Another random survey......for the bored?
2011-01-01 13:32:56 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand?
2. Favorite restaurant?
3. Do you have a BFF?
4. Single or taken?
5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game?
6. Favorite website?
7. Ever had sex?
8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person?
9. Ever drank alcohol?
10. Ever smoked?
11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)?
12. What kind of iPod do you have?
13. What kind of cell phone do you have?
14. Favorite actor(s)?
15. Favorite actress(es)?
16. Favorite board game?
17. Speak any other languages?
18. If so, which language?
19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean?
20. Biggest decision you've ever made?

1. No
2. Ed Debevic's
3. No, I love all my friends
4. Single
5. America's Next Top Model or Thrillville
6. Probably Y!A
7. No, not until I'm married
8. -
9. Yeah, just to try it (it's gross!)
10. No, don't plan on it
11. Asthma
12. The like, very first Nano
13. Pantech Pursuit (Green)
14. Taylor Lautner, Randy Wayne, Leonardo DiCaprio
15. Ashley Greene, Lea Michele, Ashley Tisdale
16. Wits & Wagers
17. Oui, je parle Francais
18. French
19. Don't have one
20. IDK
56 answers:
2011-01-01 13:40:19 UTC
1) Nope

2) PF Changs

3) Of course, her name's Miranda

4) Single

5) Pictionary for Wii

6) Anything related to

7) Nope, waiting for Mr. Right

8) -

9) I drank wine at my cousin's wedding ONCE. Yuck.

10) Nope

11) Nope

12) iPod Touch, 3rd generation

13) Droid 2

14) Paul Rudd (<3), Jonah Hill, any guy from any Harry Potter movie.

15) Any girl from any Harry Potter movie.


17) Si

18) Spanish

19) Cayate, it means to shut up.

20) IDK
⋆country girl♥
2011-01-01 15:51:25 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand? Sorta, it was just the 3 of us, but it was a lil wild. Hopefully this summer though:)

2. Favorite restaurant? Subway

3. Do you have a BFF? YES! I actually have about 3.. Love em all to death!

4. Single or taken? Single and lovin' it!

5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game? I don't have a wii..

6. Favorite website? Facebook or Yahoo Answers

7. Ever had sex? Nope...

8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person?

9. Ever drank alcohol? Yes;)

10. Ever smoked? Nope

11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)? I'm starting to think I might kinda have asthma...

12. What kind of iPod do you have? Touch:]

13. What kind of cell phone do you have? Pantech Ease

14. Favorite actor(s)? Don't have any

15. Favorite actress(es)? None..

16. Favorite board game? Monopoly

17. Speak any other languages? yeah kinda

18. If so, which language? Spanish

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean? caballo, it means horse

20. Biggest decision you've ever made? Well in the long run, it was to get a Facebook..
2011-01-01 14:25:28 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand? Not really out of hand.

2. Favorite restaurant? Hmm, probably TGIFriday's.

3. Do you have a BFF? Yes. ♥

4. Single or taken? Single.

5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game? I don't have a Wii.

6. Favorite website? Tumblr.

7. Ever had sex? Nope.

8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person? ^

9. Ever drank alcohol? Yeah, just some wine that my parents said I could try.

10. Ever smoked? NO. I hate smoking.

11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)? Nah.

12. What kind of iPod do you have? I have an iPod Touch. 2nd Generation, I think.

13. What kind of cell phone do you have? Palm Pre.

14. Favorite actor(s)? Leonardo DiCaprio & Rupert Grint.

15. Favorite actress(es)? Emma Watson.

16. Favorite board game? Mad Gab, if that counts.

17. Speak any other languages? Yep.

18. If so, which language? Some Spanish.

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean? Oh God, I have no clue what my favorite is :)

20. Biggest decision you've ever made? I'm not sure about that one..
2011-01-01 13:59:15 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand? No

2. Favorite restaurant? Don't have one.

3. Do you have a BFF? Yes.

4. Single or taken? Single

5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game? Don't care, only have Wii Sports.

6. Favorite website? Y!A, Sporza, Youtube, Facebook,

7. Ever had sex? No.

8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person?

9. Ever drank alcohol? Yes.

10. Ever smoked? No.

11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)? No.

12. What kind of iPod do you have? Sold my iPod, might get an iPod Touch 32 GB though.

13. What kind of cell phone do you have? Samsung C3050

14. Favorite actor(s)? Don't have one, Tom Hanks is good, Daniel Day Lewis....

15. Favorite actress(es)? Don't have one either, Emma Watson is hot though.

16. Favorite board game? Checkers

17. Speak any other languages? Yes

18. If so, which language? Dutch, French, German

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean? Don't have one.

20. Biggest decision you've ever made? I don't know... Something that has to do with school or the purchase of a computer....
2011-01-01 13:52:41 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand? Nope.

2. Favorite restaurant? I'm not sure.

3. Do you have a BFF? Not right now.

4. Single or taken? Single.

5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game? My sims.

6. Favorite website? Y!A.

7. Ever had sex? No.

8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person?

9. Ever drank alcohol? Yep.

10. Ever smoked? No.

11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)? Nope. :)

12. What kind of iPod do you have? I use the music player on my phone.

13. What kind of cell phone do you have? Tocco Lite.

14. Favorite actor(s)?

15. Favorite actress(es)? Emma Watson. Hilary Duff.

16. Favorite board game? Not sure.

17. Speak any other languages? A bit of french, bit of German.

18. If so, which language? ^^^^^^

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean? Don't have one.

20. Biggest decision you've ever made? I'm not sure.

2011-01-01 13:36:32 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand? Nah.

2. Favorite restaurant? China star.

3. Do you have a BFF? Two.

4. Single or taken? It's complicated.

5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game? I have one, but I don't use it.

6. Favorite website? This and youtube.

7. Ever had sex? Yes.

8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person? No.

9. Ever drank alcohol? Yes.

10. Ever smoked? Yes.

11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)? I have anxiety.

