will putting my teen on the pill regulate her cycle?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
will putting my teen on the pill regulate her cycle?
Eight answers:
2006-02-09 22:18:01 UTC
Yeah, I have to say I can't imagine a doctor will put her on the pill before she menstruates for the first time.

I would suggest that she can go to school prepared every day with a pad in her panties and a spare in her bag.

Usually the very beginning of the very first period is not a huge mess.

You sure she's not afraid that she WON'T get it soon?
2006-02-09 08:54:24 UTC
I would not put her on the pill. I would just wait and let her know to enjoy everyday waking moment because periods can be a pain sometimes.
2006-02-09 08:42:01 UTC
Read the book "Takeing Charge of Your Fertility" with her and then visit the ovusoft website. After about 3 cycles she will no longer have unpredictable periods and you won't have to worry about how badly hormones will ruin her body.

I don't recommend *any* young girl go on hormonal contraceptives. They may "regulate" the bleeding but they also shut down the ovaries and have been known to cause way more harm; heart conditions, adrenal insufficiency, contribute to obesity, breast cancer, etc. Plus, she is not fully developed. Give her tools to know and respect her body as being a beautiful thing that she can work WITH.

Don't give her an easy "well, I'm already on the pill, I might as well have sex" or "my parents will never know b/c I can't get pg" or "they expect me to anyway" option.Give her esteam about her body and teach her to trust and respect it so she will demand guys respect her too.

This is one of the major reasons I can't support Planned Parenthood (even though I am pro-choice)... they will give a 12-15 yr old girl Depro w/o parental concent and insufficient data to warn of hte SERIOUS side effects of the drug. As a Mother... I AM responcible for protecting my child and guiding her to make intelligent decisions that effect her future.
2006-02-09 06:26:56 UTC
well i was about 12 when my mom put my on orthotrycyclin for regulating my period i had it every 2 weeks and i had really bad acne all over my face and back. now im 18 i still take it i no longer have ance havent eversince i stated taking it not even 1 or 2 zits and my period works like clock work and birthcontrol i am one ove the very few teens in my town to not have a baby like seriously every one else does so thats good to and dont worry about her running around having sex just cuz shes on it either i didnt even tell n e 1 i was on it cuz i accidently told my friends mom and she wouldnt let her hang out with me no more cuz i was a bad influence cuz i took b/c pills even though it wasnt for that but now her daughter has a daughter and is addicted to coke yeah right i was the bad influence
2006-02-09 01:52:12 UTC
The pill will regulate her cycle for as long as she is on it. How long has she been having her period? As you should know in the beginning girls can be very irregular, but if left alone these things usually set themselves on course. The pill has risks and fyi I didn't get acne at all until after I started on it.

I suggest you talk to her about it with her doctor present. What is right for one person may not be for another. I found that starting at school isn't a big deal if you are prepared. I would just use a panty liner and have pads and tampons readily available if needed.
Benji Man
2006-02-09 01:38:31 UTC
It will regulate her cycle and is frequently used also as an antiacne med.
2006-02-09 01:38:21 UTC
the pill will definitely regulate her cycle. I worry that the doctor will not agree that this is a good use for it though. Just being afraid you are going to start your cycle isn't a good reason to go on the pill.
2006-02-10 10:21:24 UTC
When i was her age i was put on the pill for that reason. you need to actually take her to a gynocologist for that though. this was only 5-6 years ago for me. If she has had it once and it skips around alot, then yes they would be able to check her and put her on the pill to regulate it.It made me happy, i always felt so different because of the problem. So anyway, yes it would help.

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