Pregnant, and need help, not lectures please.?
2007-04-01 20:09:12 UTC
I'm 15. I know already that, "What was I thinking?!!" but, k so it happened, lets get over it, I'm 1 month pregnant. I took Plan B a month ago but it obviously didnt work. Already I'm throwing up in the morning and having terrible stomach pains. I need guidance because I'm really confused. My boyfriend and I also aren't sure for the future so please give me advice and links where I can learn pregnancy facts, thanks.
39 answers:
Angel girl
2007-04-09 19:50:05 UTC
Poor baby my heart goes out to you. I hope you have a supportive family. You really are too young to try and raise a child on your own, but don't get me wrong it has been done.

If you have decided to keep the baby, tell someone you trust so they can lead you in the right direction. There are alot of places that will have helpful services to you but I don't know where you live (state)

If you decide to abort, remember unfortunately the memory will never go away and it will be very hurtful for many years to come.

If you do not have a supportive family or a family who has the means to help support the baby but do not want an abortion (which by the way I really don't recommend but I am not judging you or anyone else) contact a local church or Catholic Social Services that is a great agency and they have them everywhere I believe.

Today there are many families who want a baby so bad! The option of an open adoption may be a good choice for you because you get pics of the baby and limited visitation so it doesn't break your heart as bad. I personally think if you don't have a loving family who will help you I think adoption is the most loving and unselfish thing you can do for you and your baby.

You made a wrong choice but you aren't a bad person.

If you do decide to abort please do it early do not wait longer than 3 1/2 months.

By the way, my sister got pregnant at 16, I am 12 years older than her.

My mom helped her and by no means are we rich

or even well off my sister had her moments but she is a great mom and my mom became super close to her grandson since they lived together for so long.

My sister is now 25 and pregnant and married with her second it is possible but you have to work hard and be very determined. Motherhood is not easy. But it's rewards can be priceless.

God Bless you and whatever you decide please use precautions from now on. You can get birth control for free! Don't forget STD's and always use condoms as well.
2007-04-02 05:54:03 UTC
Not being a parent myself (and never planning to become one, but trying to remain open to the idea), I can't give you the resources that others can and already have. What I can give you is my own personal advice for any situation, which seems (at least to me) to be especially important in cases like this:


Tell your parents. Tell his parents. Tell anyone else you feel should know - and above all else, trust your gut on that one. Don't be afraid of what they or anyone else will think. I know it's hard, but it's gotten me through a few tough times of my own.

Don't be afraid of any possible option. As mentioned previously, abortion could suck psychologically but it may be necessary for health reasons. Adoption may be a financial or (gods forbid) emotional necessity. By all means have a relative or close friend help you raise the kid if you decide to keep them and feel you need it. And if you feel that you need to go it alone (with or without your bf), you're probably right.

The only things you should really worry about are your, your bf's, and your kid's welfare. Even school - and I know I'll probably get blasted by a few people for this - must take a backseat if necessary. Personally, I'd also get your friends you feel you can truly trust involved with the kid once they're born; you never know when an extra mind, heart, and/or pair of hands may come in handy. But again, whatever you do, do not stress out over anything if at all possible; it's just as bad for your unborn as it is for you, possibly moreso.
2007-04-01 20:29:32 UTC
I know a lot of people will tell you to get an abortion. But having an abortion is a choice will very likely cause you to late ask yourself "What If" and also to have many regrets. Sure, that is a legal option, but in my opinion adoption is an option or, and I know some people will hate me for saying this, but keeping the baby is another option. There are lots of support groups that can help you, and also there is your family and friends. Since you are only 15, your family might be upset, but you would be surprised how much they can help you. Also try contacting a teen pregnancy help centre in your area. They can give you more tips, and also help you in other ways.

Also, if you keep the baby, continue through high school and get your diploma. That will get you a better job in the futur, and that means a better futur for you and your baby.

So please consider adoption or keeping the baby. It really can work out.

