My world has just come crashing down, please help. please.?
2009-01-11 04:02:20 UTC
Everything that can go wrong has gone wrong, I am just not seeing the point in living at the moment.
my aunt has just attempted suicide while my cousin was watching, I feel sick thinking about it.
I hate my new school I have no friends
I am really ill with chronic fatigue syndrome
My parents might get divorced
My mum is really ill aswell, broken back in 6 places & minor brain damage.
My dad is always away on "buisness"
The very few "friends" that I do have arn't being friends.
I feel so alone and I hate my life. Please help me
25 answers:
John D
2009-01-11 04:14:43 UTC
Wow. I have never had so much go so wrong simultaneously. I'm not sure what I write will help, but I know everyone needs at least one friend, and faith that whatever happens happens for a reason, and that reason is love. If you can rally for your mum's sake, because she really needs you, you might find you help yourself. If you could pick one "friend" who you think will help you and tell him or her how you feel and what you need, you might find that he or she isn't really so bad.

And you might try sitting with your Dad and talking about this. He may be going through a hard time, too with your mum's illness. Whether you're afraid or angry or whatever, you should give him the benefit of the doubt that, as your father, he loves you. He might be in his own bad place, but if you make him see you and your problems, maybe you can help each other out. It's his job to love you and help you. Maybe he just needs to be reminded.

G_d bless you, and good luck.
2009-01-11 12:16:03 UTC
I know it's not going to help you much if I say that I am your friend and will be forever, cheesy as it sounds, but here's a few ideas.....

At your school, talk to someone about your aunt. Both her, and your cousin need help. maybe not your cousin, but I think it would be pretty alarming to see your own mother attempt suicide.

You also need to talk to someone about you. Show them this, and tell them that you really need help. You sound like you could be suicide quite soon, no offense.

Don't worry, everyone has rough patches, they are depressing, but eventually they go. Mine was, (maybe not so severe) when I was 10.

For a while I watched my mom get totally stressed, there was a recession, we didn't know what would happen, and we ended up moving from the place I grew up in and loved to the other end of the world, it wasn't like moving from London to Canada

I moved from an amazing Hong Kong to a place I hated, Dubai. I had no friends, I was in a strange place I had never been to, instead of the usual Chinese signs (I was used to them) and occasional pagoda, there were signs in arabic and huge isolated mansions everywhere.

Eventually I made new friends, got a new life, and 3 years later I loved it and didn't want to leave.

I know your situation is different, but talk to someone you trust. Maybe your mom's doctor? or a teacher who you know? ( I know, I don't think teachers are easy to trust, but just try, you might be surprised. )

I really hope you do better, you can email me if you want,

your friend forever,

Hope that helps!
2009-01-11 12:16:22 UTC
You can't deal with all of this on your own. You need to find someone to talk to about it, even if it is the Samaritans phone line. Talk to your doctor about what's happening in your life. I was in a really bad place some years back with my family falling apart and health problems too, and I talked to my doctor about it. The best thing she did was give me permission to take a break for a while. I got a medical certificate for time off school, and just getting rid of one stress for a while helped tremendously. Maybe you could look at doing homeschool while you are unwell. Maybe your Mum qualifies for aid of some kind while she is injured like a home help to take chores off your hands. My Mum did when she had back injuries, and again when she had a stroke. You really can't help your parent's situation as far as divorce is concerned. That isn't about you at all. Nor is your aunt's mental health. I think you are being strong just coping with all this, and you will get through it. Best of luck.
2009-01-11 12:09:27 UTC
Number one, there is always a point to living, and if you are suicidal think of the ones you'll leave behind. Number two, everyone has that period in their life where everything seems to be going wrong, but we all make it through it. Time is the only thing that can permanently heal these sorrows, but a good attitude will go a long way as well. If you feel alone, IM me, I'll be glad to talk.
2009-01-11 12:18:13 UTC
Man your in a tough spot. But remember situations like this can only make you stronger. Your gonna get through this and your gonna be a better, stronger, more interesting person for it.

I see one thing you can do to better your life right away. School, i just just graduated last year and i transfered in halfway through my high school career. i hated it. i had no friends and thought everyone was lame and hated everything about it. Until i realized that by my hating everything i was only hurting myself. What you need to do is open up the possibilities. you need to try to be happier at school and gain some friends. pick up a sport or join a club or do something to bring you closer to other people. Be nice and sincerely try to become friends with your peers.

