Teens: School Poll anyone?
2013-09-21 17:07:45 UTC
1. Worst grade you ever got?

2. Best teacher? (what subject and why)

3. Are you friends with anyone you knew in elementary school?

4. Most embarrassing thing that happened to you?

5. Have you ever been asked out?

6. Do you stress about school?

7. Who are the group of popular girls at your school?

8. What stereotype or clique are you in?

9. Have you ever cried at school?

10. What is the weirdest thing people at your school do?

BQ: Am I the only one who hates the new changes to y!a?

BQ2: Favorite song of the moment+link?

BQ3: Favorite historical era?

Love ya lots xox
36 answers:
2013-09-21 19:01:53 UTC
1. 15% on a chemistry quiz. Gah it didn't count for much though.

2. Right now I would say history. Unlike too many other teachers, my history teacher is completely obsessed with the subject and we learn a lot.

3. Yeah, my best friend is from the 4th grade and so are a couple others (I'm 11th grade now)

4. I'm usually always embarrassing myself in some way, however, nothing comes to mind now.

5. No

6. Yeah, more than I should

7. Some people who live in my neighbourhood, and unfortunately I've been stuck with almost all of them since elementary. Just one more year and I'll never have to see them again.

8. Loner I guess. I like to think it's because I'm a lone wolf, but it's mostly because people don't like me (good movie). :)

9. Yes, not in front of people though. I'm not big on showing my true emotions to the world.

10. Not care to think

BQ: I haven't noticed any changes to Yahoo recently. I am on mobile so that's probably why.

BQ: stop by Pink floyd

BQ: Renaissance and scientific revolution
2013-09-23 19:26:08 UTC
1. Worst grade you ever got?


2. Best teacher? (what subject and why)

My English teacher from Junior year. She was so funny and sarcastic. She tried to make the class fun, and you never knew what would come out of her mouth

3. Are you friends with anyone you knew in elementary school?


4. Most embarrassing thing that happened to you?

Falling down the stairs in 7th grade

5. Have you ever been asked out?

Yes, but not at school

6. Do you stress about school?


7. Who are the group of popular girls at your school?

I don't know

8. What stereotype or clique are you in?

I am the artsy, music, quiet girl

9. Have you ever cried at school?

Yes, but the last time I did was in 3rd grade

10. What is the weirdest thing people at your school do?

Nothing really

BQ: Am I the only one who hates the new changes to y!a?

I hate it its so annoying

BQ2: Favorite song of the moment+link?

Keith Urban Little Bit of Everything

BQ3: Favorite historical era?

2013-09-22 18:36:59 UTC
1. Worst grade you ever got? fail

2. Best teacher? (what subject and why) English because she's so awesome

3. Are you friends with anyone you knew in elementary school? nah

4. Most embarrassing thing that happened to you? so many to count

5. Have you ever been asked out? kinda...

6. Do you stress about school? YES

7. Who are the group of popular girls at your school? A bunch of airheads. Oh well; if they don't bug me, I don't really care

8. What stereotype or clique are you in? the "idgaf what clique I'm in" clique

9. Have you ever cried at school? yes

10. What is the weirdest thing people at your school do? so many to count

BQ: Am I the only one who hates the new changes to y!a? haha

BQ2: Favorite song of the moment+link? feed the dada -dada life

BQ3: Favorite historical era? 1800's?
2013-09-22 08:32:35 UTC
1. Worst grade you ever got? I once got 30% in french

2. Best teacher? (what subject and why) no idea

3. Are you friends with anyone you knew in elementary school? a few

4. Most embarrassing thing that happened to you? idk

5. Have you ever been asked out? no

6. Do you stress about school? yes

7. Who are the group of popular girls at your school? um what do you mean by who?

8. What stereotype or clique are you in? none

9. Have you ever cried at school? yes

10. What is the weirdest thing people at your school do? work 24/7

BQ: Am I the only one who hates the new changes to y!a? I haven't noticed them

BQ2: Favorite song of the moment+link? idk

BQ3: Favorite historical era? the cold war
2013-09-22 07:51:03 UTC
1. Worst grade you ever got? D

2. Best teacher? (what subject and why) My language arts teacher, because I love language arts, and she's extremely open-minded, sarcastically hilarious, and passionate about teaching.