Good luck. :)
2007-04-05 19:51:54 UTC
Confusion comes with the can do a google search for "pregnancy" and you should find all the answers you need. By the sounds of your question, You & your boyfriend have already talked about this. Both of you are in a jam as to keep the baby or give it up for adoption. Have you told your mom or dad (not knowing which you live with). Being a teen mom is a hard road to travel without the love and support of your family. If you decide to give the baby up for adoption you will still need the love and support. About your plan B, sometimes accidents happen and it breaks through, I was on BC for mine and they broke through. Again Talk with you mom/dad or a Trusted adult, you have already admitted you made a mistake, now you need to fix it.
2007-04-01 21:20:20 UTC
My heart goes out to u. Hope someone is there to give u a big hug to go with all the wise words and lectures you'll be getting. Hugs r needed as much if not more. 1st thing I think of is the Plan B. I know what this is but not alot of info. Kinda like the morning after pill Im guessing. Make sure that if you are going to have the baby that there are no prob. due to the plan B. What state do you live in? Im in Missouri and we have Plan Parent Hood.They are the bomb. No parent or guardian needed and if u dont have insur. they go off your income if any. They can give you resources, free birth control, and many other health services. seems to have good info and services. Have u told your parents? If not, when you do keep in mind their reaction is only the first reaction. If they flip out at first just know that any shock takes time. I have 2 girls, my oldest is 12 and advanced in areas i wish she was not. I could only imagine her 15 and in your shoes. What is, is. There are many options out there and the right one is what you choose dear, not what anyone else wants or chooses, Please weight ALL your options carefully and with someone who is not bias. A Dr. or counsler will be good. They are not there to judge you, ok. If you need more help or someone to talk to you can email me. Good luck!!
2007-04-01 20:35:55 UTC
First of all you need to tell your parents, although you know it's not going to be easy you really need too. If there is anyone in the world who can help you the most at a time like this it is them. Whats the worse that can happen, they are going to be mad of course and upset and scared to death for you ,but you need to tell them and fast especially if your having pain or cramping. This could be a sign of complications. You also need to see a doctor as soon as possible , with you being as young as you are you shouldnt take chances with your life or the babies. You should be on prenatal vitamins which are crucial and very important for you and the babies health. Have you took an actual pregnancy test? Because some of the symptoms of the birth control you took are similar to pregnancy , please have a look at this site :

These are also symptoms you would have if you were already preganant when you took the Plan B. Here are some other links you can have a look at :

These are just a few but seriously PLEASE tell your parents or an adult relative as soon possible. If you would like to talk further you can email me at, I hope things work out for you. Keep your head up :)

bio mom
2007-04-01 20:28:06 UTC
Definetely I got pregnant at 17, but I was three months from graduating. I got married the summer after and have been married for almost seven years now, and will graduate college in the fall. there are many different programs to help teenagers finish school, but you have to ask for them!

We are meant to be mothers, and that is why your body let you get pregnant in the first place. the only problem is that we dont have a society that helps teenage parents succeed. you have to work harder than other people for whatever you want out of life.

You need to call an OB/GYN and make an appointment. Tell them you took Plan B and it didnt work. There can be side effects of this drug when it didnt work. Tell your parents if you havent already. you need to get medical care, tell them your sorry for the mistake, but the most important thing right now is that your hurting and you need to see a doctor.

dont abort, at least adopt
2007-04-01 20:19:26 UTC
This is only my opinion, but it sounds like you really weren't ready for a baby yet, especially if you were trying to avoid comception, I think you probably took the plan B too late for it to work effectivly. What I can suggest to you is to take your prenatal vits, if morning sickness is a big problem I have heard many times that protien can aggravate it more. Eat small meals thru the day and keep arrowroot cookies or crackers beside your bed. Get yourself to the dr for prenatal check-ups and tests. Look after yourself and your growing baby, and give some serious thought to adoption. I don't know your feelings but you are still in the time range for having an abortion, not very many places will do one after 12 weeks or 3 months.

I wish you luck. You have a lot of serious decisions ahead of you to make.
2007-04-09 12:49:17 UTC
alot of people are going to tell you to get an abortion but those cost money do cost more, but after having a kid you find a way and make it happen. between friends, family and hard work it all comes together even without the help of welfare, it was your choice to have sex and its your choice to have a baby, it is very exciting and fun compared to the things you could be doing with your life, but then again taking care of a baby requires a lot of patience that should just come naturally either way you should go to the hospital or to a doctor, take a bus have a friend bring you or take a cab or go to the school nurse, telling your parents will be hard and it will happen when you're ready too, everything will fall into place and being pregnant is very stressful if you look at all the negative, but you did have sex and thats just what happens....
Heather H
2007-04-01 20:25:40 UTC
Try finding a counsellor in your school to speak with, usually you can go to a guidance counsellor. If you aren't comfortable with them, try going to your local health clinic, they usually have counsellors there that will give you facts and help you weigh your options in a non-biased way, they are there to help you, not judge you. Having a baby changes your life, whether you decide to keep the child or give it up for adoption, but abortion changes your life just as much. I have friends who have had them for various reasons and they always ask themselves, "what if?". I have 3 kids at 27 years old and I never ask myself that question, because the answer is in front of me every day. But this is your battle to wage, don't let anyone make the decision for you.

