Never heard of a "chav" before; and I hate the way you type. [not trying to be mean, just stating the facts]. Does it really take that much longer to use proper grammar? I understand in text messages when you're trying to save space and save money, but on here too?
I'm not in one group or the other. I kinda fly amongst all of them. I a geek [umm hello, I play euphonium in the marching band] haha. I'm in drama club too.
I'm athletic too though, and am friends with a lot of the "jock" peoples.
I'm also in the hardcore scene and I hang with a lot of skaters, emos, goth, and scene people.
Preppy girls/Those girls that sleep around is what some people think I am. That's far from me, but people assume that's what I am too just because I have mostly male friends.
Hippies? hell yeah! my best friends are mostly in this group, so outsiders probably think I'm a hippie.