3. Are you friends with anyone you knew in elementary school? No, I moved schools in middle school.

4. Most embarrassing thing that happened to you? I misread this word in one question on a test as hummus. So I gave a 3 sentence answer explaining what hummus was. My teacher thought it was hilarious, but I got full credit anyway

5. Have you ever been asked out? Yes

6. Do you stress about school? All the time

7. Who are the group of popular girls at your school? The top 10% honors class ranking, athletic, and most thin girls in my grade actually

8. What stereotype or clique are you in? The group of very smart, open-minded, poetic, writers. If my grade had a pyramid of popularity, I'd probably fall in second to top...

9. Have you ever cried at school? Yes

10. What is the weirdest thing people at your school do? Nothing in particular

BQ: Am I the only one who hates the new changes to y!a? I'm with you

BQ2: Favorite song of the moment+link?

BQ3: Favorite historical era? 1920's
2013-09-21 17:57:02 UTC
1. Worst grade you ever got?

On a test? 40 something. For a class? 84

2. Best teacher? (what subject and why)

Mr. Whitman. He's my band director and he makes it really fun

3. Are you friends with anyone you knew in elementary school?


4. Most embarrassing thing that happened to you?

Oh the list would be so long. I just laugh it off though

5. Have you ever been asked out?


6. Do you stress about school?

Not really

7. Who are the group of popular girls at your school?

I go to a country school so who would normally be your popular group arent popular anymore

8. What stereotype or clique are you in?

Band kids!!

9. Have you ever cried at school?


10. What is the weirdest thing people at your school do?

The emos...

BQ: Am I the only one who hates the new changes to y!a?

I HATE them

BQ2: Favorite song of the moment+link?

My kind of night by Luke Bryan (Sorry im on my phone so no link)

BQ3: Favorite historical era?

Ive always liked learning about WW2
2013-09-21 17:12:21 UTC
1. Worst grade you ever got?

Like a 83

2. Best teacher? (what subject and why)

My math teacher, she was really good at explaining

3. Are you friends with anyone you knew in elementary school?


4. Most embarrassing thing that happened to you?

I don't think anything has really happened

5. Have you ever been asked out?

Yes, but not at school

6. Do you stress about school?


7. Who are the group of popular girls at your school?

There isn't one

8. What stereotype or clique are you in?

I'm like the outcast

9. Have you ever cried at school?

All the time

10. What is the weirdest thing people at your school do?

Wear big earphone things called Beats

BQ: Am I the only one who hates the new changes to y!a?


BQ2: Favorite song of the moment+link?

Blurry- Puddle of Mudd

BQ3: Favorite historical era?

Victorian Era- American Civil War and Scramble for Africa
2013-09-21 21:48:07 UTC
1. Worst grade you ever got? - a D.

2. Best teacher? (what subject and why) - My Spanish I teacher from freshman teacher. She was awesome, had a sweet personality, and was a great teacher.

3. Are you friends with anyone you knew in elementary school? - Yes, I met my best friend in 6th grade. I went to a K-8 school, so it still counts as elementary to me. :3

4. Most embarrassing thing that happened to you? - There's a whole load of embarrassing moments. I haven't had any recently and I don't like to recall past ones..sorry. :S

5. Have you ever been asked out? - Yeah but he doesn't go to this school. He was my friend from 8th grade. We don't even talk anymore now. Long story.

6. Do you stress about school? - Yes, a lot.

7. Who are the group of popular girls at your school? - I don't know and I don't really care for them.

8. What stereotype or clique are you in? - I don't label myself. I'm just me.

9. Have you ever cried at school? - Yes but the first time, I was just by myself in a stall in the bathroom, and then the other time I was in class but I was holding it in and I let only a tear shed. That was a terrible day.

10. What is the weirdest thing people at your school do? - Not sure where to start. There's these guys in my trig class that just make disgusting noises for the heck of it and it's just so weird.

BQ: Nope.

BQ: Avicii - Wake Me Up

BQ: Not sure.
ℓ εтs bℓ amε iт on sεpтεmbεr ♥
2013-09-21 17:49:20 UTC
1. Worst grade you ever got?

○ F

2. Best teacher? (what subject and why)

○ I think it was my biology teacher last year. He was awesome. I liked him a lot.

3. Are you friends with anyone you knew in elementary school?

○ Pretty much all of my friends are that.

4. Most embarrassing thing that happened to you?

○ I'm not sure

5. Have you ever been asked out?

○ Yes

6. Do you stress about school?

○ Only when I have a big project due and I'm not quite sure what I'm supposed to do.

7. Who are the group of popular girls at your school?

○ Uh.. they make up mostly sports. So the girls who are in sports.

8. What stereotype or clique are you in?

○ I'm actually not in one. I don't know what my group would be called.

9. Have you ever cried at school?

○ Yup. Once. Everyone like freaked out because I never cry at school because I'm always smiling.

