Poor baby my heart goes out to you. I hope you have a supportive family. You really are too young to try and raise a child on your own, but don't get me wrong it has been done.
If you have decided to keep the baby, tell someone you trust so they can lead you in the right direction. There are alot of places that will have helpful services to you but I don't know where you live (state)
If you decide to abort, remember unfortunately the memory will never go away and it will be very hurtful for many years to come.
If you do not have a supportive family or a family who has the means to help support the baby but do not want an abortion (which by the way I really don't recommend but I am not judging you or anyone else) contact a local church or Catholic Social Services that is a great agency and they have them everywhere I believe.
Today there are many families who want a baby so bad! The option of an open adoption may be a good choice for you because you get pics of the baby and limited visitation so it doesn't break your heart as bad. I personally think if you don't have a loving family who will help you I think adoption is the most loving and unselfish thing you can do for you and your baby.
You made a wrong choice but you aren't a bad person.
If you do decide to abort please do it early do not wait longer than 3 1/2 months.
By the way, my sister got pregnant at 16, I am 12 years older than her.
My mom helped her and by no means are we rich
or even well off my sister had her moments but she is a great mom and my mom became super close to her grandson since they lived together for so long.
My sister is now 25 and pregnant and married with her second child...so it is possible but you have to work hard and be very determined. Motherhood is not easy. But it's rewards can be priceless.
God Bless you and whatever you decide please use precautions from now on. You can get birth control for free! Don't forget STD's and always use condoms as well.