Random This or That Quiz!?
2011-03-21 14:06:24 UTC
Ok please be truthful and you HAVE to pick one or the other

1) Horses or dogs?
2)Dogs or Cats?
3) Frogs or Rabbits?
4) Taylor Swift or Ke$ha?
5) Bruno Mars or Proffesor Green?
6) Blue or green?
7) Football or Rugby?
8) Great Britain or The USA?
9) Scottish accents or welsh accents?
10) Country Life or City Life?
11) Brunnettes or Blondes?
12) Natural make up or party make up?
13) R 'n' B or pop?
14) Guitar or keyboard?
15) Green chorded trousers or Scottish Kilts?
16) Toddlers and Tiaras or One Born Every Minute(look it up)?
17)Big night out or Girls/boys Night in?
18) Singing or Acting?
19) LA or NYC?
20) iPhone 4 or Blackberry?
21) Twitter or Facebook?
22) PhotoBucket or Tumblr?
23) Justin Beiber or Miley Cyrus?
24) Soap Operas or Documentaries?
25) Tea or Coffee?

here are my answers~~

1) Horses or dogs? Horses
2)Dogs or Cats? Dogs
3) Frogs or Rabbits? Frogs
4) Taylor Swift or Ke$ha? Taylor swift
5) Bruno Mars or Proffesor Green? Bruno Mars
6) Blue or green? Blue
7) Football or Rugby? Rugby
8) Great Britain or The USA? GB!
9) Scottish accents or welsh accents? Scottish duh
10) Country Life or City Life? Country life
11) Brunnettes or Blondes? Brunnettes
12) Natural make up or party make up? Natural
13) R 'n' B or pop? R 'n'B
14) Guitar or keyboard? Keyboard
15) Green chorded trousers or Scottish Kilts? Kilts
16) Toddlers and Tiaras or One Born Every Minute(look it up)? One born every minute
17)Big night out or Girls/boys Night in? Girls night in
18) Singing or Acting? Acting
19) LA or NYC? NYC
20) iPhone 4 or Blackberry? iPhone 4
21) Twitter or Facebook? twitter (its random)
22) PhotoBucket or Tumblr? Photobucket never used Tumblr
23) Justin Beiber or Miley Cyrus? Justin Beiber I cant stand Miley
24) Soap Operas or Documentaries? Documentaries depending on what there on
25) Tea or Coffee? tea
25 answers:
2011-03-21 14:42:39 UTC
1. Dogs

2. Dogs

3. Rabbits

4. Ke$ha

5. Bruno Mars

6. Green

7. Football

8. Great Britian

9. Scottish

10. Country life

11. Brunette

12. Natural

13. Pop

14. Guitar

15. Kilts

16. One Born Every Minute

17. Big night out

18. Acting

19. LA

20. iPhone 4

21. Facebook

22. Photobucket

23. J Biebs (lesser of two evils)

24. Documentaries

25. Tea
2011-03-21 15:20:27 UTC
1) Horses or dogs? Dogs

2)Dogs or Cats? Dogs for sure, I'm not a fan of cats at all

3) Frogs or Rabbits? Rabbits! I have two :)

4) Taylor Swift or Ke$ha? Ke$ha

5) Bruno Mars or Proffesor Green? Bruno Mars

6) Blue or green? Blue!

7) Football or Rugby? If you're talking about American Football than rugby, but if not football/soccer

8) Great Britain or The USA? Definitely the UK!

9) Scottish accents or welsh accents? I have a thing for Acottish accents, not that Welsh are terrible

10) Country Life or City Life? Country life as a child, city life as a teenager/ young adult. I'll wait and see what I like when I get older.

11) Brunnettes or Blondes? I like darker hair on guys, otherwise both are great

12) Natural make up or party make up? Natural, I feel like a clown if I wear too much make-up

13) R 'n' B or pop? Pop I guess...if I had to choose

14) Guitar or keyboard? Keyboard

15) Green chorded trousers or Scottish Kilts? Scottish Kilts!