12. What kind of iPod do you have? Touch. :)

13. What kind of cell phone do you have? Ugh, i'm stuck with a POS scoop for now.

14. Favorite actor(s)? The hangover guy.

15. Favorite actress(es)? Don't have one.

16. Favorite board game? Sorry.

17. Speak any other languages? No.

18. If so, which language?

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean?

20. Biggest decision you've ever made? Not sure.
2011-01-02 05:50:06 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand? No

2. Favorite restaurant? Daniels

3. Do you have a BFF? 3 but they all live far away :(

4. Single or taken? Single, unfortunately

5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game? Wii Sports

6. Favorite website? Facebook

7. Ever had sex? No

8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person? N/A

9. Ever drank alcohol? had a few sips but didn't like it

10. Ever smoked? NO WAY! and never will

11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)? No

12. What kind of iPod do you have? iPod Nano and I want to get an ipod touch

13. What kind of cell phone do you have? Huawei

14. Favorite actor(s)? Brendan Fraser and Adam Sandler

15. Favorite actress(es)? Anna Faris

16. Favorite board game? Don't like board games

17. Speak any other languages? I wish

18. If so, which language? N/A

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean? N/A

20. Biggest decision you've ever made? not sure
2011-01-01 15:06:31 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand? No

2. Favorite restaurant? Olive garden

3. Do you have a BFF? Yes

4. Single or taken? Single

5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game? Sims

6. Favorite website? Facebook and yahoo

7. Ever had sex? No

8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person?-

9. Ever drank alcohol? No.

10. Ever smoked? No.

11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)? No.

12. What kind of iPod do you have? iPod touch

13. What kind of cell phone do you have? LG neon

14. Favorite actor(s)? That guy from 27 dresses =)

15. Favorite actress(es)? Katharine Heigl and Anne Hathaway

16. Favorite board game? Cranium

17. Speak any other languages? Yes, well kind of.

18. If so, which language? Spanish

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean? No se.

20. Biggest decision you've ever made? Not sure yet.
2011-01-01 14:35:15 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand?

- No.

2. Favorite restaurant?

- Cracker Barrel or Texas Road House.

3. Do you have a BFF?

- Yes.

4. Single or taken?

- I prefer to be single.

5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game?

- Does the Netflix option count? But otherwise Epic Mickey.

6. Favorite website?

- Youtube.

7. Ever had sex?

- No.

8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person?

- ...

9. Ever drank alcohol?

- Yes.

10. Ever smoked?

- No.

11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)?

- Not that I know of.

12. What kind of iPod do you have?

- I had the newer nano, but it was stolen.

13. What kind of cell phone do you have?

- a Propel.

14. Favorite actor(s)?

- Johnny Depp.

15. Favorite actress(es)?

- Helena Bonham Carter.

16. Favorite board game?

- The Game of Life.

17. Speak any other languages?

- Besides English?

18. If so, which language?

- French.

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean?

- Larme; it sounds like "llama" and means "tear" in French.

20. Biggest decision you've ever made?

- The decision to move out.
2011-01-01 13:39:35 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand? No

2. Favorite restaurant? Deputy Mayor

3. Do you have a BFF? Yeah:)

4. Single or taken? Single

5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game? Don't really play it anymore

6. Favorite website? Y!A, Youtube & Facebook

7. Ever had sex? Nope

8. --

9. Ever drank alcohol? Yes

10. Ever smoked? No

11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)? No

12. What kind of iPod do you have? New version of the Nano

13. What kind of cell phone do you have? LG Pop(:

14. Favorite actor(s)? Leonardo di Caprio, Jack Nicholson, Robert Pattinson and Johnny Depp

15. Favorite actress(es)? Don't have any

16. Favorite board game? Monopoly:P

17. Speak any other languages? Yes, 2

18. If so, which language? French and Irish

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean? Don't have one

20. Biggest decision you've ever made? Too many
2011-01-01 13:37:41 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand? Nope.

2. Favorite restaurant? KFC, i realize its not very classy, haha.

3. Do you have a BFF? Yep.

4. Single or taken? Single.

5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game? Don't have one.

6. Favorite website? Facebook.

7. Ever had sex? Nope.

8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person? N/A

9. Ever drank alcohol? Yep.

10. Ever smoked? Yep.

11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)? Nope.

12. What kind of iPod do you have? Touch and shuffle.

13. What kind of cell phone do you have? Some crappy £10 one...

14. Favorite actor(s)? Jack Black and Johnny Depp.

15. Favorite actress(es)? Don't have any.

16. Favorite board game? Don't have any.

17. Speak any other languages? I kind of speak French, not too brilliant at it though.

18. If so, which language? French.

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean? Bonjour - Hello. Haha.

20. Biggest decision you've ever made? I don't know.
2011-01-01 18:45:55 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand? Nope.

2. Favorite restaurant? Subway :)

3. Do you have a BFF? nope.

4. Single or taken? single.

5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game?..

6. Favorite website? Yahoo

7. Ever had sex? nope

8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person?

9. Ever drank alcohol? nope.

10. Ever smoked? yup

11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)? nope.

12. What kind of iPod do you have? Don't have one

13. What kind of cell phone do you have? I don't have a cellphone

14. Favorite actor(s)? idk.

15. Favorite actress(es)? idk.

16. Favorite board game? Sorry

17. Speak any other languages? yup. french

18. If so, which language? French

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean? I don't have a favorite word.

20. Biggest decision you've ever made? no clue.
2011-01-01 17:52:25 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand? Nope

2. Favorite restaurant? Olive Garden

3. Do you have a BFF? A couple

4. Single or taken? Single

5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game? Just Dance 2! SO ADDICTING!

6. Favorite website? Y!A or Facebook

7. Ever had sex? Nope

8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person?

