when do guys start getting intrsted in girls?
2006-03-14 10:54:30 UTC
im a teenager and a hav never hav a boyfriend since i was like 5 and i wanted to know if this is normal or its me

ps: im 14
Six answers:
2006-03-14 11:43:34 UTC
i didn't have my real bf until i was 14. i think they start to get interested when there in 5th grade or so.don't be in a hurry it will happen.
2006-03-14 10:59:41 UTC
You're at the age where this dating stuff kind of starts. I had my first real boyfriend when I was 14.

Don't worry, you're young you don't need to fret about getting married all ready. You do know that the point of dating is to find your future mate and NOT to just play around right?
2006-03-14 11:07:42 UTC
ok i am 19 and have only had 1 real bf and we are engaged now. we did not even get together until i was 17. there is nothing wrong with you.

never be afraid to ask the guy out. that is how my boyfriend and i are together now.
2006-03-14 11:00:21 UTC
ei grl..

it's ayt if you don't have one fo' now..


and if you wait, it gives you mo' freedom and mo' choice..


i guess guys starts getting intrstd in grls if they hang around with them--a lot..

then they tease and everything..

they try to get the grls attention..



hope i helped.. ;p
Peretz David
2006-03-14 10:59:36 UTC
when Mr. Shorty wakes up from his nap
2006-03-14 10:58:18 UTC
Whenever girls are mature enough.

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