16) Toddlers and Tiaras or One Born Every Minute(look it up)? One Born Every Minute looks WAY better and much less abusive in my opinion

17)Big night out or Girls/boys Night in? Depends on how I'm feeling!

18) Singing or Acting? I'd like to be able to sing haha

19) LA or NYC? NYC

20) iPhone 4 or Blackberry? I haven't had either, I'd probably go with an iphone since I know the layout from my iTouch

21) Twitter or Facebook? Facebook definitely, I still don't fully understand the point of twitter

22) PhotoBucket or Tumblr? Tumblr<3

23) Justin Beiber or Miley Cyrus? They both sound the same to me...

24) Soap Operas or Documentaries? Documentaries

25) Tea or Coffee? Coffee for sure!

This was really fun, thanks!
2011-03-21 14:42:27 UTC
1) Horses or dogs? Ew.

2)Dogs or Cats? Cats.

3) Frogs or Rabbits? Bunnies..

4) Taylor Swift or Ke$ha? Both.

5) Bruno Mars or Proffesor Green? Bruno Mars.

6) Blue or green? Both.

7) Football or Rugby? What's rugby?

8) Great Britain or The USA? USA.

9) Scottish accents or welsh accents? Neither.

10) Country Life or City Life? City Life.

11) Brunnettes or Blondes? Brunettes, but it doesn't matter..

12) Natural make up or party make up? Natural.

13) R 'n' B or pop? Either.

14) Guitar or keyboard? Guitar.

15) Green chorded trousers or Scottish Kilts? What is that?

16) Toddlers and Tiaras or One Born Every Minute(look it up)? Toddlers and Tiaras.

17)Big night out or Girls/boys Night in? Either.

18) Singing or Acting? Uhh..

19) LA or NYC? NYC

20) iPhone 4 or Blackberry? Blackberry

21) Twitter or Facebook? FB

22) PhotoBucket or Tumblr? PB

23) Justin Beiber or Miley Cyrus? JB

24) Soap Operas or Documentaries? Soap Operas

25) Tea or Coffee? Coffee
2011-03-21 14:16:17 UTC
1) Horses or dogs?

Never had one but horses

2)Dogs or Cats?


3) Frogs or Rabbits?


4) Taylor Swift or Ke$ha?


5) Bruno Mars or Proffesor Green?


6) Blue or green?


7) Football or Rugby?


8) Great Britain or The USA?


9) Scottish accents or welsh accents?


10) Country Life or City Life?

Country but really either

11) Brunnettes or Blondes?


12) Natural make up or party make up?


13) R 'n' B or pop?


14) Guitar or keyboard?


15) Green chorded trousers or Scottish Kilts?


16) Toddlers and Tiaras or One Born Every Minute(look it up)?

Toddlers and tiaras

17)Big night out or Girls/boys Night in?

Big night out

18) Singing or Acting?


19) LA or NYC?


20) iPhone 4 or Blackberry?

Hmm had both but have an iPhone now so that

21) Twitter or Facebook?


22) PhotoBucket or Tumblr?

Don't use either so photobucket

23) Justin Beiber or Miley Cyrus?


24) Soap Operas or Documentaries?

Documentaries I love them

25) Tea or Coffee?

Coffee like all the time
2011-03-22 10:22:30 UTC
1) Horses or dogs?


2)Dogs or Cats?


3) Frogs or Rabbits?


4) Taylor Swift or Ke$ha?

Taylor Swift

5) Bruno Mars or Professor Green?

Bruno Mars

6) Blue or green?


7) Football or Rugby?

Rugby, It's funny to watch

8) Great Britain or The USA?

Great Britain, because it's great

9) Scottish accents or welsh accents?


10) Country Life or City Life?


11) Brunettes or Blonds?


12) Natural make up or party make up?


13) R 'n' B or pop?


14) Guitar or keyboard?


15) Green chorded trousers or Scottish Kilts?

I don't know what green corded trousers are, so I will say kilts

16) Toddlers and Tiaras or One Born Every Minute(look it up)?

One Born Every Minute

17)Big night out or Girls/boys Night in?

Girls night in

18) Singing or Acting?


