STD's out break.. Man this is nuts... Out break.. Warts..?
2006-02-27 22:58:01 UTC
These young 20yrs old girls are sleeping with anywone and the out break in oklahom is nuts. out of 5 girls only one dose not have it so far. she was a vergin. lol

Now one of the girls had a threesom with 2 men and her..then 3 weeks later she came up with warts and she has a 3 yrs old child. 2 misscarrages in the last 8 months and now she is pregnet again.??

The others know they have it and they still are sleeping with other people.

One went so far as to steel "wart remover" put it on her??? and she bleed. Is this so real we have to torcher herself to have sex.. ????

The other one put rubbing alcohole on it thinking it would take it away.

help for advice. They are not listeing to the Doctors. or to a adult. they are not caring about the lituercher on the computer you can print out! none of this matters..

Only sex. Please kids tell me what to do and how to help these 20 yr old.

They are just friend of my kids and their friends and there frineds or sisters.
Seven answers:
2006-02-27 23:14:57 UTC
There's only so much you can tell a person. Unless they want to change their lifestyle, there's not a whole lot you, or anyone else, can do. I've been trying to get my husband to stop smoking for years. He knows all the dangers and risks. He has to smoke outside, in all weather, but it still doesn't make him want to quit. I asked him what would make him want to quit. He said probably getting a disease. You know, I don't think even that will make him quit. His brother has emphysema, a fatal breathing disease, and is on oxygen. He still smokes! It's the same way with these young people. They know all the facts, risks and complications, but it would mean stopping what they think is most enjoyable to them. I know of some kids that were out drinking one night. They got in their car and raced down the road, coming to a T in the road and hitting a tree. One of them got killed. Did that stop the others from doing it again? Nope. Even displaying the wrecked car on the lawn of the high school didn't stop other kids from drinking & driving. Even when one of these young friends dies, it might slow them down, but many of them think it will never happen to them. I keep hearing stories of how today's youth have no fear of dying because they think they are invincible, and death can't touch them. The ONLY way they're going to change is when they come to that place where they realize that this is serious and they need to make a lifestyle change completely. It might happen when they finally want to raise a family, or start a great career. Hopefully, they'll get with the program soon, before they don't have a future to look forward to. They may even screw up their children's futures, even before they're born. Sorry this isn't what you want to hear, but all you can be to them is a good example of clean living. I guess it's not a total waste. You're seeing first hand what STD's can do. Hopefully, it will scare you enough that you will stay clean. Virgins can't get STD's. <*)))><
2016-05-01 19:50:00 UTC
Moles, warts, and epidermis tags are normal skin lesions that develop naturally. Even though they are usually low dangerous, they may be humiliating if found on a visible part like the face. Epidermis wounds like moles and warts cause self confidence issues to the sufferers. A person with moles normally becomes a loner because they don't desire to be observed in public. They feel uncomfortable to be out in public places, therefore depression will obviously follow but you will change all this with this specific manual from here , Moles, Warts and Skin Tags Removal eBook.  

The writer of the eBook, Charles Davidson, is just a practitioner in alternative medicine.  He is also a specialist in skin care, using normal therapies to remedy different types of epidermis conditions.

Moles, Warts and Skin Tags Removal program is a 100% normal system, established to get rid of skin deformities such as skin labels, moles, and warts, regardless of how large or little they are.  It's even safe to utilize on children.
2006-02-27 23:13:41 UTC
wow, isn't that a shame...I really don't think there is anything you can do short of locking them all away for a couple of years...sadly these kids have to make their mistakes while we watch helpless(and hopeless) i'm 22 but still feel the weight of the resposibility like your feeling too, it's just very very sad... prevention is the only real key, get some pamphlets together (and local support from parents with younger kids) and educate as many young people in your area as you can... surely you know theses diseases can cause infertility so stress that to the girls specifically no babies when they're older and want families....what a hopeless situation, i feel for you, good luck...
2016-03-13 09:17:51 UTC
Yes it's possible. Even if there is not a lot of sperm precome is a body fluid and there is some skin contact being made which is how stds like to be passed. There is even a slight chance that you could get pregnant.
2006-02-27 23:09:34 UTC
they are not kids at twenty, they are irresponsible adults, knowingly spreading std's is illegal in most states, it is a form of assault, i'd say smack them in the head with a frying pan and let them know that people have been killed in anger over much less than that, you knowingly give it to most men and they will retaliate!!!!(women too)
2006-02-27 23:08:11 UTC
There are two choices that I can see:

1. Let them suffer the consequences of their actions


2. Intervene, If all else fails they may need to undergo involuntary psychiatric treatment
2006-02-27 23:03:42 UTC
Stay informed.... that's all anyone can do.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.