1. Worst grade you ever got?
-I just recently got 3/16 on a test. **** YOU CHEMISTRY.
2. Best teacher? (what subject and why)
-Grade 8 Social Studies (History) Teacher or my Grade 8 Language Arts (English) Teacher.
Social: He was literally the most enthusiastic teacher I have ever had, and he really knew how to teach. He made lessons interesting and fun so that you WANTED to learn. He had lovely class discussions, and didn't swamp us in notes and homework.
Language Arts: Sweetest teacher I have ever had. She never yelled, not once, we rarely had homework/did notes but almost everybody stayed above a 75 in her class. She gave the class a really good vibe, and I just really loved her.
3. Are you friends with anyone you knew in elementary school?
-Yes I am.
4. Most embarrassing thing that happened to you?
-In school? Well I find those times where a teacher points at somebody behind me, but I think they are pointing at me, so I answer pretty embarrassing. Or my whole gym class. But I guess I'll go with the time I was telling my Teacher why I can't be in a certain class with somebody (This guy was a real character.) AND THEN THAT SOMEBODY WALKED UP BEHIND ME. Talk about awkward.
5. Have you ever been asked out?
-I have.
6. Do you stress about school?
-I do.
7. Who are the group of popular girls at your school?
-I don't know. I have several classes with different people and I just started at this school a few weeks ago.
8. What stereotype or clique are you in?
-None, I don't really have friends yet.
9. Have you ever cried at school?
-I have; When somebody bullied me, when I got hurt, a few times when I did really, really bad on a test, and once when a teacher picked me out and bluntly made fun of me.
10. What is the weirdest thing people at your school do?
-I have this group of guys who wear suits, like fancy suits with the ties and everything, and they talk all posh, and they just act like they are from the olden days, lol.
BQ: Am I the only one who hates the new changes to y!a?
-Nope. Thankfully the main Y!A I use is normal, but when I google stuff for the sake of knowing something I get brought to the new shitty one.
BQ2: Favorite song of the moment+link?
-Oh Lordy I don't know. Hold on.
I've been loving Bleed Red by Ronnie Dun. (Sorry, no link. Too lazy.)
BQ3: Favorite historical era?
-Either the Renassiance, or the Aztecs haha.