19) LA or NYC?


20) iPhone 4 or Blackberry?

iPhone 4

21) Twitter or Facebook?


22) PhotoBucket or Tumblr?


23) Justin Beiber or Miley Cyrus?

Miley Cyrus

24) Soap Operas or Documentaries?


25) Tea or Coffee?
2011-03-21 16:18:39 UTC
1) Horses or dogs? Horses

2)Dogs or Cats? Cats

3) Frogs or Rabbits? Rabbits

4) Taylor Swift or Ke$ha? Kesha

5) Bruno Mars or Proffesor Green? Brunoo

6) Blue or green? blue

7) Football or Rugby? football

8) Great Britain or The USA? US

9) Scottish accents or welsh accents? wtf?

10) Country Life or City Life? Big City Life

11) Brunnettes or Blondes? Brunettes

12) Natural make up or party make up? Partyy

13) R 'n' B or pop? Pop

14) Guitar or keyboard? Keyboard

15) Green chorded trousers or Scottish Kilts?

16) Toddlers and Tiaras or One Born Every Minute(look it up)? Toddlers and Tiaras

17)Big night out or Girls/boys Night in? Big night out

18) Singing or Acting? Acting

19) LA or NYC? NYC babyy

20) iPhone 4 or Blackberry? BB curve

21) Twitter or Facebook? fb

22) PhotoBucket or Tumblr? tumblr

23) Justin Beiber or Miley Cyrus? mileyy

24) Soap Operas or Documentaries? ew.

25) Tea or Coffee? coffee
2011-03-21 14:21:23 UTC
1) Horses or dogs? Both:)

2)Dogs or Cats? Dogs

3) Frogs or Rabbits? Rabbits

4) Taylor Swift or Ke$ha? Tay Swift

5) Bruno Mars or Proffesor Green? Bruno Mars

6) Blue or green? Blue

7) Football or Rugby? Football

8) Great Britain or The USA? Great Britain! Im from USA and it suckss

9) Scottish accents or welsh accents? Welsh

10) Country Life or City Life? City life

11) Brunnettes or Blondes? Both:)

12) Natural make up or party make up? Partaay

13) R 'n' B or pop? Rap!

14) Guitar or keyboard? Guitar

15) Green chorded trousers or Scottish Kilts? Uhm.. Neither?

16) Toddlers and Tiaras or One Born Every Minute(look it up)? Toddlers and Tiaras

17)Big night out or Girls/boys Night in? Big Night Out:)

18) Singing or Acting? Singing

19) LA or NYC? LA

20) iPhone 4 or Blackberry? iPhone 4

21) Twitter or Facebook? Faceboook

22) PhotoBucket or Tumblr? Tumblr

23) Justin Beiber or Miley Cyrus? Mother-effing neither... Smh..

24) Soap Operas or Documentaries? Soap operas

25) Tea or Coffee? Teaa(:
2011-03-21 14:17:59 UTC
1) Horses or dogs? Never had a horse, so I think dogs are better companions

2)Dogs or Cats? Toughie, but I'd have to say dogs

3) Frogs or Rabbits? Rabbits, they're fluffier!

4) Taylor Swift or Ke$ha? Neither!

5) Bruno Mars or Proffesor Green? Neither.

6) Blue or green? Blue

7) Football or Rugby? Don't know much about rugby, but I know I don't like football(US), so Rugby

8) Great Britain or The USA? USA, only because that's where I'm from. I've never been to Great Britian

9) Scottish accents or welsh accents? Scottish?

10) Country Life or City Life? Country

11) Brunnettes or Blondes? Blonde...?

12) Natural make up or party make up? Natural- as in none

13) R 'n' B or pop? Neither.

14) Guitar or keyboard? I don't care

15) Green chorded trousers or Scottish Kilts? Huhh?

16) Toddlers and Tiaras or One Born Every Minute(look it up)? I did look it up, and I'd have tp say neither. I hate to see what those kids have to go through, and I don't think I'd like to watch someone give birth...

