Teens, your favourite subject?
2012-04-28 09:12:53 UTC
Favourite subject?

Least favourite subject?

Subject you're best at?

Subject you're worst at?

Mine -
Favourite subject?
Fine Art

Least favourite subject?

Subject you're best at?
Maths, Art and Science

Subject you're worst at?
Music and Drama

:) x
21 answers:
2012-04-28 09:22:32 UTC
Favourite subject? History.

Least favourite subject? Accounting -_-

Subject you're best at? Math.

Subject you're worst at? Accounting.

I'm home schooled, so i don't do gym or music or anything like that.

I know i say this on like literally every single one of your questions, but i love that picture hahahah. I love Harry and Louis (and all of them, of course.) Larry Stylinson FOREVER! :D

You're so lucky, you're British.. You probably live in like the same country or whatever as them. I'm jealous. SO JEALOUS. D:


That's it.. I'm moving to London. -_-

P.s, i bet you could find him at Nando's..
2012-04-28 09:38:02 UTC
Favourite subject?

Art, History, RE, English and Maths

Least favourite subject?

PE, Drama and Music

Subject you're best at?

Basically the same as above

Subject you're worst at?

The same again
2012-04-28 09:25:48 UTC
Favourite Subject:

Music&Performing Arts

Least favourite subject:


Subject you're worst at:

2012-04-28 09:49:14 UTC
My favourite subjects are maths, physics, chemistry, biology and music :P I love all of them equally and I can't choose between them :L

My least favourite right now is probably english language because I must admit that I sometimes find it boring :S but before I dropped it, my least favourite subject was drama :/

The subject that I'm best at is probably maths, or physics. I'm also pretty good at music, chemistry, biology and re.

The subject that I would say that I'm worst at that I'm doing right now is probably english, when we have to speak in front of the class and get recorded :L also I used to be pretty bad at drama :S I hated it :S lol x
2012-04-28 09:23:16 UTC
Favourite subject?


Least favourite subject?


Subject you're best at?


Subject you're worst at?

2012-04-28 09:15:12 UTC
Favourite subject? English

Least favourite subject? Physics

Subject you're best at? Geography

Subject you're worst at? Physics
2012-04-28 09:34:19 UTC
Favourite subject?


Least favourite subject?

History and Geography

Subject you're best at?

3 Sciences and English

Subject you're worst at?


PS - How come you hate music???? Its one of the best lessons!!!
2012-04-28 09:22:09 UTC
Favourite subject?

English and Drama

Least favourite subject?


Subject you're best at?

English and Drama :P

Subject you're worst at?

I know this'll be a huge shock, but it's actually... MATH. How unpredictable.
2012-04-28 09:44:16 UTC
Favourite subject?

- History

Least favourite subject?

- Math and science

Subject you're best at?

- History, English, psychology, sociology

Subject you're worst at?

- Math and science
faster than the speed of sound ♥
2012-04-28 10:30:56 UTC
Favourite subject?

- History

Least favourite subject?


Subject you're best at?

- History

Subject you're worst at?

- Spanish
2012-04-28 09:26:19 UTC
Favourite subject - at school it was either chemistry, biology or maths. now at university, I love all lectures but it has to be antonomy

Least favourite - I didn't have a subject I hated

Subject you're best at - maths, chemistry, biology and geography

Subject you're worst at - drama
Schrödinger's Cat
2012-04-28 09:19:51 UTC
Favourite subject?

-Philosophy or Psychology

Least favourite subject?

-Math. I am good at it, but it feels so tedious and it gives me headaches after a while. Because I like doing it in my head.

Subject you're best at?

-Math, English, History, Psychology.

Subject you're worst at?

-I never truly struggled with a subject. I am not a good painter. Figured that out this semester. And I struggled in Geometry.
2012-04-28 09:29:07 UTC
Favourite subject?

Art & music

least favourite subject?


subject i'm best at


subject i'm worst at

2012-04-28 09:21:23 UTC
Favourite subject?

-English and History

Least favourite subject?


Subject you're best at?


Subject you're worst at?

2012-04-28 14:22:44 UTC
Favourite subject?

english literature :D

Least favourite subject?


Subject you're best at?

biology and english!

Subject you're worst at?

maths, me and maths are sworn enemies!
2012-04-28 10:30:21 UTC
Favourite subject?


Least favourite subject?


Subject you're best at?


Subject you're worst at?

Forever alone girl
2012-04-28 10:14:40 UTC
Favourite subject?


Least favourite subject?


Subject you're best at?

-Physics & Chemistry.

Subject you're worst at?

-English :P
2012-04-28 09:17:50 UTC
Favorite subject? -Math :D

Least favorite subject? -Science and Spanish :/

Subject you're best at? -Math

Subject you're worst at? -History
2012-04-28 09:36:14 UTC
Favorite subject?

--ART <3

Least favorite subject?

--Math -_-

Subject you're best at?


Subject you're worst at?

--Still math...
2012-04-28 09:20:22 UTC
Favorite- Chemistry

Least Favorite- Spanish all the way

Best at- English

Worst at- Chemistry
2012-04-28 09:56:15 UTC




This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.