1. How old are you?
2. What kind of neighborhood do you live in?
I live in the suburbs in a pretty relaxed and really nice neighborhood
In my school it's known as the 'rich' neighborhood.
3. Public or Private school (if private religious or non-religious?)
Public school, I used to go to private but I got sick of all the hw- it was religious
4. What car do you drive?
My parents, I can't get my own until I
get my license
5. Do you pay for your own gas?
My parents would pay for my gas
6. Do you have a credit/debit card? (Visa, Amex, MasterCard, Diners Club)
I have one of those debit cards that you put money on instead of it taking it out
of an account- I think it's mastercard
7. What do you spend monthly?
Not much, I'm saving my money for a vacation
8. Do you have allowance?
I get money for good grades
9. What do your parents do for work?
My dad's a fire chief and my mom does something...
10. Is your family lower class, middle class, or upper class?
Middle class
11. Why do you think you are that class?
My parents aren't crazy rich but we have a nice house, nice cars,
money for college, and money for other things and my parents are
HUGE money savers
12. How big is your house?
It's just a ranch, but it's pretty large for that
13. How many cars do you have?
14. What type of cars do you have?
GM Yukon
GM Acadia
15. Do you travel?
Often :)
16. Where do you travel?
Anywhere- we recently went to Florida and to Mackinaw
I've been to Florida 7 times, I've been to Colorado- I've
traveled to like 20 of the states and Canada but that's it
17. Are your single or taken?
18. How long have you been going out?
19. When was your first relationship?
I've never been in an actual "relationship" only flings,
but the first one I was 14
20. Smoke and drink?
No thanks
21. Do you like this survey?
It was different