17)Big night out or Girls/boys Night in? night in

18) Singing or Acting? I prefer listening to singing, rather than watching acting. But I can't do either

19) LA or NYC? NYC

20) iPhone 4 or Blackberry? I want the iPhone4...

21) Twitter or Facebook? Neither

22) PhotoBucket or Tumblr? Don't have either

23) Justin Beiber or Miley Cyrus? Egghhhhh, NEITHER!

24) Soap Operas or Documentaries? Documentaries!

25) Tea or Coffee? Coffee, but I like tea too.
2011-03-21 14:17:14 UTC
1) Horses or dogs? Dogs

2)Dogs or Cats? Cats

3) Frogs or Rabbits? Rabbits

4) Taylor Swift or Ke$ha? Ugh...Ke$ha

5) Bruno Mars or Proffesor Green? Bruno Mars because I don't know who the other person is.

6) Blue or green? Blue

7) Football or Rugby? Rugby

8) Great Britain or The USA? USA

9) Scottish accents or welsh accents? Scottish

10) Country Life or City Life? City life

11) Brunnettes or Blondes? Brunettes

12) Natural make up or party make up? Natural make up

13) R 'n' B or pop? Pop

14) Guitar or keyboard? Guitar

15) Green chorded trousers or Scottish Kilts? Scottish Kilts

16) Toddlers and Tiaras or One Born Every Minute(look it up)? Toddlers & Tiaras. It's a trainwreck.

17)Big night out or Girls/boys Night in? Night In

18) Singing or Acting? Acting

19) LA or NYC? NYC

20) iPhone 4 or Blackberry? iPhone 4

21) Twitter or Facebook? Facebook

22) PhotoBucket or Tumblr? Tumblr

23) Justin Beiber or Miley Cyrus? : ( I guess Justin Bieber

24) Soap Operas or Documentaries? Documentaries

25) Tea or Coffee? Coffee
2011-03-21 14:16:52 UTC
1) Horses or dogs? Well I own both, and both are great. Dogs are very loyal, cute and comforting when you're upset and there to greet you. Horses are just awesome and you can horseback ride, but they're very complicated psychologically and stubborn.

2)Dogs or Cats? Both.

3) Frogs or Rabbits? Rabbits, frogs are cool too.

4) Taylor Swift or Ke$ha? Ew, neither.

5) Bruno Mars or Proffesor Green? Neither.

6) Blue or green? Blue.

7) Football or Rugby? Rugby.

8) Great Britain or The USA? Britain.

9) Scottish accents or welsh accents? Don't know what a welsh accent is? Is that from Whales? If so welsh.

10) Country Life or City Life? Country.

11) Brunnettes or Blondes? Blondes in the opp. sex.

12) Natural make up or party make up? Mix of both.

13) R 'n' B or pop? Pop.

14) Guitar or keyboard? Guitar.

15) Green chorded trousers or Scottish Kilts? KILTS FTW.

16) Toddlers and Tiaras or One Born Every Minute(look it up)? Tiaras, but I want to kick the kids and mother's in the teeth.

17)Big night out or Girls/boys Night in? Big night out.

18) Singing or Acting? Singing.

19) LA or NYC? NYC.

20) iPhone 4 or Blackberry? iPhone.

21) Twitter or Facebook? Facebook.

22) PhotoBucket or Tumblr? I don't use either, so I say Facebook photos or Flickr.

23) Justin Beiber or Miley Cyrus? Neither.

24) Soap Operas or Documentaries? Doc.

25) Tea or Coffee? Tea!

2011-03-21 14:16:22 UTC
1) Horses or dogs? do i have to choose??? :(

2)Dogs or Cats? dogzzzz

3) Frogs or Rabbits? frogzzz

4) Taylor Swift or Ke$ha? Taylor Swift theres no comparison

5) Bruno Mars or Proffesor Green?

6) Blue or green? green like a froggie

7) Football or Rugby? footbl. rugby is soooo boringggg.....

8) Great Britain or The USA? Britain....SOMETIMES.

9) Scottish accents or welsh accents? Scottish all the way!!

