2008-12-03 20:09:56 UTC
Today, I obtained a copy of the report card myself and learned he received an F in one class and another teacher indicated on the report card that his behavior in class is not good.
My initial inclination was to wait a week and if my husband had not indicated that he saw the report card, give him my copy with the documentation of when I received it. I wanted to see how long my ss would pretend he did not get a report card. I mentioned to my husband in an indirect way that report cards went out on Monday. Today is Wednesday!
It is bothering me that this boy does these dishonest things. It bothers me even more that my husband does not believe his own son would lie to him about anything and defends this child at all costs even when the evidence is piled against him. It also bothers me that I always have to bring up the report card and that his own father does not seem to be concerned about whether or not he received a report card.
Constructive comments please....would you wait it out to see what your step-child does or would you let the child know that the game is up and get him/her to hand over the report card?