2009-01-27 10:19:55 UTC
1,how soon can u do the early pregnancy test?can u do it 1 or 2 weeks after having sex?
2,If the couple did the early pregnancy test on the 23 of jan09,n the result is neg,still can the girl be pregnant?
3,if the couple did the early pregnancy test 2month later after having sex(that means on hmm 20 feb 09),and the result is neg,But the girl misses her period for 1month so,is she pregnant or what?
4,i mean,sperm can live inside woman body for 1 week or 10days if it doesn't reach the oval it dies right?so, if they had sex on the 20 of december 2008 which is on the period date,and now it is the 28 and the girl misses her period but the couple did the early test on 23 of jan,result still neg,does that mean she is pregnant?what should they do next,take the test again,but what if the result still neg,and her period is not coming and she had a pain in her stomach..??what is that mean??..ok,thank in advance for answering..pls write it in a way i can understand,n no rude answer pls..i made this question cos i've read alot in yahoo answer n i came up with this..i did try to ask doctor in my area but,u know iam in cambodia,it is really hard..:) thanks for helping..