10) Country Life or City Life? 've never lived in the country so will have to go with city. Though country wud be nice :)

11) Brunnettes or Blondes? brunettes :)

12) Natural make up or party make up? neither tbh, but if I have to then natural.

13) R 'n' B or pop? I HATE BOTH but pop I guess....

14) Guitar or keyboard? keyboard (guitar is so bloody hard to play_

15) Green chorded trousers or Scottish Kilts? kilts every time

16) Toddlers and Tiaras or One Born Every Minute(look it up)? One Born

17)Big night out or Girls/boys Night in? Ugh. Girls night in, i suppose.

18) Singing or Acting? acting- I couldnt sing if my life depended on it.

19) LA or NYC? NYC!

20) iPhone 4 or Blackberry?Blackberry- iPhones are overrated.

21) Twitter or Facebook? twitter

22) PhotoBucket or Tumblr? neither they are both CRAPPYASS. Photobucket i spose

23) Justin Beiber or Miley Cyrus? Ugh...neither!! Dont go there!!

24) Soap Operas or Documentaries? documentaries

25) Tea or Coffee? Yuck, neither!!!
2011-03-21 16:51:14 UTC
1) Horses or dogs?


2)Dogs or Cats?


3) Frogs or Rabbits?


4) Taylor Swift or Ke$ha?


5) Bruno Mars or Proffesor Green?


6) Blue or green?

7) Football or Rugby?


8) Great Britain or The USA?

-USA, baby.

9) Scottish accents or welsh accents?


10) Country Life or City Life?


11) Brunnettes or Blondes?


12) Natural make up or party make up?


13) R 'n' B or pop?


14) Guitar or keyboard?


15) Green chorded trousers or Scottish Kilts?


16) Toddlers and Tiaras or One Born Every Minute(look it up)?

-Toddlera abs Tiaras

17)Big night out or Girls/boys Night in?

-Big night out

18) Singing or Acting?


19) LA or NYC?


20) iPhone 4 or Blackberry?


21) Twitter or Facebook?


22) PhotoBucket or Tumblr?


23) Justin Beiber or Miley Cyrus?


24) Soap Operas or Documentaries?


25) Tea or Coffee?

2011-03-21 15:49:40 UTC
1) Horses or dogs? Dogs

2)Dogs or Cats? Dogs

3) Frogs or Rabbits? Rabbits

4) Taylor Swift or Ke$ha? Taylor Swift

5) Bruno Mars or Proffesor Green? Bruno Mars

6) Blue or green? Blue

7) Football or Rugby? Footie

8) Great Britain or The USA? Great Britain! ;D

9) Scottish accents or welsh accents? Welsh!

10) Country Life or City Life? Country

11) Brunnettes or Blondes? Brunette!

12) Natural make up or party make up? Natural!

13) R 'n' B or pop? RnB

14) Guitar or keyboard? Guitar

15) Green chorded trousers or Scottish Kilts? Trousers...

16) Toddlers and Tiaras or One Born Every Minute(look it up)? One Born Every Minute.

17)Big night out or Girls/boys Night in? Girls night in!

18) Singing or Acting? Singing!

19) LA or NYC? LA

20) iPhone 4 or Blackberry? iPhone

21) Twitter or Facebook? Facebook!

22) PhotoBucket or Tumblr? Photobucket!

23) Justin Beiber or Miley Cyrus? Bieber

24) Soap Operas or Documentaries? Soaps

25) Tea or Coffee? Teaaaa! ;D
2011-03-21 14:33:45 UTC
1) Horses or dogs? Dogs

2)Dogs or Cats? Cats

3) Frogs or Rabbits? Rabbits

4) Taylor Swift or Ke$ha? Ke$ha

5) Bruno Mars or Proffesor Green? Bruno Mars

6) Blue or green? Green

7) Football or Rugby? Football

8) Great Britain or The USA? USA

9) Scottish accents or welsh accents? Scottish accents

10) Country Life or City Life? Country life

11) Brunnettes or Blondes? Brunettes

12) Natural make up or party make up? Natural make up

13) R 'n' B or pop? R&B

14) Guitar or keyboard? Guitar

15) Green chorded trousers or Scottish Kilts? Scottish kilts

16) Toddlers and Tiaras or One Born Every Minute(look it up)? One Born Every Minute

