Awesome mini survey (:?
2010-06-01 15:16:35 UTC
1. Best kind of bubble gum?
2. Worst part of the day?
3. If you could invent something, what would you invent?
4. Ever seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off? Like it? :D
5. Who's your favorite Muppet?
6. What's the best bargain you've ever found at a garage sale or thrift store?
7. What is the longest you have gone without sleeping?
8. Favorite thing about your house?
9. What did you have for lunch yesterday?
10. Have you ever been snorkeling? How about scuba diving?

Thanks and have fun! (:
35 answers:
2010-06-01 15:18:06 UTC
1. Best kind of bubble gum?

FIVE GUM REACT (both mint and fruit). Seriously. Best gum

2. Worst part of the day?

Waking up

3. If you could invent something, what would you invent?

Flying car. iddkk but that seems like fun (:

4. Ever seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off? Like it? :D


5. Who's your favorite Muppet?

Kermit the Frog, Ms Piggy is just annoying

6. What's the best bargain you've ever found at a garage sale or thrift store?

I've actually never gone to a garage sale (I KNOW, I'm very deprived) but I found this adorable, authentic Chanel purse for $200. I personally think the vintage look added to the purse, too

7. What is the longest you have gone without sleeping?

Hmm. Probably no more than 48 hours

8. Favorite thing about your house?

There's a lot of things to do in it!

9. What did you have for lunch yesterday?

I have to think about this one.. I don't think I had lunch. I was driving home from visiting my father and didn't have time

10. Have you ever been snorkeling? How about scuba diving?

Yes & yes. I just got my scuba diving license like two years ago.. so I guess that's not JUST


That was fun.

~ Caty

edit: Big Bird is a muppet? I thought he was on Sesame Street.. then BY FAR he could have to be my favorite muppet. When I was little, I had this huge, 3 foot tall Big Bird stuffed animal that I carried around with me all of the time! Even though it was bigger than I, I have so many pictures of me carrying him around.
2010-06-01 22:23:54 UTC
1. Best kind of bubble gum?

Don't know.

2. Worst part of the day?

Not getting the opportunity to steal any alcohol from my grandma's stash at her house. I'm so bored and depressed now because of it.

3. If you could invent something, what would you invent?

Time machine.

4. Ever seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off? Like it? :D

Never heard of it.

5. Who's your favorite Muppet?

My favorite what?

6. What's the best bargain you've ever found at a garage sale or thrift store?

Don't go to either of those places.

7. What is the longest you have gone without sleeping?

1 week straight.

8. Favorite thing about your house?

The windows and walls. They're awesome.

9. What did you have for lunch yesterday?

Don't remember.

10. Have you ever been snorkeling? How about scuba diving?

Never to both.
2010-06-01 15:44:27 UTC
1. Best kind of bubble gum?

- Hubba Bubba Ouch!

2. Worst part of the day?

- Early morning and midday. Blah.

3. If you could invent something, what would you invent?

A phone that converts what you say to a text message. That would be so cool!

4. Ever seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off? Like it? :D

- OMG that's my favorite movie! I LMAO when Janie kicks Rooney.

5. Who's your favorite Muppet?

- Miss Piggy!

6. What's the best bargain you've ever found at a garage sale or thrift store?

- I found some cool 90s CDs for .50 cents each!

7. What is the longest you have gone without sleeping?

- like 30 hours. I was so tired!

8. Favorite thing about your house?

- I have a super cool room!

9. What did you have for lunch yesterday?

- Pizza!

10. Have you ever been snorkeling? How about scuba


- No. I wish. :(
2010-06-01 15:36:11 UTC
1. Best kind of bubble gum? Fruity stuff.

2. Worst part of the day? Hearing some news i didn't want to hear.

3. If you could invent something, what would you invent? A time machine, idk.

4. Ever seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off? Like it? :D I watched it a long time ago, i don't remember it to well. I just remember "Bueller... Bueller... Bueller.."