10. What is the weirdest thing people at your school do?

○ I'm sure they do weird stuff but I can't think of anything right now

BQ : Nope. You're not the only one. It bothers me so much that I'm considering leaving the site..

BQ : Tears - Tragic Thrills

BQ : The 1920's - 1930's.
2013-09-21 17:39:40 UTC
1. Worst grade you ever got? R+ I didn't even know that existed

2. Best teacher? (what subject and why) English last year, I just really like english :)

3. Are you friends with anyone you knew in elementary school? One person

4. Most embarrassing thing that happened to you? Uhm, I once dropped my pads everywhere in the hallway in the 6th grade.

5. Have you ever been asked out? Once in the like 5th grade

6. Do you stress about school? Yes

7. Who are the group of popular girls at your school? I'm not too sure yet. I just started a new school a few weeks ago, and don't know anyone yet.

8. What stereotype or clique are you in? Punk,

9. Have you ever cried at school? Yep

10. What is the weirdest thing people at your school do? These really socially awkward identical twin guys hold hands in the hallway

BQ: Am I the only one who hates the new changes to y!a? I HATE IT TOO

BQ2: Favorite song of the moment+link? uhm a love like war -All Time Low

BQ3: Favorite historical era? I dont know D:
2013-09-21 17:26:22 UTC
1. Worst grade you ever got? =A 30% on a math test I believe.

2. Best teacher? (what subject and why) =I love my World History teacher. He's just the funniest guy, cracks me up.

3. Are you friends with anyone you knew in elementary school? =No.

4. Most embarrassing thing that happened to you? =Once my mom caught me talking to myself. It was maddeningly embarrassing.

5. Have you ever been asked out? =Once in 9th grade. I turned him down because I didn't like him in that way.

6. Do you stress about school? =Yes.

7. Who are the group of popular girls at your school? =Not sure yet, as I am attending a new school this year.

8. What stereotype or clique are you in? =I'm in none. I suppose I would fit in a nerdy/goth kind of crowd.

9. Have you ever cried at school? =Yes, a few times. I usually retreat to the bathroom when this happens.

10. What is the weirdest thing people at your school do? =I haven't witnessed anything too out of the ordinary yet.

BQ: Am I the only one who hates the new changes to y!a? =I do. Switch over to the UK version if it really bugs you.

BQ2: Favorite song of the moment+link? =Probably my favorite right now:

BQ3: Favorite historical era? =I go nuts for WWII stuff. I love it, definitely my favorite area in history. I also love anything about Titanic (Did you know the room with the swimming pool was one of the last rooms that the water rushed into? Isn't that so ironic?) and the civil rights period.
2013-09-22 06:19:01 UTC
1. Worst grade you ever got?

I once got 21 out of 80 on my maths test:/

2. Best teacher? (what subject and why)

Modern studies teacher, she finds out everything that happens in the school but doesn't give pupils into trouble

3. Are you friends with anyone you knew in elementary school?

Yea quite a few of them I am still friends with

4. Most embarrassing thing that happened to you?

I fell upstairs infront of a lot of people

5. Have you ever been asked out?


6. Do you stress about school?


7. Who are the group of popular girls at your school?

Don't know how you'd describe them

8. What stereotype or clique are you in?

Ehh I don't know medium/popular?

9. Have you ever cried at school?


10. What is the weirdest thing people at your school do?

Have this joke about the disabled toilets (it's got nothing to do with disabled peopl)

BQ: Am I the only one who hates the new changes to y!a?

I don't have any changes

BQ2: Favorite song of the moment+link?

The way- mac miller and ariana grande

BQ3: Favorite historical era?

2013-09-22 08:31:51 UTC
1. G in maths, but the highest grade in the year for that was a D. It was really difficult and the teacher didn't even teach us any of the stuff on the test because she's never in school.

2. My new maths teacher, he's great at explaining things

3. Yeah

4. I walk into stuff and fall down a lot

5. Yeah

6. Sometimes, but I don't find it very hard. I stress over art and drama a lot though

7. In the year above there are about five girls who give blow jobs a lot and are rich so them

8. The quiet, nerdy ones. I'm slightly louder but it's only because I'm telling everyone how cute Chris Pine is or something

9. Nope, not even in primary school. It's weird.

10. Write arguments on the toilet doors

BQ: I HATE IT!!!!! I'm using the UK site so I can avoid that

BQ: I don't know :/

BQ: Victorian. I also love to learn about Hitler
Asphalt 24/7
2013-09-21 17:29:41 UTC
1. I've gotten an F before.

