to fake being sick,wake up in the morning late,when you get up rub your eyes like your really tired(but not to much!)then wet your face with REALLY hot water(dont burn yourself now.........)then take some more hot water and swish it around in your mouth,then swallow,take your tempature,if the tempature isn't 98.9 or more,drink more really hot water,until it gets to 98.9 or more(the higher the better,though not THAT high,dont want to go to the docters,have them say your not sick,and get BUSTED)take the themonitor to your mom/dad/guradian/whatever and say you didn't feel good,because your throat hurts really bad,like you swallowed a bug or something,and your head hurts like it was banged on an anvil(you dont have to say the bug.anvil part,but if you know your parent will fall for that than you can) and you feel like throwing up,and so so you took your temputure,and show the thermoneter to you parent,or tell them what it was,then they'll feel your forehead(oh ya i forgot,rub A LOT of the hot water on your forehead,and rub it until you think it's really hot) then they'll say somnething like,oh i think you're sick,do you want to stay home?and you'll say,i really want to go to school today,but i dont feel well and i dont want to get other kids sick,that'll probly get you staying home,if it doesn't,then i've failed,but it works for me,also remember, to cough around every 3 minutes or more,a really deep cough,practice coughing and stuff like that before you attempt faking sick,always walk around really slow like your tired,and dont talk very much,and stare out then window or a wall or something,if someone ask you a yes/no question,just nod or shake your head,and if they ask you anything else try to make the asnwer as simple as poosible,and lay down a lot,you could probly only stay sick for 2-3 days before your parents get suspicious and take you to the dr,or take you back to school,if you have any more questions,just e-mail me at