5. Who's your favorite Muppet? I don't know any of the names.

6. What's the best bargain you've ever found at a garage sale or thrift store? I don't know.

7. What is the longest you have gone without sleeping? Not even a full day.

8. Favorite thing about your house? My room :)

9. What did you have for lunch yesterday? Nothing.

10. Have you ever been snorkeling? How about scuba diving? Nope and nope!
2010-06-01 15:30:43 UTC
1. Best kind of bubble gum?

Hubba Bubba the green one :)

2. Worst part of the day?

3 pm when school is nearly over but not quite

3. If you could invent something, what would you invent?

robot to hoover and dust my room

4. Ever seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off? Like it? :D


5. Who's your favorite Muppet?


6. What's the best bargain you've ever found at a garage sale or thrift store?

A nice top on sale from New Look

7. What is the longest you have gone without sleeping?

Not very .... A day or so

8. Favorite thing about your house?


9. What did you have for lunch yesterday?

Ididn'tt really have lunch it was an odd day :P

10. Have you ever been snorkeling? How about scuba diving?

Been snorkeling - didn't like it, not scuba diving
ⓜⓔ ⓡⓒ ⓔⓓ ⓔⓢ☜
2010-06-01 15:29:57 UTC
1. Best kind of bubble gum? - It's this Japanese dragon fruit gum. I don't remember the brand.

2. Worst part of the day? - Being very self-conscious, but that's every day.

3. If you could invent something, what would you invent? - A way to live as long as you wanted.

4. Ever seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off? Like it? :D - I saw some of it. Not really a fan.

5. Who's your favorite Muppet? - I don't know. I guess that frog. Kermit, I think is his name.

6. What's the best bargain you've ever found at a garage sale or thrift store? - I don't remember.

7. What is the longest you have gone without sleeping? - Less than two days.

8. Favorite thing about your house? - I'm not sure.

9. What did you have for lunch yesterday? - I think I had some fruit, green tea, and I'm not sure what else.

10. Have you ever been snorkeling? How about scuba diving? - Yeah. It was at this aquarium in the US. I think the name started with an m. It was named after the city it was in. I can't remember. Monterey Bay, maybe. I'm pretty sure that's it. I just remembered. The Monterey Bay Aquarium.
2010-06-01 15:22:48 UTC
1. Best kind of bubble gum?


2. Worst part of the day?


3. If you could invent something, what would you invent?

somthing to shower,dress,and put make up on me..

4. Ever seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off? Like it? :D


5. Who's your favorite Muppet?

idk there are so many!


6. What's the best bargain you've ever found at a garage sale or thrift store?

hmm idk

7. What is the longest you have gone without sleeping?


8. Favorite thing about your house?


9. What did you have for lunch yesterday?

dont member

10. Have you ever been snorkeling? How about scuba diving?

no n nope
2010-06-01 15:21:21 UTC
1. Best kind of bubble gum? Orbit Strawberry.

2. Worst part of the day? Morning :(

3. If you could invent something, what would you invent? Electronic schoolbooks, I can't understand why it hasn't been done yet, students just use a laptop.

4. Ever seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off? Like it? :D No.

5. Who's your favorite Muppet? I'm a muppet :D

6. What's the best bargain you've ever found at a garage sale or thrift store?

7. What is the longest you have gone without sleeping? 21 hours maybe?

8. Favorite thing about your house? My computer...

9. What did you have for lunch yesterday? A roll.

10. Have you ever been snorkeling? How about scuba diving? Neither.
кαтιε ღ
2010-06-01 15:17:36 UTC
1. Best kind of bubble gum?

- The fruity kind. (:

2. Worst part of the day?

- Waking up.

3. If you could invent something, what would you invent?

- Something to do my homework for me.

4. Ever seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off? Like it? :D

- Yeah! I loved it. :D

5. Who's your favorite Muppet?

- Tie between Kermit and Big Bird.

6. What's the best bargain you've ever found at a garage sale or thrift store?

- I haven't.

7. What is the longest you have gone without sleeping?

- I think 2 days.

8. Favorite thing about your house?

- The feeling it has. It's just really cozy and I love it.

9. What did you have for lunch yesterday?

- Uhh.....

A peanut butter wrap with nutella.