Don't take this decision lightly and don't worry about what your family or friends will say. You need to figure this out for you and listen to what your heart tells you. You still have a little time to weigh all of your options. Do so carefully and with a lot of patience and understanding of everything you are going to go through physically, mentally and emotionally.
Me, Myself & I
2007-04-09 08:59:15 UTC
First of all how do you know you are pregnant, did you take a pregnancy test? If not, then go to the doctor and request a pregnancy test. If positive, well you will have to deal with the consecuenses of having unprotected sex and don't even think about having an abortion. And don't let anybody push you into having an abortion, nobody should decide for you.

You and your boyfriend should take responsibility and talk to both your parents and ask for their support.

Believe me when I said not to have an abortion, my cousin had about three abortions and when she try to get pregnant she couldn't.

Be strong and pray that you are not pregnant and if you are thank God for it because he choosed you to bring a new life into this world.

Good Luck
2007-04-07 16:40:53 UTC
From your doctor. Go to a clinic if you don't have a doctor. I don't even know what plan B means but if you are pregant, you need to see a doctor anyway! Leave your boyfriend out of figuring this thing out unless he also is telling you to see a doctor. Guys can be clueless. Good luck with it and act right now - don't be intimidated. If they tell you you can have an appointment in 2 months, tell them this is an emergency because you are pregnant. Ask them where you can get emergency attention - it might even end up being the Emergency Room! Not unusual, doctors have normal business hours and at night, any unusual stuff ends up at the ER anyway. You need someone to guide you through this, so please, honey, involve your parents. They need to know. They would want to know; even if they're disappointed, they love you.
2007-04-06 21:04:24 UTC
Hey Girl! I was there once my self, I got pregnant at 14 1/2 and the guy was not sure, I had abusive parents and morning sickness too. Girl, you will be okay, it is NOT the end of the world, gee! I wished someone had told me that. Call up KIds Help Line, they helped me, they keep everything under wraps. If you can, talk to a counsellor at school or call K.W. Counselling and they will help you from there. Don't tell a friend, if you don't want your parents to find out. If you go to church, talk to your preist, rabl or whatever. They have to stay quiet. You will be okay, I'm praying for you. Take Care and I hope I helped a bit.
2007-04-01 20:32:17 UTC
i am 17 years old. i got pregnant when i was 16. I thought i was all alone and no one would help me but believe me when your parents find out they will be like "oh no my baby has sex" but once they look at it every parent wants grand kids. i dont care who they are because they will see you as all grown up and they feel unwanted and grand kids make them feel wanted again. I haven't yet given birth but i am somewhat looking forward to seeing my sons beautiful face. one thing you have to keep in mind is it doesn't matter what your boyfriend thinks this is YOUR child as well and if you think you can handle it then don't bother with him . I was very childish when i got pregnant but once those motherly instincts kick in there is not stopping them its the best feeling ever at first guys are skeptical but in a few months they will be going through books trying to find baby names, But abortion is not the answer please do not abort if you think you can't handle having a child there are women out there that would give their left breast to have children and i'm absolutly sure they will accept your child as their own but i hope i helped you in some way. and remember it is not always as bad as your pregnancy hormones make it out to be everything will be okay and the nausiation will go away within the 12th week
2007-04-05 15:45:25 UTC
You really, really need to talk to your mom and/or dad and then see a doctor ASAP - regardless as to what you decide. It is your body and your choice, no one knows your situation and no one should be lecturing you on whether or not to keep the baby or get an abortion. I've been on both sides of the fence and it's never easy.

The one thing I can say for SURE is that you need a trusted adult's guidance, and you need a doctor to be involved to protect your physical and emotional health. PLEASE talk to someone. Your boyfriend isn't enough and right now your health is what is important.

Best of luck to you, my heart goes out to you.
2007-04-01 21:20:15 UTC
I dont know if it is normal to have " terrible " stomach pains. Have you seen your doctor, because if you do have this baby, i would be conserned what the effect of taking plan b and it not working would have on the baby. Also, talk to your mom. I know that is scarry, but if you do have this child and something similar happend to her in the future, im sure you would want to be there for her and her health. Good luck.
2007-04-02 03:17:33 UTC
Did you have a positive pregnancy test?

Have you seen a doctor? If not, that needs to be done ASAP!

If you are pregnant, remember to take your prenatal vitamins. And attend all of your prenatal doctor appointments. Eat healthy,Keep going to school to better yourself...

Have you told you parents yet? You will need there love and support throught this pregnancy and for the rest of this.

