You screwed up... your a teenager, you are supposed to screw up like the work exp muppet at work as its all new. You are not a bad person.
Just one who didn't like being lonley.
Your parents should have put you on a depro injection.
Now you will have many relgious nuts talking about adoption...
Not so simple.
Or lying as talking about a bunch of cells as a baby... Its not, its a bunch of cells that is not self aware or anything.
Do you remember days in the womb? no ... nobody does.
No you wont be able to do stuff, career, life.
You see these people saying how good motherhood isa etc believe once a baby is born a mother should give up everything, her whole life and be alone no needs no nothing as all they care about is more babies. It does not matter to them if it wrecks the mothers life or the kid gets abused or even raped... Hey to them if raped at 10 and gets pregnant... more baby making potentail
read this and see all the links
These people may be able to help... look for phone numbers
In order for you to do this properly you have to look at the big picture.
And here's a thought... if abortion is murder then why are so many anti abortionists the ones who support the death penalty and wars in Iraq? With Muslims being very anti abortion but strangely having no problem with teenagers being stoned to death, stow strangle hung, beheaded for making love outside marriage or being gay. Not to mention centuries of inquistions, sectarian relgious wars, witch burning etc.
Funny how the most anti abortion folk would probably be in the holy land which has always been at war.
Have supplied web links check them out.
Likewise they will describe it in a bloody context… er ANY OPERATION IS BLOODY.
Plus hows this for a thought
Think if all kids were adopted, with a demand for kids (ie these fictional parents crying out for the kid they can't have) why would there be orphanges ona kids homes where kids get abused till turfed out to be homeless on the streets, turning into addicts to escape from the pain and becomeing street prostitutes to pay for the drugs and food till they caught aids and stds?
Plus talk about a bunch of cells or biological construction site as a person… Its not… no personality, awareness, memories, likes, dislikes, nothing.
Don’t simply look at abortion in isolation but in context with religious values in general with the main religions...
Firstly most are dominant male figure based.
Male primary reproduction strategy is to have as many babies as possible regardless of well being for females or children.
Now in a religion... more babies = more potential followers, giving more potential money, siding with you in political and social thinking and opinion siding more with the religion.
Now look at say sex based moral code...
say gays and lesbians... Considered immoral but where’s the harm? Other then not having lots of babies and acting as natural birth control for society.
Look at attitudes on sex Ed... They want as little as possible or none at all or as late as possible. Knowing teenagers won’t be able to abstain and end up doing it and getting pregnant then getting married and under control in baby production units.
Look at religious attitudes to contraception... unless useless methods.
Look at attitudes to sex amongst single people as generally with contraception whilst in a marriage often forming families and making babies.
Look at attitudes to masturbation (i.e. wasted reproductive matter and fun no baby) likewise porn.
Notice how anti girls using sexuality not to make babies but controlling males I.e. pole dances making loads of money but not hurting others. No babies.
Notice how there are no commandments against rape or child abuse i.e. child rapist... the earlier started the more babies. And thinking girls are only useful for making babies and looking after them.
Notice how many priests get accused of child abuse or how in the 3rd world where parent cant look after the kids the church is still anti condom and anti contraception even in marriage so lots of child prostitutes starving and homeless on the streets.
Now have another look at anti morning after pill, gays, contraception, sex Ed, masturbation, sex toys, porn, no anti rape laws.
All about sex only no babies and then look at anti abortion groups in a new light.
And no it’s not a baby with personality, feelings, emotions, etc it’s a bunch of cells...
Look also at the churches idea of adoption and how it treats girls
'The Magdalene Sisters' should be in your video shop but the TV drama 'sinners' was more accurate if you can find it.
Over 30,000 were involved up till old were you at that time?
How many of your friends, you or your sister could have ended up here.
Original documentary available from
How it tries to force young child rape victims to give birth even though will probably kill and certainly be very traumatic and painful for girls as young as 9 ripping vaginas and how does a nine year old cope with a baby?
and as mentioned allowing aids to spread and kids on the street as long as baby production kept up
And how the church supports child rape and sick perversions like women raped with dogs showing its true attitudes to women.
Vatican support for mass murders who like raping women with dogs,,38097...
Also many kids who are adopted or fostered or especially in kids homes and double that for church run ones... grow up abused in various ways including sexually and very abused emotionally as teenagers ending up junkies or street hookers, homeless on the streets...
but that don’t matter to the religious they just want their number count up...
And regardless of housing crisis, lack of jobs, lack of food, etc.
So new perspective huh?
With abortion allowing women to control their lives and in reality foetuses not being human.
But hidden agenda of the sexist religious.
Stay rational and have a proper think whats best not get emotionally blackmailed when vunerable into something you will regret. Such as having a kid you can't look after properly as kid would suffer too. And often would do more so if endinf up in foster homes, especailly relgious run ones or adotped by bad people.
Think if all kids were adopted, with a demand for kids why would there be orphanges ona kids homes where kids get abused till turfed out to be homeless on the streets, turning into addicts to escape from the pain and becomeing street prostitutes to pay for the drugs and food till they caught aids and stds?
You parents are right and being sensible and rational.
All the anti abortion lot actually dont believe in any contraception at all. Likewise tend to be anti gay.
They dont beleive in womens rights or woemn in work just at a kitchem making babies.
But keep that quiet.
Seriously have tha abortion asap and live your life as then when the time is right you will make a far better mum to a happy baby that will grow to a happy successful kid.
Have it now that kids life will suck and probably die in teens on drugs or in a gang and your life will be over.