9. Ever drank alcohol? Nope

10. Ever smoked? Nope

11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)? Nope

12. What kind of iPod do you have? A video classic

13. What kind of cell phone do you have? Pantech ease..the old person phone :P

14. Favorite actor(s)? Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon Levitt Jake Gyllenhaal, James Franco

15. Favorite actress(es)? Blake Lively, Zooey Deschanel

16. Favorite board game? Clue

17. Speak any other languages? Ja, Ich spreche Deutsch!

18. If so, which language? Deutsch :]

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean? Schmuck - jewelry

20. Biggest decision you've ever made? Can't decide
2011-01-01 17:37:09 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand?

♥ Nope.

2. Favorite restaurant?

♥ Olive Garden

3. Do you have a BFF?

♥ Yep.

4. Single or taken?

♥ Single. :(

5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game?

♥ Don't have a Wii..........

6. Favorite website?

♥ Facebook :3

7. Ever had sex?

♥ I'm still alive and my dad does not have any weapons around soo...nope.

8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person?

♥ .

9. Ever drank alcohol?

♥ Nope.

10. Ever smoked?

♥ Nope.

11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)?

♥ Nope, and I'm thankful for that.

12. What kind of iPod do you have?

♥ iPod Nano 3rd gen.

13. What kind of cell phone do you have?

♥ It's on the way, - Samsung Comeback

14. Favorite actor(s)?

♥ Hugh Laurie

15. Favorite actress(es)?

♥ Angelina Jolie and Brooke Shields

16. Favorite board game?

♥ Scrabble.

17. Speak any other languages?

♥ Yep.

18. If so, which language?

♥ Spanish.

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean?

♥ Pastelillo - Cupcake. <3

20. Biggest decision you've ever made?

♥ Not sure..
2011-01-01 14:28:11 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand? ~ No

2. Favorite restaurant? ~ I like eating in different places

3. Do you have a BFF? ~ I have 2 :)

4. Single or taken? ~ Single

5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game? ~ i have Wii, but i don't play it

6. Favorite website? ~ Lol probably Y!A

7. Ever had sex? ~ No, not unitl im older

8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person?

9. Ever drank alcohol? ~ Yes, don't drink too much though

10. Ever smoked? ~ No, i would never smoke

11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)? ~ No

12. What kind of iPod do you have? ~ Don't have an ipod

13. What kind of cell phone do you have? ~ Sony Ericosn x10 mini pro

14. Favorite actor(s)? ~ Jonny Depp, Brad pitt

15. Favorite actress(es)? ~ Helena Bonham Carter

16. Favorite board game? ~ Scrabble

17. Speak any other languages? ~ No, learning french

18. If so, which language?

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean? ~ Sacre Bleu ('holy sh*t')

20. Biggest decision you've ever made? ~ I've made many
2011-01-01 13:58:26 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand? yeah.

2. Favorite restaurant? Frankie&Bennies.

3. Do you have a BFF? Yeah <3

4. Single or taken? Single...I think. It's not official, he's being a dick :/.

5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game? Just dance ;D

6. Favorite website? faceboooook.

7. Ever had sex? Yep.

8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person? No, thank god.

9. Ever drank alcohol? yeah

10. Ever smoked? tried it. hated it.

11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)? I have eczema and allergies.

12. What kind of iPod do you have? Touch, 4th gen.

13. What kind of cell phone do you have? Blackberry curve

14. Favorite actor(s)? Don't know.

15. Favorite actress(es)? Don't know.

16. Favorite board game? I hate board games, haha.

17. Speak any other languages? Yes

18. If so, which language? German, some French & some Turkish

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean? Seni seviyorum- I love you in turkish (:

20. Biggest decision you've ever made? It was up to me whether we bought a new that, haha.
2011-01-01 13:44:18 UTC
I love these:

1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand?

Yeah, last night... But I don't do what was going on there so I left.. (Smoking, Drinking, sex)

2. Favorite restaurant?

Cucci's Pizzeria.

3. Do you have a BFF?

Definitely, same one since I was three.

4. Single or taken?

Taken, I have the best boyfriend in the world.

5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game?

Just dance 2 by far(:

6. Favorite website?


7. Ever had sex?

Nahh, not yet.

8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person?

I'm about to with the person I've been with my whole high school life... (I'm junior now)

9. Ever drank alcohol?

I've sipped it, not enough to get even close to drunk.

10. Ever smoked?


11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)?


12. What kind of iPod do you have?


13. What kind of cell phone do you have?


14. Favorite actor(s)?

Taylor Lautner.

15. Favorite actress(es)?

I don't really have a favorite.

16. Favorite board game?

The classic, Monopoly.

17. Speak any other languages?

I'm trying to learn italian..

18. If so, which language?

Refer above.

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean?

bellissimo soggiorno (Stay Beautiful) I love it.

20. Biggest decision you've ever made?

To keep the secrets that I've kept... You'd know why if you knew me, I've been through a lot.
2011-01-01 13:38:59 UTC
God, thank you for sending down this beautiful Y!A users that is helping me burn time :)

1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand? - Never... I don't party much, partly because I don't invited to many, lol.

2. Favorite restaurant? - I love this Korean restaurant in my city but I don't really have a favourite.

3. Do you have a BFF? - I have best friends not but BFFs!

4. Single or taken? - Single :\

5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game? - I don't own one, but I love to play Wii Sports!

6. Favorite website? - Yahoo Answers, no doubt. Sometimes YouTube

7. Ever had sex? - Nope

8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person?

9. Ever drank alcohol? - Nope

10. Ever smoked? - Nope, damn I'm an angel. lol

11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)? - No

12. What kind of iPod do you have? - I have an mP3 by Sony

13. What kind of cell phone do you have? - Nokia Surge 6790

14. Favorite actor(s)? - Daniel Radcliffe, Hugh Dancy

15. Favorite actress(es)? - Emma Watson, Dakota Fanning, Anne Hathaway

16. Favorite board game? - MONOPOLYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!

17. Speak any other languages? - Cantonese, a bit of french and when I feel like having fun I speak a bit of latin

18. If so, which language? Answer above

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean? - I like to use the word Bene. It's latin for good/well. (Prononuced Ben ey_

20. Biggest decision you've ever made? - Whether or not to break up with my boyfriend because our relationship was a secret. Nah actually I've probably made bigger decisions. Lol
2011-01-01 13:37:45 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand? No

2. Favorite restaurant? Taco bell

3. Do you have a BFF? Yes

4. Single or taken? Single

5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game? I don't have a Wii

6. Favorite website? Y!a and

7. Ever had sex? No

8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person?