2. Probably my 8th grade English teacher. She was great because she really gave me the confidence that I was a good writer and an overall good student.

3. Nope. Not anymore.

4. Ugh, too many. I embarrass myself every day. I have an acting class in college right now and I swear, I've embarrassed myself way too much in that class.

5. No. Never been asked out. Never had a boyfriend.

6. Of course. All the time.

7. It's college. We don't have popular girls.

8. Those don't exist either. Everyone treats each other equally at my college.

9. Yeah. In elementary school. Oh and in high school but it was about a problem at home.

10. I just started college so we'll see. haha

BQ: Haven't had the change yet!

BQ2: I've just been listening to I Will Follow You Into the Dark by Death Cab for a Cutie

BQ3: Renaissance Era
2013-09-21 17:15:29 UTC
1. Worst grade you ever got: C

2. Best teacher: my 7th grade English teacher, because she made learning fun and she always gave us treats

3. Are you friends with anyone you knew in elementary school: yep

4. Most embarrassing thing that happened to you: too embarrassing to reveal

5. Have you ever been asked out: yes

6. Do you stress about school: sometimes

7. Who are the group of popular girls at your school: cheerleaders

8. What stereotype or clique are you in: none

9. Have you ever cried at school: yes

10. What is the weirdest thing people at your school do: um, wear there pajamas to school

BQ: Am I the only one who hates the new changes to y!a: nope

BQ2: Favorite song of the moment+link: I don't have one

BQ3: Favorite historical era: idk
2013-09-22 17:03:44 UTC
1. 0 (Not because I was bad, but because I forgot to hand it in).

2. Damn, I've had a lot of great teachers (I tend to get closer to them than actual students). Probably my best teacher was my 7th grade social studies teacher. He was an amazing teacher, and he always cared about us and made sure we knew what we were doing.

3. *sigh* if only.

4. Well, back in elementary school, I'd have emotional breakdowns. That was a fun time.

5. No. I've asked others out, but I've been rejected.

6. All the time.

7. To be honest I'm not sure. I know a bunch of girls who are very socially accepted in my school though (one in particular though is probably one of the best people I've ever met).

8. Not really in any clique.

9. Back in elementary school when I had an aforementioned emotional breakdown. Since middle school and high school, not really. I came close the other day because I was really miserable, but I didn't.

10. I work with the people who do the morning announcements at my school (we do a TV news thing. It's rather impressive). Well, one day when I was listening to the announcements, I heard that apparently a new trend in my school was a black market in the school where students were selling sneakers to one another. When I heard it I was like " comment."

BQ: I hated it at first, but I think it's growing on me. I go to UK though from time to time.

BQ2: Thrift Shop. I am currently writing a parody of it (need a female though who is good at vocal impressions though. Long story).

BQ3: Reformation
Imogen Grene
2013-09-21 20:00:25 UTC
F... The best grade that anybody got on that assignment was a C and we all had to redo the assignment.

The best teacher that I ever had was probably my 7th grade history teacher. She always had interesting and funny examples. She was nice, and explained things well.

I am friends with three people that I met in elementary school, but the rest of my friends I met in middle school and this year.

I got milk spilled on me at lunch, and the only shirts that the nurse had were Justin Beiber or Twilight. I chose Twilight. I hated it.

Yes. By a guy in 7th grade, but I wasn't allowed to date then. Now we are together.

I get stressed out sometimes.

There are the preppy popular girls, and then there are the girls that everyone likes. The girls that everyone likes are the ones that are always nice to everybody, they know everybody's name, and they try to include everyone.

I don't really have a group. There aren't really any groups in my high school. If I had to categorize myself, I would say that I am a geek that has darker preferences.

I cried once because I tripped over a chair, hit my head on a desk, and wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry so I did both.

When girls 'fight' in the hallways. It's so stupid. Or when they cry in groups in the bathroom and I'm trying to fix my hair.

Bonus Questions:

I hate the new changes. I think that I'll always have issues with them.

I like learning about the Victorian Era, the 1920's, the 1960's, and the Industrial Revolution.
You'Re Not My Oppa
2013-09-21 17:32:37 UTC
1. Worst grade you ever got?