17)Big night out or Girls/boys Night in? Night in

18) Singing or Acting? Singing

19) LA or NYC? LA

20) iPhone 4 or Blackberry? iPhone

21) Twitter or Facebook? Facebook

22) PhotoBucket or Tumblr? Photobucket

23) Justin Beiber or Miley Cyrus? Miley Cyrus

24) Soap Operas or Documentaries? Documentaries

25) Tea or Coffee? Tea
♥Miss Katherine Aibileen♥
2011-03-21 14:27:48 UTC
1) Horses or dogs?

Horses, definitely.

2)Dogs or Cats?

Cats. :)

3) Frogs or Rabbits?

Rabbits! They're so fluffy!

4) Taylor Swift or Ke$ha?

Neither, really. But if I had to choose, I'd say Taylor Swift.

5) Bruno Mars or Proffesor Green?

Bruno Mars.

6) Blue or green?


7) Football or Rugby?


8) Great Britain or The USA?

US (but that's just because I live here)

9) Scottish accents or welsh accents?


10) Country Life or City Life?

City life. I live in the country right now, and I hate it!

11) Brunnettes or Blondes?

Brunette (Kinda bias. :P)

12) Natural make up or party make up?


13) R 'n' B or pop?

R 'n' B.

14) Guitar or keyboard?

Depends on the mood, but I play both.

15) Green chorded trousers or Scottish Kilts?

Kilts, man!

16) Toddlers and Tiaras or One Born Every Minute(look it up)?

Toddlers and Tiaras. Prime example on how I'm not going to raise my kids.

17)Big night out or Girls/boys Night in?

Girls Night In!

18) Singing or Acting?


19) LA or NYC?

New York, New York!

20) iPhone 4 or Blackberry?


21) Twitter or Facebook?

Facebook. Twitter's retarded.

22) PhotoBucket or Tumblr?


23) Justin Beiber or Miley Cyrus?

Neither! EWWWW

24) Soap Operas or Documentaries?

Documentaries. Hey, at least I learn something.

25) Tea or Coffee?

Coffee. Tea tastes like grass to me (or sugar-coated grass, considering I live in Alabama. Sweet tea is basically the replacement of water.)
2011-03-21 14:21:22 UTC
1) Horses or dogs? Dogs

2)Dogs or Cats? Dogs

3) Frogs or Rabbits? Rabbits

4) Taylor Swift or Ke$ha? Taylor Swift

5) Bruno Mars or Proffesor Green? Bruno Mars

6) Blue or green? Blue

7) Football or Rugby? Football

8) Great Britain or The USA? USA

9) Scottish accents or welsh accents? Scottish

10) Country Life or City Life? City life

11) Brunnettes or Blondes? Brunnettes

12) Natural make up or party make up? Natural

13) R 'n' B or pop? R n B

14) Guitar or keyboard? Keyboard

15) Green chorded trousers or Scottish Kilts? Kilts

16) Toddlers and Tiaras or One Born Every Minute(look it up)? One born every minute

17)Big night out or Girls/boys Night in? Girls night in

18) Singing or Acting? Acting

19) LA or NYC? NYC

20) iPhone 4 or Blackberry? Iphone 4

21) Twitter or Facebook? Facebook

22) PhotoBucket or Tumblr? Photobucket

23) Justin Beiber or Miley Cyrus? Justin Beiber

24) Soap Operas or Documentaries? Documentaries

25) Tea or Coffee? Tea
2011-03-21 16:26:57 UTC
1) Horses or dogs?

Dogs, you can do more things with them

2)Dogs or Cats?

Dogs, they're more fun

3) Frogs or Rabbits?

Frogs, no explination

4) Taylor Swift or Ke$ha?

Ke$ha, I prefer songs about glitter over"Oh, my boyfriend broke up with me and now I'm writing a revenge song"

5) Bruno Mars or Proffesor Green?

Bruno Mars, never heard of the other one

6) Blue or green?

