Woah! You're a Whovian, too? I'm sorry but I never would have guessed. Have you seen all of it? And MATT SMITH IS LEAVING!!! It makes me so sad, he's my favorite Doctor by far (sorry, Tennant, but you just can't beat the Fez).
I also really like Star Trek, TNG and TOS. Captain Picard is boss! And he came to my city last year for Comicon and I didn't get to meet him... I was a very, very not happy person about that. I was going to ask him to sign my Pez dispenser.
I've seen Sherlock and I like it, but I'm not really obsessed with it like I am the other two. But, still, I love 221 B.
Oh! And I used to be obsessed with Monk. I loved that show so much, and I remember when it was canceled, it made me sad. I've seen every single last episode at least twice, because I watched them when they first aired and then went through and re-watched it, too. If there were more new episodes I would watch it more often, but as it is I kind of already know who did it by reading the title, so it's not too exciting.
And Avatar, Avatar is an amazing show. It looks like a stupid cartoon but it really is a lot more. There is some incredible character development, I seriously could learn a thing or two from that show. it would be great for my writing skills. Plus, the world-building, and they strike an excellent balance between humor and drama/.
Firefly, Firefly too! I just finished it a couple weeks ago. JOSS WHEDON, WHY??? Why. Why... I knew when I started watching it that it was canceled in the first season, but I never would have expected to love it as much as I do! How could the network have been so CRUEL? I love the way that show grapples with the core of humanity. It has a lot to say and it says it well.
And, lastly, Psych. It's such a funny show, and the two main characters are almost exactly like me and my best friend. The dynamic they have and the banter, is pretty much what we do all day. i hope that someday we can be as cool as they are. And as hilarious!
Woah. That's a big list. I didn't realize it was so long. Criminey.