2011-01-01 13:32:56 UTC
2. Favorite restaurant?
3. Do you have a BFF?
4. Single or taken?
5. If you have Wii, what's your favorite game?
6. Favorite website?
7. Ever had sex?
8. (response to number 7) If you have, are you still with that person?
9. Ever drank alcohol?
10. Ever smoked?
11. Do you have any diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.)?
12. What kind of iPod do you have?
13. What kind of cell phone do you have?
14. Favorite actor(s)?
15. Favorite actress(es)?
16. Favorite board game?
17. Speak any other languages?
18. If so, which language?
19. What's your favorite word in that language and what does it mean?
20. Biggest decision you've ever made?
1. No
2. Ed Debevic's
3. No, I love all my friends
4. Single
5. America's Next Top Model or Thrillville
6. Probably Y!A
7. No, not until I'm married
8. -
9. Yeah, just to try it (it's gross!)
10. No, don't plan on it
11. Asthma
12. The like, very first Nano
13. Pantech Pursuit (Green)
14. Taylor Lautner, Randy Wayne, Leonardo DiCaprio
15. Ashley Greene, Lea Michele, Ashley Tisdale
16. Wits & Wagers
17. Oui, je parle Francais
18. French
19. Don't have one
20. IDK