9. Ever drank alcohol? Socially. I had some last night.

10. Ever smoked? No

11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)? No

12. What kind of iPod do you have? None

13. What kind of cell phone do you have? Cheap

14. Favorite actor(s)? None

15. Favorite actress(es)? None

16. Favorite board game? Life

17. Speak any other languages? Spanish

18. If so, which language? Spanish

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean? nonchalant - couldn't care less

20. Biggest decision you've ever made? To go to therapy
2011-01-01 23:46:50 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand?

-Yeah. Though I'm the sober one so I get to enjoy the craziness without the hangover.

2. Favorite restaurant?

-The Old Spaghetti Factory.

3. Do you have a BFF?

-Kinda...I'm really not social though.

4. Single or taken?


5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game?

-I just have the sports game.

6. Favorite website?


7. Ever had sex?


8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person?

-Yup. I lost it to him at 16 and we're both 20 now and still happily together.

9. Ever drank alcohol?


10. Ever smoked?


11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)?


12. What kind of iPod do you have?

-Iphone 4.

13. What kind of cell phone do you have?

-Iphone 4.

14. Favorite actor(s)? Alan Rickman.

15. Favorite actress(es)? Ehhh.

16. Favorite board game? Risk.

17. Speak any other languages? Yah.

18. If so, which language? Tagalog/Japanese.

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean?

Tagalog: Mahal ko (My love)

Japanese: チンチラ(Prononced chinchira, meaning chinchilla because I love chinchilla's.)

20. Biggest decision you've ever made?

Going to college.
2011-01-01 17:06:35 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand? YES (Many times)

2. Favorite restaurant? Don't have one

3. Do you have a BFF? Yes

4. Single or taken? Taken

5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game? Don't have one

6. Favorite website? Don't know

7. Ever had sex? Yes

8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person? No

9. Ever drank alcohol? Yes

10. Ever smoked? Yes

11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)? No

12. What kind of iPod do you have? Nano

13. What kind of cell phone do you have? HTC Eris

14. Favorite actor(s)? Too many to name

15. Favorite actress(es)? Too many to name

16. Favorite board game? Monolpoly

17. Speak any other languages? No, studying Spanish

18. If so, which language? N/A

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean? N/A

20. Biggest decision you've ever made? Whether to have sex
2011-01-01 16:44:55 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand? yess

2. Favorite restaurant? oo, thats a tough one, probably planet hollywood.

3. Do you have a BFF? no, i have 2 realllly good friends however.

4. Single or taken? single

5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game? i dont have a wii.

6. Favorite website? any clothes website

7. Ever had sex? yepp

8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person? gosh no.

9. Ever drank alcohol? yepp

10. Ever smoked? yepp

11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)? nopee

12. What kind of iPod do you have? touch.

13. What kind of cell phone do you have? blackberry

14. Favorite actor(s)? leonardo di caprio, jake gyllenhaal, channing tatum.

15. Favorite actress(es)? emma watson, dakota fanning.

16. Favorite board game? trivial pursuit!

17. Speak any other languages? a little french from school

18. If so, which language? french ahaa

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean? j'adore ( i love) just rolls off the tongue!

20. Biggest decision you've ever made? too many.
2011-01-01 13:59:35 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand? Yeah

2. Favorite restaurant? Don't know

3. Do you have a BFF? Yeah

4. Single or taken? Taken

5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game? Erm........table tennis

6. Favorite website? Y!A and You tube

7. Ever had sex? No

8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person? N/A

9. Ever drank alcohol? Yeah

10. Ever smoked? No

11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)? Asthma I wouldn't call it a disease though

12. What kind of iPod do you have? Don't have one

13. What kind of cell phone do you have? Alcatel

14. Favorite actor(s)? John Leguizamo

15. Favorite actress(es)? Evanna Lynch

16. Favorite board game? Can't play them

17. Speak any other languages? Nope

18. If so, which language? N/A

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean? N/A

20. Biggest decision you've ever made? To have one of my pets put down
2011-01-01 13:45:49 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand?

Nope. Barely been to any parties at all, lol.

2. Favorite restaurant?

Don't really eat out, but if I had to pick, there's this really nice little restaurant a few blocks down from where I live. They serve dishes from a variety of different cultures, and I just LOVE their Greek dishes.

3. Do you have a BFF?

No, just a few close friends.

4. Single or taken?

Happily single. :)

5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game?

Don't have a Wii.

6. Favorite website?

Y!A, of course. :)

7. Ever had sex?


8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person?


9. Ever drank alcohol?


10. Ever smoked?


11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)?

Not anything, thankfully.

12. What kind of iPod do you have?

iPod nano, 2nd generation. Yeah, I know, I'm so old. :D Truthfully, I just don't like the newer models. I'm perfectly content with my current iPod nano. It can fit in the tiniest pockets! :)

13. What kind of cell phone do you have?

AT&T Quickfire. 3G, touch screen, slide out QWERTY keyboard, etc. I hardly ever use it, though.

14. Favorite actor(s)?

Don't really have any.

15. Favorite actress(es)?

Again, don't really have any.

16. Favorite board game?

Monopoly. :)

17. Speak any other languages?

Oui, je parle français aussi! I also can speak English (obviously, lol) and Tamil. :)

18. If so, which language?

English, French, and Tamil.

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean?

Hmm, in French my favorite word would probably be bouclé, and it means curly. I just love saying it, lol.

20. Biggest decision you've ever made?

Oh, jeez, um . . . I don't think I've made a major decision in my life yet. I've got to make one next year, though—I really hope I make a good choice! :)

Alex (:
2011-01-01 13:41:52 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand?

