3 favorite food of all time- My mom's meat spaghetti, which I can no longer eat (I'm a vegetarian), takoyaki (I also can't eat this anymore), and my mom's chicken enchiladas (once again). Now I'm depressed...LOL Oh, how could I forget?!?! CHOCOLATE. I love anything chocolate...More than those other foods...
3 favorite colours- Blue, green, and purple...Wait...There's also brown and red...
3 favorite fruit- Strawberries...Um...Blackberries and raspberries? Not sure...
3 favorite vegetables- Broccoli, beans, and corn, I guess...I love most of them...
3 favorite vacation destinations- I've only ever really been on vacations to California and Oregon before...I really like them, though...I also think I'd love a vacation to Germany or Japan...Anywhere! I just love to travel...
3 favorite girl names- I like most unusual or made-up, still-real-sounding names.
3 favorite boy names- Hm...Aleazar, Alistair, and...Not sure...Same rule as applies for girl names...
3 favorite tv shows- South Park, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation...LOL And I'm not sure...Maybe Family Guy?
3 favorite celebrities- Shida Mirai (she's a teenage Japanese actress), Miura Harume (Japanese Actor)...LOL I don't know about a third...Maybe Will Farrel or that guy who played Napoleon Dynamite and stuff...
3 favorite songs- Too many to tell...I really like "All Around Me" by Flyleaf, and...Agh, too many to choose from...I love them all...
3 favorite websites- Yahoo! Answers, Youtube, and...Deviantart...Wow, I'm such a nerd...LOL So sad for me...
3 favorite movies- Koizora, that one that had to do with figure skating that had Will Farrel and the guy who played Napoleon Dynamite, and...I don't know...I don't really watch many movies...
3 favorite sweets- Orange chocolate, strawberries with Nutella, and donuts, which amazes me (I had my first donut in around two years about three weeks ago!).
What a nice survey...LOL Thanks X0)