Interesting survey!
You are at the doctor’s office and he has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? What do you do with your remaining days?
The very second I was out of the doctor's office, I would call everyone I love and tell them that I love them. I wouldn't necessarily tell them upfront that I was dying, but I would make it clear that if there's anything they wanted to say to me, then would be the right time. Next, I would cash in everything I have, make a crazy list of things I wanted to do, and then hop on a plane to start the list. A few examples? Pole dance at a major Vegas casino, crash a wedding, etc.
Would you do meth if it was legalized?
Absolutely not. Meth is quite possibly one of the most dangerous drugs available, and it's highly addictive. In the same way that cigarettes are legal, and I wouldn't touch them, if Meth was legal, I'd stay far away. And then work on firing whoever was responsible for this lapse in judgment.
Abortion: for or against it?
Completely, 100%, pro-choice. You could even say I'm pro-abortion. I work for Planned Parenthood, and everyday I see just how necessary it is that abortion stays legal. And yes, I would have one myself.
If a female President came to office, what kind of a effect would that have on the US?
It would totally depend on her policy. I think it would mean something really great for our country, though, and would be a great representation of the fact that we have made huge strides in sexism.
Do you believe in the death penalty?
In theory, absolutely, when applied to first degree homicide. However, in truth, I can't say I am just because we are just now discovering several mistakes our judicial system made that indicted the wrong person.
Are you for or against premarital sex?
For it. I believe in two things in regards to premarital sex: One, it is unrealistic to assume it doesn't happen, and we all need to realize that people have sex and it's natural, it's not this over-stigmatized naughty thing that people do. And two, I think you need to know someone in every way -- intellectually, emotionally, and physically -- before you can commit your life to them.
Do you believe in God?
I believe I do. My God is a non-judging, kind, forgiving one.
Do you believe there is another human race somewhere in the Universe?
I don't think so. I'm not opposed to the idea, and I haven't put any thought into it, but not currently, no.
Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?
Yes, yes, yes! One day in the relatively near future, students in classrooms are going to be learning about the early 2000s, and they're going to say, "What was wrong with people? I can't believe they wouldn't let people marry just because of their sexual orientation!", just like we did with segregation. History is repeating itself right before our eyes, and it's disgusting.
Why do you think people are still racist?
Because it's in our blood to distance ourselves from others in any way possible. Skin color and background is an easy way to say, "Look, he's not like me. I'm better than him."
A fourteen year old girl has a baby, should she keep it?
No ones choice but hers. If I was fourteen and got pregnant, I would not even consider keeping it, though.
Should the alcohol age be lowered to eighteen?
I'm undecided. I think yes, just because it's sickening that a person can fight for his or her country, but can't be trusted to drink responsibly. On the other hand, I think it's founded that we wait a little longer on the maturity scale.
Should the 'war' in Iraq ever have started? Did you ever agree with Bush on that?
In general, no, I don't agree. However, a very serious attack was made on our country and something had to be done. The problem is we went about it all wrong.
Assisted suicide is illegal: do you agree?
Doctor assisted suicide? I am for, so long as said doctor is a licensed psychiatrist with extensive training. Anyone else? I'm against.
Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?
Yes. I am not one for symbolism, and it really pushes my buttons when people get all hot and bothered about things such as the taught sacredness of the American Flag. It's a flag. It's cloth and thread. Respect it, sure, but for a million dollars? Get me some gasoline and a match!
Do you think Obama will be assassinated?
I certainly hope not! He has one of the best security teams in presidential history, so hopefully he and his beautiful family will be well protected.
Are you ever afraid of a major attack will be made on your country someday?
One already has been made! But in the future? I think it's certainly possible if we don't get our diplomacy in order.
- Be well :)