1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? - "Oh, no!" I actually don't remember. I probably said hi to myself in my mind, then said something to myself about my face and hair, also in my mind. I usually greet myself.
2. How much cash do you have on you? - About seventy dollars. I don't remember why I have it. I don't get money often, so when I get some I keep it forever.
3.Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone? - Probably my dad or mom. No one calls me but my dad and mom...
4. What shirt are you wearing? - A big green one with a samurai face on it. I don't wear it outside. It's an at-home shirt. Very comfortable. :p
5.Do you "label" yourself? - Depends. Some labels make sense.
6.What's a word that you say a lot? - I say, "I guess," and "I don't know" all the time. For a single word thing I say, I have to go with, "yeah."
7. Who told you he/she loved you last? (: - My mom.
8.What is your current desktop picture? - Some groundhogs in Colorado.
9.What was the last thing you said to someone? - I think it was, "whatcha watchin?" I say things like that.
10.The last song you listened to? - "Qing tian" - Jay Chou.
11.What color are the seats in your car? - I don't own a car. My dad has three cars and one truck (two cars and the truck are collectibles, except one is an MGTD kit car, so I don't know if it counts), and my mom has one car. I don't want to say the seat colours of them all, mainly because I don't remember.
12.Do you have any wallpaper in your house? - In one of the washrooms. And in the hallway. I just remembered that.
13.Closest thing to you that is yellow: - My teeth. No, I'm joking. The walls are kind of yellow.
14.What is your high school's rival mascot? - A mustang (type of horse). So unoriginal. My school's mascot is rapids (water rapids). Much better.
15.What is the last place you bought pizza from? - I don't eat pizza often. My mom bought a pepperoni pizza for my brother, if it counts (I don't eat beef, pork, etc.). Don't know where she bought it from, though.
16.Last time you saw fireworks? - Probably New Year's Day.
17.Do you have any pickles in your fridge? - Yes.
18.Last time you saw a semi truck? - I don't know. Probably a week or two ago. I live in a city that not many semi trucks go through.
19.Do you have a little black dress? - No, I'm too pale and overweight for that. LOL
20.Favorite condom brand? :P - Never had to use one before. I took one from a mental hospital place (not really all a mental hospital, but a lot of different mental health services on one place of land), because my counselor and youth worker are there, and one of the secretaries has free flavoured condoms in a bowl, so I took one for the hell of it while no one was around (I don't like anyone to see me do anything). I guess I'll go with whatever brand it is, even though I don't know, just because there's a story behind it for me. Maybe not the usual type of story for a condom, but whatever.
*EDIT* It was vanilla-flavoured by the way. Just thought I'd add that. It annoys me when I don't add details. I'm also expecting it to probably expire before I'll ever have the chance to use it. I just took one to have an interesting story to tell no one.