Haha not really. I had a party & my friends got outta hand, I had to like...lecture them. It was awkward /:

2. Favorite restaurant?

Wasabi Japanese Steakhouse

3. Do you have a BFF?

No, I love all my friends the same.

4. Single or taken?

Singleee ladies, put yurr hands up! (:

5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game?

Wii Sports Resort or maybe Epic Mickey!

6. Favorite website?

Yahoo Answers or Google.

7. Ever had sex?

No, not yet.

8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person?


9. Ever drank alcohol?

I've tried wine & beer, not too good.

10. Ever smoked?

No, never will.

11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)?

Nope, and I thank God for my health.

12. What kind of iPod do you have?

The very first nano, it sucks.

13. What kind of cell phone do you have?

EnV Touch

14. Favorite actor(s)?

Ryan Renolds, Will Farrel, Adam Sandler (spelling fail), Jim Carrey

15. Favorite actress(es)?

Tina Fey, Sandra Bullock, Betty White (:

16. Favorite board game?


17. Speak any other languages?

Je parle le francais aussi! (But only a little)

18. If so, which language?


19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean?


Means horseback riding. Its so fun to pronounce.

20. Biggest decision you've ever made?

Probably the decision to be a vegetarian or to stop talking to my old best friend. She was a ***** and it was a good decision.
2011-01-01 13:41:35 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand?


2. Favorite restaurant?

Ruby Tuesday.

3. Do you have a BFF?

Sort of.

4. Single or taken?


6. Favorite website?

Yahoo! Answers.

7. Ever had sex?


9. Ever drank alcohol?


10. Ever smoked?


11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)?


12. What kind of iPod do you have?


13. What kind of cell phone do you have?

None, I lost it.

16. Favorite board game?

I don't know if it's really a board game, but I love Scattergories.

17. Speak any other languages?


19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean?

I don't speak the language, but I like the Italian word "cappuccino." It means cappuccino.

20. Biggest decision you've ever made?

None really.
2011-01-01 13:41:06 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand? Yes

2. Favorite restaurant? Golden Corral

3. Do you have a BFF? Yes

4. Single or taken? Almost taken :)

5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game? DJ Hero 2

6. Favorite website?,, youtube, or Y!Anwers

7. Ever had sex? No

8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person?

9. Ever drank alcohol? No

10. Ever smoked? No

11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)? No

12. What kind of iPod do you have? iPod Nano, 3rd gen and iPod Touch, newest model

13. What kind of cell phone do you have? Samsung Rant from Sprint

14. Favorite actor(s)? Johnny Depp, Ashton Kutcher

15. Favorite actress(es)? Angelina Jolie

16. Favorite board game? Dogopoly

17. Speak any other languages? Yes

18. If so, which language? Sign Language, French and Spanish (and a bit of Russian and Chinese)

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean? Hmmm. Mishka (bear in Russian) Oso (bear in Spanish)

20. Biggest decision you've ever made? Whether a dog I used to have that was suffering should be euthanized or not.
2011-01-01 13:40:45 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand?


2. Favorite restaurant?

This Italian restaurant by the bay.

3. Do you have a BFF?

Not anymore

4. Single or taken?


5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game?

Wii Fit

6. Favorite website?


7. Ever had sex?


8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person?

9. Ever drank alcohol?


10. Ever smoked?


11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)?


12. What kind of iPod do you have?


13. What kind of cell phone do you have?


14. Favorite actor(s)?

Jake Gylenhall, Leonardo Dicaprio, Ryan Reynolds

15. Favorite actress(es)?

Anne Hathaway, Rachel McAdams

16. Favorite board game?


17. Speak any other languages?


18. If so, which language?

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean?

20. Biggest decision you've ever made?

2011-01-01 13:36:51 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand? Nope

2. Favorite restaurant? BD Mongolian Grill

3. Do you have a BFF? Absolutely

4. Single or taken? Single

5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game? Dont have one, but Just Dance

6. Favorite website? It varies

7. Ever had sex? Nope

8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person? Never had, so no.

9. Ever drank alcohol? Yes

10. Ever smoked? No

11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)? No

12. What kind of iPod do you have? Itouch

13. What kind of cell phone do you have? Just a smasung slider

14. Favorite actor(s)? Hugh Jackman

15. Favorite actress(es)? Angelina Jolie

16. Favorite board game? Life

17. Speak any other languages? Yes, Spanish and German

18. If so, which language? I just told ya, but Spanish and German

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean? dont have one.

20. Biggest decision you've ever made? To own up to one of my biggest mistakes.
2011-01-01 13:42:29 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand?


2. Favorite restaurant?

Sakuras or Otanis.

3. Do you have a BFF?

Yeahh :)

4. Single or taken?

Taken. <3

5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game?


6. Favorite website?

Y!A or Facebook

7. Ever had sex?


8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person?


9. Ever drank alcohol?


10. Ever smoked?


11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)?


12. What kind of iPod do you have?


13. What kind of cell phone do you have?

LG env3

14. Favorite actor(s)?


15. Favorite actress(es)?


16. Favorite board game?


17. Speak any other languages?


18. If so, which language?

Japanese and Scandinavian

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean?

Gooda Nighta -- Good Night in Scandinavian...Easy to remember..Hmn?

20. Biggest decision you've ever made?

I don't know...
2011-01-01 13:35:54 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand? Yes

2. Favorite restaurant? Cheesecake Factory

3. Do you have a BFF? yes

4. Single or taken? Single

5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game? Mario Kart

6. Favorite website? Facebook

7. Ever had sex? Yes

8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person? No

9. Ever drank alcohol? Never

10. Ever smoked? Never

11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)? Bronchitis, asthma, something wrong with my heart

12. What kind of iPod do you have? Ipod Touch 2nd Gen

13. What kind of cell phone do you have? Rumor 2

14. Favorite actor(s)? --

15. Favorite actress(es)?--

16. Favorite board game? IDK

17. Speak any other languages? Yes

18. If so, which language? Spanish

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean? Abre-open

20. Biggest decision you've ever made? What to do about my life
2011-01-01 14:54:40 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand?


