this strategy but I don't know if its good or not:
- I'm usually known to be singing songs at that after-school club, so I will get someone to request "She Will Be Loved" by Maroon 5 for me to sing.
- The night before the party, I'll online chat with her, telling her to listen to me perform requests the next day.
- Make sure she's listening as I'm singing, and look at her very often
- Don't sing the whole song, a quick run of the verse and chorus
- After I'm done look her in the eye, walk towards her, and ask her if she would like to "hang out the next day at the mall" (its the only place in our boring town worth going to lol)
Would it be too early/creepy to do this? Me and her have been texting heavily all week after recently finding out that we actually have a lot in common (we're both geeks in the same rare subject lol) and that some of our best friends are actually the same people. I really feel a connection.
However, I don't want to scare her off by going too strong as she is a very shy girl.
Would I risk going into the "Friend Zone" if I ask her to "Hang Out" instead of a "Date" as I want her to get rid of the shyness around me first?