Your question was not why do they try drugs but more why do they get the hooked.
They may try them because that's what you do when you're growing up you experiment in the world that's in front of you. Anything your parents or school told you that you shouldn't do of course means the opposite in a teenager's mind.
There are also confusing things when you're a teenager… drugs are bad but my parents have a whole medicine cabinet of them. TV and print ads bombard us with “useful” drugs. Everyone now uses drugs more than any other time in history.
While America was winning the “war” (and we WON any wars lately) now homemade brews of methamphetamines and other drugs have increased supply. These drugs are incredibly more addictive than anything served up at Woodstock. By the way has anyone seen a hippie lately…. I'm sure they didn't all die…. oh that's right they cut their hair, joined society and became executives of computer companies.
The “hard” drugs of the day especially target areas of the brain designated for pleasure. Unfortunately even sampling these drugs (which some believe won't get them hooked) can lead to addiction. The body then craves these drugs and stopping their use is extremely difficult. It has nothing to do with a weak mind or body. This is a chemistry war that you probably won't win.
It is not also help that the government continues to send mixed messages on drugs. The film Reefer Madness comes to mind as the government tried to get Hollywood to help out with the drug problem. Marijuana was shown as a terrible thing that could lead to rape. Nancy Reagan said “Just say No”…. that was helpful (obviously the Contras could get their money elsewhere). Now some states are decriminalizing marijuana usage. And then there's always mixed message of drugs sold within 1,000 feet of school, punishment doubles. Is the government telling me to sell drugs 2,000 feet away because it's not as bad then.
What is the most “Hooked” drug….. one that within seconds hits pleasure centers of the brain causing cravings that highly addictive. Widely distributed and readily available, Nicotine
Remember the only difference between a drug and a poison…. is dosage. Think about it