Your chronic fatigue syndrome is from your lack of sleep that i know your experiencing. The problem is you have too much going on in your head, too much unresolved conflict so you can't sleep. You must learn a few things right now.

1: there is very little you can do about your parents and you aunt. The most you can do is be happy for them and around them. if you become happy and try to make them happy they may leech your happiness and decide they can continue their marriage. You are the world to them and if you can even FAKE happiness for them they will instantly be relieved of stress and sadness. It could be your depression right now that is causing their unhappiness.

2: a Friendship is at first like a contract. its like a person being around you makes you happy then you want that person to remain being around you correct? In order for that to happen you must make them happy in return. It's like the friendship is an agreement to make each other happy.

Try being a cheerful person, for no reason at all. Your cheerfulness will both attract people to you and make your parents happy. Seriously try to not be a depressing person and see if your conflicts won't resolve themselves.

Your goal should not be to make yourself happier. You should make your goal to make other people happier. If you do things for other people they will want to do things for you and that is what you need right now. It may take time and a serious attitude change on your part, but try living for other people and see how great your life can become.
2009-01-11 13:40:12 UTC
The point in your life is to hold all of these people together.

Your aunt might attempt suicide again if you were to not be here, your cousin needs you, to talk to and be there for her, your parents both need you - lots of people go through divorce, but all us kids come through it, we still love our parents, they still love us, we still survive, your mum needs you to help her and be there for her and your dad will never stop loving his child and the memories he has with his children. you will find friends, new friends in your new school, you just have to give it some time, and make harmless conversation with people about the work or a teacher or something.

you havent lived your whole life yet, good things will come. you will grow up, finish school, move out of your family home, and you'll gain a job, independence, friends, colleagues etc. your world may be crashing down - but you can rebuild it, and half of it rebuilds itself.
2009-01-11 13:00:20 UTC
Dont worry! Everyone goes through this @ one point where every bad thing that couldve happened snowballs @ you. I am also going through this. 3 of my friends have betryed me and backstabbed me.2 of my best friends dated my exbf. I changed friend groups because of that. And so much more stuff went wrong. But then i looked @ everything that i loved in life. I have an ACUAL best friend there for me and thats holding me on to life. Im sure that if you friend scout for a while you will find your best friend. No matter who that person that is, remember they will be there for you and you could find friends in some of the people you least expected. Me and my best friend have been friends for about a year but shes always been by my side and thats what truly makes her a best friend. Find someone like that, that will always be there when ever you need them and that will not judge you or walk away from you. Things will get better! Life is like an hourglass, at some points it feels like your at rock just need someone there to flip it around.
2009-01-11 12:26:35 UTC
I can relate to you in so many ways.

I have to move shools, most-likely within the next month.

My parents are currently divorcing.

My Mum broke her Back and Pelvis before she met my Dad. Thankfully she healed up, but now she suffers from pains.

She has arthritis and needed 2 major surgeries on her hip and ankle due to arthritis and a broken tendon.

To tell you the truth, I feel likee absolute sh*t too.

I'm seeing a Psychologist and it's actually helping a lot. It's a relief to be able to talk through all my sh*t to someone who cares :)

Oh, and I honestly only have one close friend and two 'average' friends.

No one likes me :\

My Psychologist took me for a walk one say and told me to look at the sky, look at the trees, look at my legs that are functioning properly and look at ALL my surroundings and tell myself that it's great to be alive. At first I was hinking "as if. this is just stupid and boring" but I did that every day and I feel very good.

Life's what you make it. It's going to be sh*t and it;s probably going to get worse at some point. But it will get better! It really will. This is just a hiccup :)