Good luck hun...
2007-04-09 12:03:53 UTC
Can you talk to your parents? or another adult that you trust? Make an appointment with a doctor or clinic to ensure that you and the baby are well and that the pregnancy develops well. Try and talk things through with your boyfriend and maybe his family. Good luck and stay in email contact with me if you think I can help or answer queries
2007-04-09 19:26:45 UTC
Well first of all go to a clinic and get checked because the 1st 3months are very sensitive. Lectures i wouldn't even give you because i had my 1st son at that age (15) now my son is about to turn 8. All i got to tell you is to do what you think is right. And take care.........
2007-04-02 08:45:46 UTC
15 and pregnant! oh my!

don't worry I've seen worse than that!

plan b doesn't always work since half the time it just makes you throw up meaning you throw the pill back up too.

go to the hospital if you're having really bad pains...that's not normal.
2007-04-09 14:46:08 UTC
you took a test and it says your preg. cuz plan B can make you sick. umm other options:



miscarage (not a real option4 u but it could happen)

this girl i knew went to 6 flags rode roller coasters till she had a miscarage... and thats when she found out she was pregnant...

Dont let anyone tell you what to do (including your parents) IT is YOUR CHOICE! YOUR BODY!


If you tell someone at school they are allowed to tell your parents.

Being your age sucks.. not to many rights anymore..
2007-04-09 10:09:35 UTC
Go to they can help you alot.I am 14 going on 15 and I am 6 months pregnant and that is where I went.Good luck
2007-04-01 20:43:29 UTC
Did you tell your parents? They need to know. They are responsible for you and are the people who best help you.

Beyond that , check out this website. There is good information here and counselors who can help you out. They won't judge you, they are there to help...give you the facts about parenting/adoption/whatever you need. Good luck, sweetie.
2007-04-09 11:13:14 UTC
Pregnancy facts should come from your Dr. you need to see one right away. You didn't say if you told your parents or not but they need to know as well. You are a very young girl and pregnancy is a very big thing so please seek professional help right away
2007-04-09 15:06:44 UTC
don't kill the baby please give your baby a life just like your mother did for you. don't listen to others on here telling you to abort the baby. they are selfish and have more serious issues with themselves than do you being pregnant. do the right thing and give your baby life. it will be hard but you can do it. you have your mother to be by your side to help you care for the baby. good luck and take care of the 2 of you.
KungFu Ninja
2007-04-01 20:15:47 UTC
I was puking for 2 days straight ............ my advice would be go visit a free clinic. Um also it's not my business but please keep it if u can because u will regret it everyday if u don't...i was pregnant at 17 and i regret everyday not having it. I'm 20 now i can't even watch commercials involving babies/kids
2007-04-01 20:22:41 UTC
ill tell you where you can get facts. your parents, or your boyfriends parents. even if u two dont decide to stay together after the baby is born, he will have the option to stay in the baby's life. so talk to your parents, they know you better than any of us online do.
~*big mama *~
2007-04-01 20:20:00 UTC
go to a planed parent hood as soon as you can or to your dr. the earlest you find out for sure that you are the fastes you can get the care and check ups for you and baby. you might want to inform your parents if you haven't yet let them or a trusted familey memeber help you .

good luck i hope everything works out for you baby are a lifetime thing so good luck
2007-04-09 05:25:12 UTC
There are planned parenthood and other organizations, they should be listed in the telephone directory.

Phone them and find someone to help you.

They don't necessarily 'preach' abortion.

The are there to do what is best for you.
2007-04-08 16:05:43 UTC
Make sure that your boyfriend has a job or graduates.. cuzz well if you dont itll be really hard to get a Job,,,,thats all i kno
2007-04-07 22:42:23 UTC
visit the website: This website would tell you everything u need to know about pregancy, even your baby's due date. Good Luck!
Mr. P
2007-04-09 15:03:43 UTC
go to a counselor, and LISTEN, talk to your folks, they KNOW what's the best for you, you don't see it right now but they are there for a reason, so pleeeaseeee don't move a finger before talking to your parents.
2007-04-01 21:06:27 UTC
2007-04-08 15:51:28 UTC
2007-04-01 20:20:33 UTC
Get an abortion.

I'd love to tell you to consider adoption but 9 times out of 10 the teen decides to keep the baby. Then we as taxpayers have to support you as you spend endless years on the welfare system.
2007-04-08 21:27:29 UTC
where did kids learn about sex
2007-04-01 20:20:11 UTC
get an abortion. 15 is too young to be a mother.
Go Blue
2007-04-02 09:28:57 UTC
consider an abortion
2007-04-02 02:27:16 UTC
hey abort it... good fr u.......

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