2. Favorite restaurant?


3. Do you have a BFF?


4. Single or taken?


5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game?

yes...just dance

6. Favorite website?


7. Ever had sex?

nope im only 12...wait until marriage

8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person?

skipping lol

9. Ever drank alcohol?

yupp sadlyy

10. Ever smoked?

of course not

11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)?


12. What kind of iPod do you have?

dont have one

13. What kind of cell phone do you have?

i dont know the name of it

14. Favorite actor(s)?

dont have any

15. Favorite actress(es)?

dont have any

16. Favorite board game?


17. Speak any other languages?


18. If so, which language?

only english

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean?

i have many favorite words in english

20. Biggest decision you've ever made?

i forgot
2011-01-01 14:26:32 UTC
1. No

2. I honestly don't know, any Italian Restaurant really.

3. I have a lot of amazing friends.

4. Taken :)

5. I have a Wii but never really play on it. Wii Party is fun though.

6. Facebook or YouTube.

7. Nope!

8. I haven't.

9. Yeah, I drink a tiny bit of alcohol every now and then. I've never been drunk though, or even been close.

10. No; I never plan to, either.

11. Asthma.

12. iPhone 3gs if that counts?

13. Ohh.. I just answered that ^

14. Haven't really got any.

15. Emma Watson is cool & beautiful, so i'll say her.

16. I'm not a board game fan to be honest.

17. Kind of.

18. A very limited amount of German.

19. Meerschweinchen - Guinea Pig.

20. I don't know really.
ask_your_man_bout_me =)
2011-01-01 14:01:55 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand?__no__

2. Favorite restaurant?__Red Lobster__

3. Do you have a BFF?__yes__

4. Single or taken?__taken__

5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game?__dont have wii__

6. Favorite website?__facebook.com__

7. Ever had sex?__yes__

8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person?__yes__

9. Ever drank alcohol?__yes__

10. Ever smoked?__no__

11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)?__yes__

12. What kind of iPod do you have?__2005 ipod nano__

13. What kind of cell phone do you have?__Samsumg?!?!?__

14. Favorite actor(s)?__Jonny Depp, Denzel Washington, Adam Sandler...etc..

15. Favorite actress(es)?__ehhh...

16. Favorite board game?__monopoly__

17. Speak any other languages?__nope__

18. If so, which language?

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean?__faithful::honest__

20. Biggest decision you've ever made?__loosing my v card__
2011-01-01 13:44:42 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand?


2. Favorite restaurant?


3. Do you have a BFF?

•Of course!

4. Single or taken?

•Taken <3

5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game?

•Haha, right now It's Kirby Epic Yarn. Seriously though, It's freaking fun. It's like Paper Mario, but It's Kirby.

6. Favorite website?

•Y!A & Facebook.

7. Ever had sex?


8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person?


9. Ever drank alcohol?


10. Ever smoked?

•Never have, never will.

11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)?

•No, and I'm thankful that I'm healthy :D

12. What kind of iPod do you have?

•I don't have an iPod, I have an iPhone.

13. What kind of cell phone do you have?

•iPhone 4.

14. Favorite actor(s)?


Oh my god, he is so hot!

15. Favorite actress(es)?

•Dakota Fanning!

16. Favorite board game?

•I like Taboo, that's not a board game though xD

17. Speak any other languages?


18. If so, which language?

•Korean, I'm not quite fluent yet though. I'm Korean, but since I was born in Canada, English was my first language.

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean?

•gyejib, (계집)

It means b*tch. I like using it to my advantage.

20. Biggest decision you've ever made?

•I can't think of one.
2011-01-01 13:40:11 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand?


2. Favorite restaurant?


3. Do you have a BFF?

umm, no

4. Single or taken?


5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game?

my dad has it, I like mario party

6. Favorite website?

facebook, Y!A and

7. Ever had sex?

I have a baby.

8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person?

yes I am

9. Ever drank alcohol?


10. Ever smoked?

used to, untill I got pregnant.

11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)?


12. What kind of iPod do you have?


13. What kind of cell phone do you have?


14. Favorite actor(s)?

jason segual

15. Favorite actress(es)?

cathrine heigl

16. Favorite board game?


17. Speak any other languages?


18. If so, which language?

well my first language is french.

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean?

pluie, rain.

20. Biggest decision you've ever made?

keep my son, it was also the best decision I ever made.
ThEaDoRe xD
2011-01-01 13:40:07 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand? yes

2. Favorite restaurant? taco to the bell!

3. Do you have a BFF? actually more than one..

4. Single or taken? taken!

5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game? mario kart

6. Favorite website? many...

7. Ever had sex? SKIP

8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person? SKIP

9. Ever drank alcohol? yesss

10. Ever smoked? hellyahhh

11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)? no, doctor

12. What kind of iPod do you have? don't have one :(

13. What kind of cell phone do you have? Lg neon!

14. Favorite actor(s)? edy murphy, goerge lopez, jackie chan

15. Favorite actress(es)? cameren diaz, megan fox

16. Favorite board game? lea michele

17. Speak any other languages? yes

18. If so, which language? arabic

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean? khara, sh-t

20. Biggest decision you've ever made? start shaving my legs
2011-01-02 03:38:13 UTC
. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand?


2. Favorite restaurant?

don't have

3. Do you have a BFF?


4. Single or taken?


5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game?

don't have wii

6. Favorite website?


7. Ever had sex?

not untili'm married

8. -

9. Ever drank alcohol?

yeah, it's gross

10. Ever smoked?


11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)?


12. What kind of iPod do you have?


13. What kind of cell phone do you have?


14. Favorite actor(s)?

alex pettyfer

15. Favorite actress(es)?


16. Favorite board game?


17. Speak any other languages?


18. If so, which language?

Portuguese and a bit of french. ( and next year probably spanish)

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean?


