What do I think? Way to go Sasha Houston Brown!
Congrats on reading a book and writing a paper on it. Maybe you are the one who needs to get over yourself, considering you think you are now some sort of expert on Native Americans. Interesting that such an expert thinks all the atrocities happened hundreds of years ago.
Personally, I find the line to be distasteful as well. "Navajo Print Fabric Wrapped Flask, Navajo Hipster Panty and Staring at Stars Strapless Navajo Dress" If you were as in tune to cultural issues of Native Americans as you like to think, you would realize that our women are raised to be modest, not out sporting panties for the world to see or wearing tiny little strapless dresses. We don't dress slutty nor do we want to have it implied that we are that way.
But the legality of the line is the first thing that came to my mind as I began to read the article. It is not legal to market products as Native American. Considering Navajo is the name of a tribe in the Southwest, I sincerely hope Urban Outfitters will be looking at a lawsuit in the near future. Honestly, it's a bit sickening that there are people on the Navajo reservation without running water yet a corporation feels they are entitled to use these people as marketing tools to make even more money by tying their skanky clothesline to them.
She took it as a personal insult because it is. You don't get to decide what someone else finds offensive. If this is not exploitation of Native people, then why are there not clothing lines named after other races implying they are slutty? It's obvious that you are "irked" because, as a member of the majority race, you have the idea that it's okay to use and treat others in any manner that you want. The letter this woman wrote pissed you off because she stood her ground and it threatened your way of viewing others.
@ Rachel: Just because someone goes to a mall doesn't mean they don't live a life filled with Native American culture, nor does it mean they are not conservative. We do live in the 21st century too- cars, houses, etc. We may not dress in buckskin and feathers on a daily basis, but it doesn't mean we are immodest or that our culture is not abundant in our daily lives.
Edit @ details: Thank you for the compliment. I am a lovely person to be around. I am friendly, caring, funny and compassionate. But I do take offense when people think they know more about me than I know myself, or feel the need to decide how others should feel regarding certain issues. You are the one who needed to post your "credentials" to somehow back your opinion. The thing you fail to realize though is that this IS offensive, so your 22 page paper doesn't really help your case. Evidently, you are good at reading and writing, but lack the ability to see things from someone else's point of view- you just don't get "Native American sensitivities". In all honesty, the fact that you wrote that paper means nothing if you didn't learn from it.