Do you have a cat? **** no! I hate animals :o Cats freak me the hell out.
When the last time you said "ow"? Yesterday, I guess can't remember.
What colour are your socks? white I have many different color socks lol
Do you like sushi? ew gross
What type of phone do you have? none- house phone. i'm too cool for a cell phone!
Have you ever slept on the floor? yeah hahaha bathroom floor after along night of partying!
How would you feel if you had to eat only apple sauce, soy sauce snd rice for the rest of your life? ew nah girl
Do you speak punjabi? huh? kdlsdkbi?
Do you have fuzzy dice? Sure
What time is it? 12:04 AM
What tv shows do you like? Chelsea Lately, Betty White's Off The Rockers, After Lately, Mob Wives, Mama's Family, Magic
School Bus, Soul Train, Osbournes, Jersey Shore, NEWS, Nancy Grace, Jose Louise & Golden Girls
What's your gender? Female
Do you like someone? Tell me about him/ her? I have a boyfriend
What type of YouTube videos do you like? Music ones and that Sergio dude
Do you eat meat? Yeahhh!!! i'm part Mexican we eat meat all the time
Would you rather eat human ot be eaten by humans? How about neither !
What's your opinion of this SOPA stuff? I don't know what the heck "sopa" is! everyone keeps talking about it.
Do you like circles? Sureee
What is your favourite number? 6
Do you like Dexter? nay
Fluffy or hard pillows? Fluffy
Zee or zed? Zee
What colour are your eyes? Light hazel but they change depending on my mood.
Did you ever have a myspace? Yeah who didn't? so popular back in the day!
Do you live by a body of water? I live not to far from the beaches and PCH so ya only have to drive like 30 mins away.
Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla or Chocolate depends on the time of the month.
Do you like hello kitty? AHHHHHH :o my best friend is obsessed with her!! I hate her >.<
Have you ever dyed your hair? Yeah doesn't stay in my hair though.
Do you pronounce bag 'bahhh g or bay g'.? idk
Do you ski? Nope, never seen snow!
Do you surf? Nope. everyone thinks so since I live in SoCal.
Do you dougie? Ughh, I hate dancing!
What's your favourite movie? P.S I love you or that new Tom Hanks movie.
Do you like pumpkin pie? Yeah duh who doesn't?!
If you had the chance to live in space for 6 months, would you? Sure why not?!
Is your hair curly, straight, wavy or non existance? Straight but wavy when wet
Do you like plants? Nope
Do you have an apple/ blackberry or android product? Which one?
Did you get chicken pox yet? Nope. when I was little I got the vaccination (Boo ya)
Do you want to get married?Yeah duhh :P
Do you want kids? Yes! twins hopefully :D or one doesn't matter. I just know i'm going to be a mama someday!
What does 'life' mean to you? Everything!!
Natural hair colour? Dark brown/black
Current hair colour? Dark brown/black
Do you speak Russian? Nope
Coke or pepsi? Both. I'm more water
Religion? Christian/Baptist (wasn't baptized anything, no church only for funerals BUT I was raised it)
Do you have a younger brother? Yes, 9 years old a total pain in the ***.
Who's your president? Obomba -.- Republican all the way!!
What books do you like? None- I hate reading :o but The Outsiders and Into The Wild are descent books.
Do you think mr crabs daughter is his real daughter.. Or adopted? adopted :(
Do you like cheese? Yes, Irish cheddar or American
Favourite childood tv show? Magic School Bus or Golden Girls (I know, it was something I used too watch with my nana R.I.P)
Can you lick your elbow? Hahaha, nahh I used to try too get kids to do it when I was in school. Fools would try and look like
idiots hahaha.
Do you like popcorn? Only with hot sauce (sometimes)
Do you see movies in theatres often? Ehh, sometimes I went with my sister yesterday to see that new Tom Hank's movie. It's a
must see.
Do you like bacon? Yeah I had a piece for breakfast. I love bacon sandwiches for breakfast! yummy in my tummy!
Do you like salad? Yes sometimes.
When is your birthday month? June =D my 21st birthday falls on Friday the 13th. Oh yeah baby.
How cold/warm is it? Chilly I know surprising since I live in Southern, California
Do you have a dog? Yes -,- Rick we adopted him he's like the tattoo bell dog
Would you rather live forever or die but be a ghost, but no one could see you? I don't think I want to live "forever" because i'd out
live everyone I love which means I won't have anything to live for.
Do you have big eyes? Nope
Do you think white bread is gross? Heck now! I just ate a piece I hate wheat bread.
Do you think glasses are ugly? Nope! looks good on some people.
When do you want to move out? In a few years hopefully!! i'm already 18 :o
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