Blue, it's the color of my fiancee's eyes

7) Football or Rugby?

I've never seen rugby, so football

8) Great Britain or The USA?

Great Britain, I live in the US and isn't anything special

9) Scottish accents or welsh accents?

Both? I can't really discern the difference

10) Country Life or City Life?

I've lived in suburbia all my life, City I guess. More excitement

11) Brunnettes or Blondes?

I'm a brunette, and blodes are dumb

12) Natural make up or party make up?

Natural, I don't have the patience to do party make up

13) R 'n' B or pop?

Pop.... I like alt and pop is closer ish

14) Guitar or keyboard?


15) Green chorded trousers or Scottish Kilts?

ummm.... Kilts because I find them comical

16) Toddlers and Tiaras or One Born Every Minute(look it up)?

One born every minute

17)Big night out or Girls/boys Night in?

Night in

18) Singing or Acting?

Singing, I suck at both but I like singing better

19) LA or NYC?

NYC. They have Broadway. DUH

20) iPhone 4 or Blackberry?

Apple fan girl

21) Twitter or Facebook?

Twitter, I don't have Facebook

22) PhotoBucket or Tumblr?

Tumblr's the shiz

23) Justin Beiber or Miley Cyrus?

Justin Bieber, he's more normal

24) Soap Operas or Documentaries?


25) Tea or Coffee?

Can't live without my Coffee!
2011-03-21 14:48:32 UTC
1. Dogs

2. Dogs

3. Rabbits

4. Ke$ha

5. Bruno Mars

6. Green

7. Football

8. USA

9. Scottish

10. Neither...just a normal neighborhood :)

11. Brunettes

12. Natural

13. Pop

14. Keyboard

15. Neither!!!

16. Toddlers and Tiaras

17. Girls night out

18. Both!

19. NYC

20. iPhone

21. Twitter (don't have FB)

22. Neither

23. I hate both

24. Depends.....

25. Coffee
2011-03-21 14:25:04 UTC
Dogs-I do like horses as well

Dogs-I like cats as well though


I hate both but I prefer Ke$ha to Taylor swift.

Bruno Mars -Don't like either


Rugby-Real sport Real Men



Country-I have lived in both and while I like shopping sometimes I much prefer the country if you ignore all the smells and bad public transport lol



Neither but pop I guess


Kilts-I like Scottish looking skirts

One born every minute-watching it now

Night in-pizza and movies


Havent been to either-I say New york

I phone-I like blackberrys but bad cameras


Photo bucket

Egh both vile even worse then taylor swift-Miley I guess

I only like Eastenders as far as Soaps go so Documentaries

Tea-Twinnings everyday no sugar lol
2011-03-21 14:38:42 UTC
1) Dogs

2) Dogs

3) Frogs

4) Neither

5) Bruno Mars

6) Blue

7) Football

8) USA

9) Neither

10) City life

11) Brunettes

12) Party makeup

13) R&B

14) Keyboard

15) Neither

16) Never watched either of them

17) Big night out

18) Singing

19) NYC

20) iPhone

21) Facebook

22) Photobucket

23) Miley

24) Depends

25) Tea
2016-04-28 05:22:24 UTC
Random quiz w/ random questions!? 1)best friend's name?MY HUBBY "D" 2)luver's name the same 3)fav show any of the C S I 4)dr. pepper or SpriteDR PEP PER DIETE 5)love or money LOVE 6)fun or funny FUNNY 7)lying or acting?ACTING 8)a red rake or a blue rake? BLUE ~told u they were random
2011-03-22 19:20:46 UTC




5,bruno mars



8,great britain


10,city life


12,natural make-up




16,one born every minute.

17,girls night in






23,miley i can't stand justin

24,documenaries depending on what they are

25, neither
2011-03-21 14:18:11 UTC



Taylor Swift

Don't know who they are- sorry











Don't know what that is

Big Night out






Miley Cyrus


2011-03-21 14:26:16 UTC




bruno mars





country life





chorded trousers

night out


iphone 4





can't decide love the both
2011-03-21 14:15:42 UTC

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