10. Have you ever been snorkeling? How about scuba diving?

- Nope, not yet. But I want to do both.
2010-06-01 17:39:13 UTC
1. Best kind of bubble gum? Big red

2. Worst part of the day? Algebra 1. It is like complete hell!

3. If you could invent something, what would you invent? A robot that could do homework & projects for you :D

4. Ever seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off? Like it? I have not seen it

5. Who's your favorite Muppet? Miss piggy!

6. What's the best bargain you've ever found at a garage sale or thrift store? I have never shopped at those places

7. What is the longest you have gone without sleeping? A day

8. Favorite thing about your house? My big room

9. What did you have for lunch yesterday? A hotdog

10. Have you ever been snorkeling? How about scuba diving? Nope
2010-06-01 15:39:30 UTC
1. Best kind of bubble gum? React 5, mucho gracious!

2. Worst part of the day? The morning, it makes me tired.

3. If you could invent something, what would you invent? Probably levitating key boards, so my wrist won't hurt.

4. Ever seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off? Like it? :D Oooh, YES! Mou favorite!

5. Who's your favorite Muppet? Kermit. ;D

6. What's the best bargain you've ever found at a garage sale or thrift store? My dresser in my room was three dollars!

7. What is the longest you have gone without sleeping? 24 hours. I pass out after 4 a.m now. I want to stay up all night,

8. Favorite thing about your house? Secret hide-a-ways thingers!

9. What did you have for lunch yesterday? Corn on a cob.

10. Have you ever been snorkeling? How about scuba diving?

Nopers and Nuppers!
2010-06-01 15:37:24 UTC
1. Best kind of bubble gum?


2. Worst part of the day?

The Morning.

3. If you could invent something, what would you invent?

a laptop that is completely foolproof.

4. Ever seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off? Like it? :D

Love it~

5. Who's your favorite Muppet?

Pepe the King Prawn!

6. What's the best bargain you've ever found at a garage sale or thrift store?

A $80 XOXO purse for $10

7. What is the longest you have gone without sleeping?

3 days.

8. Favorite thing about your house?

My bedroom.

9. What did you have for lunch yesterday?

Spare ribs

10. Have you ever been snorkeling? How about scuba diving?

no, but I've always wanted to.
2010-06-01 15:32:25 UTC
1. Best kind of bubble gum?

stride mystery. :)

2. Worst part of the day?

getting out of bed. ugh :/

3. If you could invent something, what would you invent?

a thing that just puts imfo in your brain so you don't have to go to school. or an iTunes code that gives you unlimited $ forever.

4. Ever seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off? Like it? :D


5. Who's your favorite Muppet?\

not sure

6. What's the best bargain you've ever found at a garage sale or thrift store?

at a thrift store i got a really unique vinatge-y shirt for $2. hellz yeah!

7. What is the longest you have gone without sleeping?

2 days

8. Favorite thing about your house?

my room is pretty, & it is near a great place to ride my bike.

9. What did you have for lunch yesterday?


10. Have you ever been snorkeling? How about scuba diving?

neither but i do have a snorkel :p
Karen ♥
2010-06-01 15:26:37 UTC
1. Best kind of bubble gum? the kind that doesn't taste like waax

2. Worst part of the day? hmm. today was pretty good, so none.

3. If you could invent something, what would you invent? teleporty thingy :D

4. Ever seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off? Like it? :D YESSSS

5. Who's your favorite Muppet? muppet? what is that again?

6. What's the best bargain you've ever found at a garage sale or thrift store? hm. i haven't been to one of those for a long time. but this gold bracelet costed like $25

7. What is the longest you have gone without sleeping? a day.

8. Favorite thing about your house? i loveee the enormous backyard :D

9. What did you have for lunch yesterday? sandwich with cream cheese

10. Have you ever been snorkeling? How about scuba diving? yes :)
2010-06-01 15:21:10 UTC
1. Best kind of bubble gum? 5

2. Worst part of the day? My day was good

3. If you could invent something, what would you invent? I don't know

4. Ever seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off? Like it? :D yes and yes

5. Who's your favorite Muppet? What

6. What's the best bargain you've ever found at a garage sale or thrift store? I don't know

7. What is the longest you have gone without sleeping? I sleep every night

8. Favorite thing about your house? My room

9. What did you have for lunch yesterday? I didn't really have lunch, I guess it was rahman.

10. Have you ever been snorkeling? How about scuba diving? No and No
Rawr :)
2010-06-01 15:19:31 UTC
1. Best kind of bubble gum? -tropical citrusy gum!