20. Biggest decision you've ever made?

2011-01-01 20:45:36 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand? nope

2. Favorite restaurant? anything Itailian lol

3. Do you have a BFF? yes

4. Single or taken? single

5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game? guitar hero

6. Favorite website? idk

7. Ever had sex? nop

8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person?----

9. Ever drank alcohol?nope

10. Ever smoked? nope

11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)? nope but i do have some mental disorders lol

12. What kind of iPod do you have? touch

13. What kind of cell phone do you have? android

14. Favorite actor(s)? i dont know

15. Favorite actress(es)? idk

16. Favorite board game? life

17. Speak any other languages? German,Danish,Dutch,and Greek

18. If so, which language?lol look above sorry

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean? hi-a greeting lol

20. Biggest decision you've ever made?idk
2011-01-01 18:57:22 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand?


2. Favorite restaurant?


3. Do you have a BFF?

no, sadley =(

4. Single or taken?

Sadley single

5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game?

Wii sports =D

6. Favorite website?

FB I think...

7. Ever had sex?


8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person?


9. Ever drank alcohol?


10. Ever smoked?


11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)?

celiac disease

12. What kind of iPod do you have?

nano third gen, old but awesome =D

13. What kind of cell phone do you have?

Samsung gravity, love it =D

14. Favorite actor(s)?


15. Favorite actress(es)?


16. Favorite board game?

The game of life and sorry

17. Speak any other languages?


18. If so, which language?


19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean?

not sure haha

20. Biggest decision you've ever made?

SO far changing barns I think...
2011-01-01 13:53:52 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand?

-Nope, never been to a party except my friends birthday parties but those never got out of control

2. Favorite restaurant?

-Olive Garden and BJ's

3. Do you have a BFF?

-Yes, a few

4. Single or taken?


5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game?

-Animal Crossings and Mario Kart

6. Favorite website?

-Facebook and Y!A

7. Ever had sex?


8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person?


9. Ever drank alcohol?


10. Ever smoked?


11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)?


12. What kind of iPod do you have?

-Used to have an itouch

13. What kind of cell phone do you have?

-Pantech Duo (At&t)

14. Favorite actor(s)?

-Johnny Depp and Leonardo DiCaprio

15. Favorite actress(es)?

-Reese Witherspoon and Angelina Jolie

16. Favorite board game?

-The Game of Life

17. Speak any other languages?


18. If so, which language?


19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean?


20. Biggest decision you've ever made?

-To give up school and move out of my parent's house. Or stay in school but live with my parents who I can't stand
2011-01-01 13:43:42 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand?


2. Favorite restaurant?

-Red Robin

3. Do you have a BFF?


4. Single or taken?


5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game?


6. Favorite website?

7. Ever had sex?


8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person?


9. Ever drank alcohol?

-A little, my mom let me try it. Didn't like it.

10. Ever smoked?

-Never have, never will.

11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)?


12. What kind of iPod do you have?

-Nano, fourth generation, lime green, 8 GB

13. What kind of cell phone do you have?

-Samsung Flight II

14. Favorite actor(s)?

-Neil Patrick Harris

15. Favorite actress(es)?

-Betty White, Lea Michele

16. Favorite board game?


17. Speak any other languages?

-Hablo espanol

18. If so, which language?


19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean?

-Ganaria = He/she won

20. Biggest decision you've ever made?

-Not sure
2011-01-01 13:42:57 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand?


2. Favorite restaurant?

Spago, but I've only been there a handful of times.

3. Do you have a BFF?


4. Single or taken?


5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game?

Wii fit, or the sports one

6. Favorite website?

Here or facebook

7. Ever had sex?

No way

8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person?


9. Ever drank alcohol?

Accidentally. I ordered a Pina Colada without rum when I visited Mexico, but I got one with rum. I was eight.

10. Ever smoked?


11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)?

Asthma, and I have a heart defect.

12. What kind of iPod do you have?

A touch but I hardly ever use it.

13. What kind of cell phone do you have?

Samsung Propel but I'm getting a new one in two weeks, contracts up.

14. Favorite actor(s)?

Leonardo DiCaprio, Johnny Depp, Jack Nicholson, Matt Damon, Chris Pine, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Tom Hardy

15. Favorite actress(es)?

Ellen Page, Meryl Streep, Kate Winslet

16. Favorite board game?


17. Speak any other languages?

Spanish and a bit of French, German, and Italian

18. If so, which language?

See #17.

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean?

Pelicula. Movie.

20. Biggest decision you've ever made?

Uhh, my future.

2011-01-01 13:47:01 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand?


2. Favorite restaurant?

TGI Fridays

3. Do you have a BFF?


4. Single or taken?


5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game?

Don't have one

6. Favorite website?

7. Ever had sex?

No, I'm waiting till marriage

8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person?


9. Ever drank alcohol?


10. Ever smoked?


11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)?


12. What kind of iPod do you have?

No, don't have one. I prefer CDs

13. What kind of cell phone do you have?

My newest one is a samsung tocco lite

14. Favorite actor(s)?

Peter Facinelli

15. Favorite actress(es)?

Ellen Page

16. Favorite board game?


17. Speak any other languages?


18. If so, which language?


19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean?


20. Biggest decision you've ever made?

What secondary school to go to
2011-01-01 14:12:41 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand? --Yes

2. Favorite restaurant? --Buca di Beppo

3. Do you have a BFF? --Yes

4. Single or taken? --Single

5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game? --Can't decide

6. Favorite website? --Youtube I guess

7. Ever had sex? --Nope

8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person? -----

9. Ever drank alcohol? --Yes

10. Ever smoked? --No

11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)? --No

12. What kind of iPod do you have? --iPod Classic, iTouch 2g and 3g

13. What kind of cell phone do you have? --Samsung mythic

14. Favorite actor? --Steve Carell

15. Favorite actress? --Ellen Page

16. Favorite board game? --Scrabble :p

17. Speak any other languages? --Yes

18. If so, which language? --Spanish, Italian

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean? --Cioccolato = chocolate xD

20. Biggest decision you've ever made? --Which high school to go to
Snowy Girl
2011-01-01 13:48:21 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand?--No

2. Favorite restaurant?--Stix

3. Do you have a BFF?--Yes

4. Single or taken?--Single

5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game?---Don't have one

6. Favorite website?--Don't have one

7. Ever had sex?--No

8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person?