~ an F, but I don't remember the percentage

2. Best teacher? (what subject and why)

- my junior high orchestra teacher. She was really nice and really got me enthused about playing

3. Are you friends with anyone you knew in elementary school?

- Yeah, I'm am with am with a lot actually

4. Most embarrassing thing that happened to you?

- I guess I'm lucky because I always forget what happened! I can remember one time in gym I started my period but didn't have a pad so I put toilet paper in place of a pad, but then it started coming out of my shorts while we were playing soccer! (Luckily it wasn't bloody yet)

5. Have you ever been asked out?

A couple times, but not recently. The only "boyfriend" I ever had was in 8th grade but it lasted one day. He broke up with me because I had an oily face -__- so I don't really count that as having a boy friend.

6. Do you stress about school?

My grades. Especially this year, school is really hard. I'm taking a college class in high school and it's the first time I've ever take a college class so it's really new to me.

7. Who are the group of popular girls at your school?

There's one group of popular girls who wear a lot of make up and get like C's, but then there's this other group who are all really smart and are rich , blah blah blah,

8. What stereotype or clique are you in?

Hmm..I feel like I don't really have a stereotype. I'm average, an quiet.

9. Have you ever cried at school?

Yeah :/ luckily, not this year but I've cried at scho at least once since 6th grade, lol. I'm so sensitive.

10. What is the weirdest thing people at your school do?

-hm.. Well there are a lot of things.

BQ: Am I the only one who hates the new changes to y!a?

-I don't really like the changes but now I'm just used to it lol

BQ2: Favorite song of the moment+link?

- growl by exo (it's KPOP)

BQ3: Favorite historical era?

- Chu idk not much of a history person

Love ya lots too :D
2013-09-21 17:20:18 UTC
1. Worst grade you ever got?

-I just recently got 3/16 on a test. **** YOU CHEMISTRY.

2. Best teacher? (what subject and why)

-Grade 8 Social Studies (History) Teacher or my Grade 8 Language Arts (English) Teacher.

Social: He was literally the most enthusiastic teacher I have ever had, and he really knew how to teach. He made lessons interesting and fun so that you WANTED to learn. He had lovely class discussions, and didn't swamp us in notes and homework.

Language Arts: Sweetest teacher I have ever had. She never yelled, not once, we rarely had homework/did notes but almost everybody stayed above a 75 in her class. She gave the class a really good vibe, and I just really loved her.

3. Are you friends with anyone you knew in elementary school?

-Yes I am.

4. Most embarrassing thing that happened to you?

-In school? Well I find those times where a teacher points at somebody behind me, but I think they are pointing at me, so I answer pretty embarrassing. Or my whole gym class. But I guess I'll go with the time I was telling my Teacher why I can't be in a certain class with somebody (This guy was a real character.) AND THEN THAT SOMEBODY WALKED UP BEHIND ME. Talk about awkward.

5. Have you ever been asked out?

-I have.

6. Do you stress about school?

-I do.

7. Who are the group of popular girls at your school?

-I don't know. I have several classes with different people and I just started at this school a few weeks ago.

8. What stereotype or clique are you in?

-None, I don't really have friends yet.

9. Have you ever cried at school?

-I have; When somebody bullied me, when I got hurt, a few times when I did really, really bad on a test, and once when a teacher picked me out and bluntly made fun of me.

10. What is the weirdest thing people at your school do?

-I have this group of guys who wear suits, like fancy suits with the ties and everything, and they talk all posh, and they just act like they are from the olden days, lol.

BQ: Am I the only one who hates the new changes to y!a?

-Nope. Thankfully the main Y!A I use is normal, but when I google stuff for the sake of knowing something I get brought to the new shitty one.

BQ2: Favorite song of the moment+link?

-Oh Lordy I don't know. Hold on.

I've been loving Bleed Red by Ronnie Dun. (Sorry, no link. Too lazy.)

BQ3: Favorite historical era?

-Either the Renassiance, or the Aztecs haha.
2013-09-21 17:14:53 UTC
1. Worst grade you ever got? B-

2. Best teacher? (what subject and why) My seventh grade english teacher because she baked us home made cookies.

3. Are you friends with anyone you knew in elementary school? Yeah.

4. Most embarrassing thing that happened to you? My first day of middle school, I tripped with my lunch tray in my hand and it got everywhere.

5. Have you ever been asked out? Yeah.

6. Do you stress about school? All the time!

7. Who are the group of popular girls at your school? The jocky type of girls I guess.

8. What stereotype or clique are you in? The jock/nerdy group. (I know wierd combo)

9. Have you ever cried at school? In grade school.

10. What is the weirdest thing people at your school do? I guess twerk in the hallways.

BQ: Am I the only one who hates the new changes to y!a? No

BQ2: Favorite song of the moment+link? Rock n Roll by Avril Lavigne

BQ3: Favorite historical era? Idk.
2013-09-21 17:59:31 UTC
1. Worst grade you ever got? - C, on my report card.

