Dude this is really long, haha. No problem tho, ill do it :)
Who is/are your favourite character(s) from a book? I like a new character every book. I really like "pi" from "life of pi"
What made you like them? He was very brave, and handled his situation really well, he told you everything in the book
What is your favourite book? "The Maze" by Will Hobbs
Who is/are your favourite character(s) from a movie? Hm...That is hard, i like characters from a lot of movies. Ill say, i like Mike from Mystery science theater 3000 (i think thats more of an old tv show tho, i have the movies tho
What made you like them? He is the funnies character, he makes so many jokes
What is your favourite movie? Thats hard, i really like, Braveheart, Shes the man, Pre, and 21
What country do you live in? United States/ America
What is your heritage?
What is the last thing you did? I just got home from Water polo and swim practice
What is the last STUPID thing you did? Didnt know how to play card games with my friend, she beat me at EVERY single one
What is the last thing you were accused of? Hmm, Im not sure, i guess probably my coach yelling at me, saying i said somthing i didnt (oh yeah that was this morning, haha)
Who did you last talk to? I last talked to my friend Rachael
What is going through your head right now? What rachael is going to be like, seeing our friend leave for another state, having swimming and knowing her for 15 years
What are you waiting for? Im waiting for it to be 9pm so i can watch the season fanale of Hells Kitchen
How do you feel right now? Alittle bit of this and that, i feel embarressed, sort of down in my mood, then i feel excited, its all just jumbled up together
Have you ever been/used drugged/drugs? No sir/ Ma'am
What was the best day of your life? I have them here and there, im hoping it will be when i get to go to islands of adventure (theme park) with my two best friends, before they leave for college (im still in hs) and its probably been with them sometime
What was the worst day of your life? Oh wow, theres been a few of those, probably the day one bad thing happened after another, my mom is an alcoholic and was hitting me and screaming at me, my dad wasnt going to be home, my best guy friend and i had a fight, and then i found out my best friend was going away to college instead of staying here, it was a down day
What is your status on Facebook/Myspace? Actually i just cleared my status
Who is the last friend you talked to? My friend Rachael
What did you think of this survey? I actually liked answering these questions, i thought it had really good questions, thank you :D