2009-07-13 17:01:53 UTC
anyways a year ago i always said to myself that im not going on a diet to make myself skinny because i love my curves. that was fine until something came over me a few months ago and when i looked in the mirror i always think im fat.
i always forgot about and went on as normal but i always feel fat and at school i compare myself to all these girls that have a skinny body. i always tell my friends that im fat and ugly and they say that im tall and skinny but i don't think i am.
i had exams to do at the start of june and now that im finished i am going to start swimming and going to the gym because i need to lose weight. my mum can't bring me tomorrow and im really upset. i started looking on the internet on ways i can make myself sick! i know the though of it isn't nice but i am starting my new diet tomorrow and need to do a few exercises at home and make myself sick. i never though i would be doing this to myself but i can't help it. it is what i think. im not eating as much as i used to.
right now im thinking that i need help. i havent told anyone about this and my parents havent a clue what im doing. right now as im typing this im crying because this upsets me so much that i can't even look into the mirror without thinking im fat.
i think that no matter what anyone says on here won't make me stop thinking i am fat.
do i actually need help? please answer this! thanks in advance for all answers and your help!!!!