2. Best teacher? - Ever? My 8th grade media production teacher... He was just great, understanding, and actually cared about your projects.

3. Are you friends with anyone you knew in elementary school? - Yes, not close anymore though.

4. Most embarrassing thing that happened to you? - Ugh

5. Have you ever been asked out? - Not really

6. Do you stress about school? - Recently - yes!!! I really care now.

7. Who are the group of popular girls at your school? - I haven't really paid attention actually.

8. What stereotype or clique are you in? - None

9. Have you ever cried at school? - 3rd grade, yeah lol.

10. What is the weirdest thing people at your school do? - Don't flush their disgusting sh*t down the toilet.
2013-09-22 13:28:33 UTC
1. Worst grade you ever got?


2. Best teacher? (what subject and why)

Mr. Tremble, because he taught real life skills and actually cared about us. He was literally the only one getting us ready for the real world senior year. I had him for AP Government, the subject was alright.

3. Are you friends with anyone you knew in elementary school?

I'd hardly consider us "friends".

4. Most embarrassing thing that happened to you?

In seventh grade my year long crush finally asked me to be his girlfriend. A girl then came and said that she was his girlfriend, on top of threatening me to fight and caused a major scene. I was the last to know, but he ended up making the whole thing up just so I could leave him alone. Yup.

5. Have you ever been asked out?

Plenty of times.

6. Do you stress about school?

At times.

7. Who are the group of popular girls at your school?

LOL, "popular". You mean the girls who give free blowjobs because of their daddy issues? My high school is pretty big, chances are most of the school doesn't know you or give a sh*t about your popularity.

8. What stereotype or clique are you in?

I don't know, do I have to be in one? I'm smart, get good grades, wear band shirts, wear heels, have a child, have social anxiety. I never really cared, I hung out with all kinds of people. The biggest stereotype that I have on my forehead is "teen mom". Most people at school knew me as "the girl with the baby". I think most of my friends that I made approached me just because of the baby girl on my folder.

9. Have you ever cried at school?

Ah yes, when am I not an emotional mess? Junior year was when I cried the most and spilled out my heart to "friends". I regret doing that, so senior year no matter what tragedy I faced I would only cry to the teachers who I could trust.

10. What is the weirdest thing people at your school do?

They have full faith that their swag will somehow affect them after high school.

BQ: Am I the only one who hates the new changes to y!a?

I prefer it when it stays green. If the homepage is purple I'm off.

BQ2: Favorite song of the moment+link?

Aww man, I'm going with Shakira - Que Me Quedas Tu

It has been a favorite since I was a small child (it came out in 2001) and lately I've just been listening to old music.

BQ3: Favorite historical era?

Renaissance <3
2013-09-21 18:38:30 UTC
1 Well the worst grade I ever got in a class was a C in computer technology in 6th grade. But the worst grade I even got on a test was probably one of the many F's on got on calculus tests. Surprisingly enough somehow I still managed to get a B in that class though.

2. I've had many wonderful teachers, but my top two were probably mt US history and European history teachers, because they were wonderful.

3. I'm still friends with many people I knew in elementary school, though I haven't seen any of them in a while.

4. I try to block those experiences from my memory.

5. Yes.

6. Probably not as much as I should. Maybe I would procrastinate less if I did.

7. Well I'm not in high school anymore, but at my school there weren't really any typical popular girls. There were a group that partied a lot, but they were all really nice and not very superficial.

8. Again, my school was not clique-y at all, but if I had to categorize my group it would be like nerd/stoner maybe. I had a variety of friends though, many of whom were very different from each other.

9. Probably but I can't remember a specific time.

10. Everyone at my school is a little weird. Probably the weirdest thing is how no one really cares about or ever goes to quintessential high school things like football games and prom.

BQ: I hate it too.

BQ2: I'm not sure. I hate myself so much for saying this, but I'm kind of liking new Miley Cyrus. She doesn't seem to give a **** about what anyone expects of her (especially given her past with disney channel) and I kind of admire that.