2. Worst part of the day? -afternoon

3. If you could invent something, what would you invent? -a new electronic. im kind of a nerdy girl like that :P

4. Ever seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off? Like it? -ive seen a few minutes of it and didnt really care to catch the whole thing. im just not into the 80s.

5. Who's your favorite Muppet? -i never really cared for the muppets. i always get them confused with some sesame street characters too lol

6. What's the best bargain you've ever found at a garage sale or thrift store? -underwear for a few dollars? lol

7. What is the longest you have gone without sleeping? -all night

8. Favorite thing about your house? -my room <3

9. What did you have for lunch yesterday? -my boyfriend made me a sandwich :D he is the best sandwich maker everr!

10. Have you ever been snorkeling? How about scuba diving? -i have an intense fear of deep water and the that is a complete negative lol
All Apologies
2010-06-01 15:18:57 UTC
1. Best kind of bubble gum?- Bubbleyum or Bubblicious

2. Worst part of the day?- Gym class

3. If you could invent something, what would you invent?- Why would I tell you? Some creep on the internet might steel my idea and get rich off it. :)

4. Ever seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off? Like it? :D- Lol it was awesome.

5. Who's your favorite Muppet?- This one:

6. What's the best bargain you've ever found at a garage sale or thrift store?- Value Village, everything half off, baby!!!

7. What is the longest you have gone without sleeping?- Probably a whole day. Thats all I can take, I NEED my sleep.

8. Favorite thing about your house?- I'M in it, of course. Jk, I'm not that concieted. It's yellow!

9. What did you have for lunch yesterday?- OMG! Thanks for reminding me, I need to bring lunch $ tomorrow. Aaanyway, um, crappy school pizza.

10. Have you ever been snorkeling? How about scuba diving?- Unfortunately, I cannot say I've had either of those pleasures. DX
2010-06-01 15:19:27 UTC
1. Best kind of bubble gum? I'm not sure what brand it is, but it's mandarin orange flavored!

2. Worst part of the day? waking up early

3. If you could invent something, what would you invent? no idea

4. Ever seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off? Like it? :D I haven't seen it

5. Who's your favorite Muppet? I don't know their names :S

6. What's the best bargain you've ever found at a garage sale or thrift store? this cool Chinese instrument for 5 bucks

7. What is the longest you have gone without sleeping? one day

8. Favorite thing about your house? my room

9. What did you have for lunch yesterday? pasta

10. Have you ever been snorkeling? How about scuba diving? not yet!
2010-06-01 16:20:23 UTC
1. Bubblicious Bubble Gum

2. Morning. Ehh!!

3. An Artificial Ear Drum, Something To Help My Future Kids Out.

4. Yes To Both

5. Miss Piggy

6. A Sweater With Bart Simpson On It

7. 24 Hours

8. My Bedroom, It Has All My Crap In It

9. Pizza

10. No To Both
2010-06-01 16:24:23 UTC
1. Big Red. Well, it's not *bubble* gum, but I like it.

2. Late evening.

3. A wheelchair that goes up stairs.

4. Nope.

5. Animal.

6. I get almost all my clothes from thrift stores. I have some really unique stuff.

7. 72 hours.

8. It's small. Small = not much to clean.

9. A salad and peach iced tea, from Bob Evans.

10. No.
2010-06-01 17:10:49 UTC
1.) PK that's more of a chewing gum then a bubble gum

2.) waking up

3.) a cure for diabetes

4.) Nope

5.) Kermit

6.) My brother's couches they are comfy

7.) 26 hours (my graduation/prom/formal)

8.) My bestfriend lives right down stairs : ) and my vegetable garden I'm growing

9.) chips, we were at Southbank

10.) Nope, would love to do both though, like on the Great Barrier Reef that would be awesome
2010-06-01 15:22:34 UTC
1. hubba bubble :)

2. the morning...ewwwww

3. I'd invent a machine that lets you hear peoples thoughts

4. yes I have! its hilarious

5. ms. piggy

6. I got some spools of thread for 25 cents haha

7. one night

8. my windowsill

9. nothing

10. I've been snorkling several times, and I scuba dived once (in a pool haha)
2010-06-01 15:23:46 UTC
the mintie stuff from orbit(its a light blue...)

