1. When is your birthday?
February 22... I'll be 18 and legal!!
2. What is/was your favourite subject at school?
Medical Termenology
3. When was the last time you made a mess?
Today when my mom brought stuff home and it was in boxes that i had to unpack and put together and left the mess on the floor still
4. Do you have a job? If so, where?
I've never had a job.. but I am looking for one
5. What was the last compliment you received?
I have beautiful eyes
6. Who was the last person to tell you that they loved you?
My mom
7. Who is your favourite user on Y!A?
I dont really have one
8. Did you have a star/sticker chart when you were younger?
At school, not at home
9. What was the last piece of bad news you received?
My grandpa was in the hospital and has internal bleeding but they cant do anything for it.
10. Did you have a good sleep last night?
11. Does any part of your body hurt at the moment?
My head, legs, back, ears... I have the flu though so it all hurts
12. Have you ever tried a cigarette?
yeah when I was like 8 and will never do it again. GROSS
13. What's the last song you listened to?
My myspace one
14. Do you sleep on your back, front or side?
I fall asleep on my stomach and wake up on my back
15. How many songs do you have on your itunes?
close to 400. As soon as it hits 400 I delete them all and put new songs on. I hate scrolling through my ipod just to find ONE song. So I like to keep it low
16. What's your best piece of advice?
You need to move on from him, he is no good for you.
17. Do you love your Mum or your Dad more?
Hmmm for alot of people they are probably going to say they love them both alot, but for me I would have to say my mom. My dad has never really been in my life. only when he feels like it. hes always in jail/prison
18. What was the last fast food you ate?
I had wendys for dinner tonight
19. What's your favourite sport?
Im not much of a sports kind of girl
20. If you were given the option, would you go to the moon?
Probably. I think it would be a good experience. Not to many people can say they have been there.