2012-02-10 08:18:31 UTC
Grade level
Can you drive
favorite color
male or female
Favorite Childhood shows
What do you do in your spare time
Kitties or puppies
Want to get married
Want to have kids
BQ: What is your opinion on the troll Laura is Beautiful!?
Age/year you were born: 16/1995
Grade level: sophmore in high school
Fear(s) Dying
Can you drive: I common sense it ;)
favorite color: Cherry red :D
male or female: female
Favorite Childhood shows: Codename: Kids Next Door :D oh and Baby Loony Tunes lol
What do you do in your spare time: text
Kitties or puppies: kitties :D
Want to get married: Yeaa
Want to have kids: Of course after marriage
BQ: What is your opinion on the troll Laura is Beautiful!
I think this troll should leave yahoo answers and troll some other website