2006-02-27 22:58:01 UTC
Now one of the girls had a threesom with 2 men and her..then 3 weeks later she came up with warts and she has a 3 yrs old child. 2 misscarrages in the last 8 months and now she is pregnet again.??
The others know they have it and they still are sleeping with other people.
One went so far as to steel "wart remover" put it on her??? and she bleed. Is this so real we have to torcher herself to have sex.. ????
The other one put rubbing alcohole on it thinking it would take it away.
help for advice. They are not listeing to the Doctors. or to a adult. they are not caring about the lituercher on the computer you can print out! none of this matters..
Only sex. Please kids tell me what to do and how to help these 20 yr old.
They are just friend of my kids and their friends and there frineds or sisters.