6 am when i had to wake up. I was wiped

something to stop time so that only you could move around and mess with things then start it again.

no i havent seen it, i have heard its good though

the guys who say everything sucks. I dont know their names

I found a pair of expensive pants that would of been 50+ were at five dollars. SWEET!!!

25 hours. It was for my volunteer job.

the stain glass thing ( we added it to the house last year.)

leftover pasta stuff

yes and no
A broken heart and twisted minds
2010-06-01 15:34:45 UTC
1. Tutti Frutti Flavour

2. Morning :|

3. Facebook

4. no

5. Miss Piggy

6. Too many things tbh

7. a day.

8. Its huge

9. Cant remember

10. Yush & Yush
2010-06-01 15:23:04 UTC
1. Wrigleys 5

2. English class


4. No... But my Bible/History teacher LOVES that movie

5. Kermit

6. $1 shirt from AE

7. 20 hours

8. My room =)

9. A sandwich and an apple

10. Yes, and no.
2010-06-01 15:19:49 UTC
1. Hubba bubba

2. When you're just waking up lol

3. A magic thing that would cure mine and everyone elses cancer (very unrealistic but awell lol)

4. Nope never seen it

5. Kermit

6. No idea lol

7. A few days

8. My room

9. Nothing

10. Havent done either :\

2010-06-01 15:20:28 UTC
Trident layers, strawberry flavored!

Everything pretty much

A time machine microwave. Haaa. Inside joke actually.


I don't have one.

Um..I don't really go to them.

Um...22 1/2 hours last summer.

My room

Um.....Nothing. I had breakfast at 11:30 so I guess that was lunch for me since if it had been a normal Monday, I would have been at lunch.

The Question Master
2010-06-01 15:22:34 UTC
1. Juicy Fruit

2. Waking up

3. No idea

4. Yes, nope

5. Kermit

6. I don't go to garage sales

7. 42 hours

8. Game room

9. Waffles

10. Yep, nope
2010-06-01 15:39:43 UTC
1. Hubba bubba :)

2. Late afternoon

3. Something that made me happier

4. Never seen it


6. Lulu Guiness bag for £30

7. One and a half days

8. Its not too big, and not too small

9. Nothing

10. Never done either :(
2010-06-01 15:20:08 UTC
1. Hubba Bubba!!

2. When you have to wake up

3. idk somthing useful tho..

4. Yes :) Looove it!

5. Kermit!

6, I got a mp3 for like $

7. Woke up at 12 stayed up till 6

8. Thats its my house (: Home sweet home

9. This cultural dish

10. No and no, but I wanna do both :)
2010-06-01 16:11:57 UTC
Juicy Fruit


A cure to cancer.

Yes. Love it.

Miss Piggy.

Never been.

72 hours

My bed. When I sleep in it.


Yes to both.
2010-06-01 15:26:36 UTC
5 lush

wake up time

the toilet


the one in the garbage can

i found really exprensive figure skates for 5 dolla

2 days


had a latte

i wish
2010-06-01 15:46:32 UTC
1 big league chew

2 morning

3 teleporter

4 LOVE IT!!!!

5 kermit

6 not sure

7 36 hours

8 my big room

9 twice baked potato with salami and cream cheese!

10. sadly, no.
Kicking the habit
2010-06-01 15:23:58 UTC

Early morning.

Not sure.

it's okay.

None, ha.

Not sure.

36 hours !

Nothing !

Subway; turkey/lettuce on wheat and milk.

Nope, neither !
2010-06-01 15:36:52 UTC

Hotness in our school


Yeah, parts of it, yeah i liked it

IDK i don't know their names

Don't remember

Until like 1:30 AM (new years)

My bed and family room

Hot Dog (i think)

Nope neither

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.