BQ3: Lately I've been really interested in the Industrial Revolution.
2013-09-22 15:24:48 UTC
1. 0%

2. Ms. George (geometry)because she was the coolest and i suck at math so she made it fun

3. Nope because i move a lot

4. Either when i had on light beige pants and i got my period and it bled all through the back of them or when i didn't put on deoderant and everyone was laughing at the way i smelled

5. Many times but only by guys i don't like

6. Rarely

7. I guess i would consider myself one of them so me and my friends

8. Pretty mean girls but i'm not mean that's just a stereotype

9. Yeah my teacher made me cry once in the 3rd grade (that b*tch) i cried in front of everyone amd also when my dance teacher told me i couldn't be on the team anymore because i had too many tardies (went in the restroom stall and called my mom while crying) and when i found out the guy i REALLY like has a girlfriend and a baby (cried in the restroom the whole lunchtime)

10. Too many to think of

BQ: i doubt it

BQ2: between two points- the glitch mob

BQ3: the 90s
2013-09-22 11:59:15 UTC
1. E in German

2. History, the teacher just didn't care what we were doing and he was nice

3. Yeah loads

4. Calling the headmaster Roger to his face

5. 6 times

6. In my last year I did all the time

7. Wasn't really a particularly popular group at our school

8. Emo/punk

9. Once but only infront of my best friend

10. The boys at my school used to pinch each others bums
2013-09-21 21:13:04 UTC
1.) A 62 (D-)

2.) Mrs. magil, 4th grade teacher

3.) omg yes

4.) Nothing really... One time in 6th grade during a presentation I said bitcher instead of butcher, because I was so nervous. My teacher laughed and thought it was funny lol

5.) Yeah, but I really didn't want to be in a relationship at the times, so I turned them down

6.) All the time

7.) my school isn't really like that. Legit everybody is just a douche

8.) preppy / "popular" kids lol

9.) yeah but not in front of anyone

10.) they suck dick legit though, and most people are mean, because they think it's fun/funny


BQ2: Red Nose or Gas Pedal, both by Sage the Gemini

BQ3: Ancient Rome/Ancient Greece
2013-09-21 17:31:30 UTC
1. Worst grade you ever got? Final grade? Probably a D from middle school P.E., I had a concussion and couldn't go to gym for a couple months but for some reason they screwed up and didn't count it.

2. Best teacher? (what subject and why) My 9th grade science teacher (and physics next year), he's really sarcastic and funny. Plus he's full of pop culture references.

3. Are you friends with anyone you knew in elementary school? Yes. One of my best friends.

4. Most embarrassing thing that happened to you? I got my period in 7th grade during the class of my least favorite teacher (who hated me).

5. Have you ever been asked out? Four times.

6. Do you stress about school? Somewhat.

7. Who are the group of popular girls at your school? They hang around the jocks and wear preppy name brands, ugg boots, tons of makeup. Honestly I've never met any preps that have personal interests of their own like music, art, computers, etc. They all just seem to be a homogenized mass of what's 'in.'

EDIT: Thinking about it, they really aren't more popular than the average person in terms of actual friends but they have this aura of pretentiousness around them. Most people at my school could care less about the 'popular' crowd if their group already has a social life of it's own.

8. What stereotype or clique are you in? Someone told me I belong to the hipster nerd group. Obviously I can't admit to being a "hipster" though lmao

9. Have you ever cried at school? Yep. Freshman year was the most recent time because I realized my friends from math were being assholes to me so I decided to ditch them.

10. What is the weirdest thing people at your school do? I don't know, people at my school do a lot of weird things. Eh, obviously I can't say this for the whole school lol but my friend walked into someone masturbating in the bathroom yesterday.

BQ: Am I the only one who hates the new changes to y!a? Mine changed briefly and then changed back, and I didn't like the changes either.

BQ2: Favorite song of the moment+link? Surfing with the Alien by Joe Satriani.

BQ3: Favorite historical era? Can't say, most interesting imo is probably the Renaissance era, if we're talking about human history. I really like learning about the history of the cosmos in general though too.
2013-09-21 17:26:54 UTC
1. The worst grade i've gotten on a test was probably a D but in a class was a B.

2. My chemistry teacher because he's funny but he still gets stuff done. He explained things really well too (which is good for me since I'm absolutely terrible at chemistry) :D

3. I've kind of lost touch with my elementary school friends. My elementary school gets split up when we enter high school so a lot of my friends go to a different school. I see them every once in awhile though.

4. When I was five I went up to my mom and I was like "hey mom, i know what the boy's private part is called, but what's the girls?" and when she told me, I said "wow! that's a pretty name! why didn't you name me that?" My mom thinks this is funny even today (which i guess it is) but she tells it to everyone she meets and it's kind of embarrassing.

5. Yes

6. I stress about school a lot. I stress way too much.

7. The popular girls in my school are the athletic and smart ones. They also try to do as many clubs as they can. Most of them are friendly but not all.