Judy V
2009-01-11 12:16:57 UTC
Praying will help all of that. But don't give up because things will not always be like this. Get past the hard times and look forward to the good times. It is hard to get good rest when so much has happened. But as suggested try going for walks everyday. Concentrate on your homework instead of the problems that are going on. Get you mind off things . i know from experience it isn't an easy thing to do, but when something bad pops in your head think of good things. It will take awhile to get used to doing it, but it will help you cope with things a lot better. Just please don't give up!
2009-01-11 12:10:50 UTC
There are times in life when it feels like everything that can go wrong has. I have always been told that you are only given as much as you can handle, but at times have felt like that is crap! You will get through this, you have to be strong. Think of all the people in your life that need you and need your support for things that are going on in their lives. Do you have anyone at all that you can talk to about how you are feeling? I have always been close to my mom and can talk to her about anything! I was very close to my grandma when she was alive. I hope you are able to start feeling better soon...just have faith that everything will work out eventually!!
2009-01-11 12:10:31 UTC
Try thinking about the happy stuff in your life, like at least you have a roof over your head, & you might not have the "best" family, but at least you have your mom & dad for you. Some children go without food & a family. & even though your mom might have those injuries, try & spend more time with her. She'll know that she knows that you love her. & that's all you need. Remember, it could be worser. If you ever wanna talk you can email me at Hope that everything goes better now.
2009-01-11 16:53:18 UTC
i feel the exact same way. for different reasons though. even though its hard to see it, theres some point to live. you cant see if tomorrow will be better if you dont make it through today. see if there is a church youth group you can join or something - i know that helps a lot of people with problems like this (unfortunately my church's youth group only goes up to 8th grade and im in 9th.) or try talking to a school guidance counselour.* hang in there, remember you're not alone, you're not the only who feels this way, and at some point things have to get better. you'll be in my prayers ♥
2009-01-11 12:19:15 UTC
Realize that everything happens for a reason and the only constant is change.

Pray for your aunt.

Get some rest

Be there for your mother.

Love your parents regardless to what they decide.

(Believe me it's not the end of the world if they divorce.

Your relationship with them may improve because of it.)

Sometimes the people we expect to be there for us aren't. Try to spend time doing things that you enjoy. You'll meet new friends.

Keep busy!!! Be strong and don't give up!!!
2009-01-11 12:56:24 UTC
I'm sorry things went so wrong. Your family will still be a family even if your parents are divorced. My parents are divorced too and I survived it. Now I have a great step-father. Also, you just haven't met the right friends. There are wonderful people out there. Go and meet new people. I'm 14, I guess you are my age. If you need a friend to talk to, message me :-)
2009-01-11 12:09:51 UTC
You need to talk to can call this number 1-800-273-TALK and someone will be there to listen to you and talk to you . Everyone has trials and tribulations in life, some people have more than others. But you can get help and you can get through them, there is hope. Please whatever you do, do not try to hurt yourself! That will not accomplish anything. Go get help.
2009-01-11 12:06:34 UTC
Its ok Its not the end of the world.Try to find a way to deal with it maybe go walking to ease your mind.Find books the you love to read just to escape the harsh realities. Things will get better.
2009-01-11 12:44:29 UTC
You have a whole life ahead of you. I know it doesn't feel that way right now, but one day, when everything is going well, this will just be a bad memory. If it helps, picture your ideal future (family, career, house, etc).
2009-01-11 12:50:14 UTC
Aww! As some one already said, things will get better before you know it. just try an carry on even tho its hard it will be the best thing to do.

Good luck x
2009-01-11 12:59:37 UTC
talk to a counsellor? or a teacher? u need someone to help and listen to you. try not to think about all the bad things. good luck and best wishes x
2009-01-11 12:25:58 UTC
so you are going to kill yourself after knowing that you aunt just tried to in front of your cousin and that sickens you. So imagine how many people will be sick if you attempt to kill yourself! Quit being selfish! You are alive, breathing walking and talking and that is something to live for!
2009-01-11 17:14:51 UTC
Ask ur friend 4 help u,ur frinnd,bestfriend, truefriend u know her she is always with u but u ask her 4 help so how can she help u its ur SOUL our soul is r truefriend,but v never ask her \he 4 help.&4m my side GOD take everything which u have giving to me in my life take it GOD everything which make me happy in my life,n make her problem slove & fill her life full of joy n happiness,AAMEAN.
2009-01-11 13:48:21 UTC
Whatever you do, don't cut yourself, don't do drugs, and find something that makes you happy.

Go out and make some new friends.

Join a club at school.
2009-01-11 12:06:32 UTC
I feel your pain. You have to get through it though. Things will get better.
2009-01-11 15:24:02 UTC
i feel your pain. all i can tell you is to go see a guidance councilor at school. it helps to talk to someone about it face to face.
Betta breeder
2009-01-11 12:08:58 UTC
Find someone you can talk to. Maybe a priest or someone.


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