9. Ever drank alcohol?--No

10. Ever smoked?--No

11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)?--Does insomnia count?

12. What kind of iPod do you have?--iPod Touch

13. What kind of cell phone do you have?--Samsung Mythic

14. Favorite actor(s)?--Don't have one

15. Favorite actress(es)?--Don't have one

16. Favorite board game?--Monopoly

17. Speak any other languages?--Yes

18. If so, which language?--Japanese fluently, and Spanish

19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean?--I don't have one

20. Biggest decision you've ever made?--Regarding whether I stay in Japan with my uncle or move with my parents here
2011-01-01 13:45:05 UTC
1. No

2. Galla's

3. No I like all my friends the same

4. Single

5. Sims 3

6. Y!A or Facebook

7. Nope

8. -

9. Yes I had a sip a couple years ago and I hated it.

10. Never have and never will

11. Nope

12. Classic

13. And average flip phone.

14. Johnny Depp and Jack Black

15. Don't really have any but I think Angelina Jolie is pretty cool.

16. Mindflex and Life

17. Oui!!! Je parle francais aussi.

18. French

19. I have no clue

20. I haven't made a huge decision yet.
2011-01-01 13:36:44 UTC
1. Ever gone to a party that got out of hand?

yes. I don't go to parties anymore.

2. Favorite restaurant?

olive garden.

3. Do you have a BFF?


4. Single or taken?


5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game?

zelda twilight princess

6. Favorite website?

umm.. I don't know

7. Ever had sex?


8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person?


9. Ever drank alcohol?


10. Ever smoked?


11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)?


12. What kind of iPod do you have?

invisible kind

13. What kind of cell phone do you have?

lg cosmos

14. Favorite actor(s)?

robin williams

15. Favorite actress(es)?

jennifer anniston, mariska hargitay

16. Favorite board game?

monopoly and scrabble

17. Speak any other languages?


18. If so, which language?


19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean?

kinder, means child. das madchen means girl. I call my little brother kinder and my little sister madchen

20. Biggest decision you've ever made?

to move to a different state by myself for college
2016-10-08 06:18:54 UTC
a million. woman interior the Water / Nightmare in the previous Chistmas 2. all and sundry from my contacts 3. Ellian 4. P&S 5. My Chemical Romance 6. Frank Iero 7. Bailey 8. Canada 9. specially situations 10. bitter Skittles
2011-01-01 13:53:50 UTC
1. No way, I don't go to parties. :)

2. Local mexican one.

3. Yeah but idk anymore.

4. Single

5. I have a wii, i hate it.

6. :D ♥

7. Woah getting a little personal there, are we?

8. ...

9. Yeah.

10. Nope, but I had a dream that i smoked last

11. No, i don't.

12. ipod Touch

13. samsung intensity 2

14. I don't really have any.

15. same as 14

16. Monopoly

17. a little

18. french

19. idk

20. which school to go to.
Speak your heart; don't bite your tongue.™ღ
2011-01-01 13:45:02 UTC
1. Nope

2. StockPot in London

3. I have 3

4. Single

5. N/A

6. Youtube and Y!A

7. -

9. Never

10. Never

11. Nope

12. iPod Touch

13. Some crap Samsung phone

14. Chace Crawford

15. Jessica Alba

16. Monopoly

17. 2

18. French and Latin

19. None

20. What colleges/universities I want to apply to x
2011-01-01 14:08:49 UTC
1. No

2. SUBWAY for sure

3. Yes

4. Single

5. I wishi had a wii

6. Webkinz/Facebook/Yahoo Awnsers

7. Nope

8. nope

9. My grandpa used to make me dip my finger in his wine or beer so yeah


11. I have a double beating heart :(

12. Sadly None

13. Strait talk

14. Johny dept

15. Selena Gomez / Jennette Mckurdy

16. life

17. a little

18. french / spanish

19. Spanish "thank you" and french Butterfly. *Soory i can speak it cut i cant spell lol

20. To keep fighting for my live and im glad i did
2011-01-01 22:46:06 UTC
1. yeah i guess

2. JB Dawsons

3. yes(:

4. single

5. animal crossing and monkey ball(:

6. mlia;fml;gmh, youtube, facebook, tumblr, and, of course, yahoo answers!

7. no im much much much much too young


9. no

10. no

11. does gum disease count? And I use to have minor back problems? Haha but that probably doesn't count

12.itouch 4g

13. idk its like a samsung tmobile thing

14. the guy who plays finn and puck and..well, all the guys on glee(:

15. Lea Michele and Ariana Grande of course!

16. hmm Life i guess

17. Only a tiny bit of a lot of languagues

18. too many!

19. can't remember haha

20. hmm im not sure
2011-01-01 13:50:57 UTC

I dont have one. I like food

I wish :(


Only have a ps3. Anyone want to add me? vegeta1418

youtube probably


Yeah, wine tastes good though. Well sort of like medicine O.o ... Beer is not good


I feel like I may have some mental disorder but nope

I dont have one

Its a at&t phone

Johnny depp, christian bale, and arnold schwarzenegger XD?

ehh dont know

Does Uno count? lol

Yeah spanish

I dont have one, but I'll say some anyways. Espada = sword , Amor= Love, Venganza = Revenge, Odio= Hatred, etc

So far I'd say choosing what career I want ... >_<
2011-01-01 16:16:12 UTC




5.supermario brothers




12.iPod touch 3rd generation

13. Samsung seek

14.Robert pattinson, the guy who plays Finn on glee

15. Sandra bullock, Lea Michele


17.a little


19. ama-love

2011-01-01 13:42:09 UTC

2.golden corral



5.mario cart wii

7. no


12. ipod touch

13.pantech pursuit (same fone babyyy)

14.jacki chan, george lopez

15. meagen fox

16. only english :/

19. flagellum:)

20. hmmm..?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.