8. I'm not really sure where I stand in my school. I'm kinda quiet in class but loud with my friends.

9. I have never cried in school.

10. I always see this one kid in the hall that balances his textbook on his head. I want to hit it off his head sooo much but that'd be mean. :)

BQ: No! I do too!

BQ2: "This Time Tomorrow" by Trent Dabbs. I just found this song the other day!

BQ3: The 1700's or 1920's :) I'm not sure why :D
2013-09-21 17:24:24 UTC
1. Worst grade you ever got?

-On a test? Probably like a C-, but I fail quizzes all the time haha

2. Best teacher? (what subject and why)

-English. He was so smart and wise and he knew so many insightful things about the books we read. Every time I left his class I felt smarter.

3. Are you friends with anyone you knew in elementary school?


4. Most embarrassing thing that happened to you?

-I slobbered while I was talking to my crush.

5. Have you ever been asked out?


6. Do you stress about school?

-Yes, too much. I might even have to go see a therapist

7. Who are the group of popular girls at your school?

-I dunno, there isn't really a group. There's like random girls from different groups.

8. What stereotype or clique are you in?

-Popular-ish person. Idk, I make people laugh a lot and I'm friendly with everyone.

9. Have you ever cried at school?


10. What is the weirdest thing people at your school do?

-We have some strange *ss kids at my school. We all do weird stuff haha

BQ: I hate them too. I just hang out in the UK version now

BQ: gotta love Holes

BQ: I'm not sure. Renaissance maybe? Or Victorian. I love a lot of them

Thanks :)
Dawn Riley
2013-09-23 11:43:53 UTC
1. Worst grade you ever got? 34/F

2. Best teacher? (what subject and why)

Science-Always yelled at me and talked bad about me to her homeroom.

3. Are you friends with anyone you knew in elementary school?

yeah, many of them.

4. Most embarrassing thing that happened to you?

i split my pants when me and my friend were doing splits and had to wear a long sweater all day.

5. Have you ever been asked out? several times.. can't date though.Well i never really asked my mom..but i've been asked out 7 times.

6. Do you stress about school? YES!

7. Who are the group of popular girls at your school? i'm included in that group.HAHAHA.

8. What stereotype or clique are you in?


9. Have you ever cried at school?

yes.3 times.

10. What is the weirdest thing people at your school do?

on Wednsdays they yell HUMP DAYYYY! ;D
2013-09-21 17:43:25 UTC
1. C

2. Coach Gillis, 8th grade P.E. The most hilarious guy I have ever met.

3. Yes

4. Peeing my pants in 2nd grade.

5. Yes

6. Yes

7. We don't have any of those groups at the school I go to. I go to high school on a college campus.

8. I'm not in a clique. I wander around from group to group.

9. Three times.

10. Wear capes.

BQ: I'm over them

BQ2: Honeymoon Avenue - Ariana Grande:

BQ3: Naw
2013-09-22 19:20:05 UTC
1. like a freaking E

2. idgaf about teachers i had this one that didnt give anyone homework so i liked her

3. nahhhhh m8tttt

4. teacher being a ***** thinking i was lying

5. yep yep

6. who doesnt

7. the sluts

8. the really shady one

9. nah

10. theres this one kid who has a plant fetish or something and he used to be into fish until I bullied him out of it
2013-09-22 12:00:34 UTC
1. E I think?

2. History - he gave us money

3. Umm.. don't think so, no.

4. I don't really know.

5. Yes.

6. No, I don't go to school.

7. Snobby bitches

8. At school I was a goth. Oh gosh.

9. Yeah

10. Someone threw their poo across our corridor. It hit someone and they threw up. Ugh.

BQ - No, i hate it.

BQ2 - no

3 - World Wars
2016-03-10 06:10:06 UTC
What year/grade are you in?year 10 Do you go to public, private or another type of school?public What is your favourite subject?child development What is your least favourite subject?maths Does your favourite teacher teach your favourite subject?kind of Do you like school overall?no Did you like this poll?it's alright
2013-09-21 17:12:17 UTC
1.E,was only a class test but!

2.Business teacher,she loves me:) so lovely!


4.Period leakage..but dont think anyone noticed:)

5.Nope,no time for **** relationships


7.Isnt any

8.Just normal:)

9.With laughter?yes.

10.Cake themselves in makeup!!
2013-09-21 17:13:35 UTC
Oh , i thought i was the only one who was pissed off by this godawful new layout! i hate it! i can't add to my questions, you can no longer see the wonderful profile pics people go to the trouble of putting onto their names, and they notify you when you ask or answer a question! I KNOW I ASKED QUESTION, *****! YOU DON'T NEED TO TELL ME!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.