I predict a short survey in your future...?
2013-07-19 09:47:28 UTC
Those wacky fortune tellers, I can do their job too! ;) Okay, here's the promised short survey:

1. What's something you could never choose between?
2. If you could be a prodigy on one instrument, which would it be?
3. If you were to have a movie made about your life, what would it be called? Who would direct?
4. What large group of animals would you choose to guide you into an epic battle?
5. If you met somebody you love (Like an actor/actress, author, etc) but could only ask them one question, what question would it be?

My answers:

1. My favorite band.
2. Keyboard/piano.
3. In-between The Lines. I'm not sure who would direct. Somebody who does charming indie films I guess.
4. Wolves. I'd ride on the lead one and the others would follow and it would be epic.
5. Hm. I'd ask what the best parting of writing books is.

I know it's short but I'm lacking in creative fuel today. I hope you enjoyed anyway. :)
25 answers:
Pickles the Wise(♥'s☮)
2013-07-19 10:33:18 UTC
1. I could never pick a favorite Beatle.

2. Guitar

3. No clue (most likely literally), and I'd either direct it or give it over to a friend.

4. Mammoths. They worked in Lord of The Rings.

5. I'd just want to know if they were really happy in their lives, not just pretending for a crowd.
2013-07-19 20:43:46 UTC
1. What's something you could never choose between? favorite food

2. If you could be a prodigy on one instrument, which would it be? piano. I'm kinda okay at it, but it would truly be incredible to play as well as someone like Rubinstein or Gould. Wouldn't care about anything in the world, and play.

3. If you were to have a movie made about your life, what would it be called? Who would direct? No idea

4. What large group of animals would you choose to guide you into an epic battle? Bears

5. If you met somebody you love (Like an actor/actress, author, etc) but could only ask them one question, what question would it be? How do you deal with all the pressure
2013-07-19 18:41:55 UTC
I predict a steady income from this fortune telling job you've acquired ;D

1. What's something you could never choose between?

• My best friend or my boyfriend.

2. If you could be a prodigy on one instrument, which would it be?

• Violin. I'd be the next Michiru Kaioh ; o ;

3. If you were to have a movie made about your life, what would it be called? Who would direct?

• The Not-So-Secret Life of the American Teenager. Directed by someone who has had too many hits and needs a bit of humility, so he can have my flop.

4. What large group of animals would you choose to guide you into an epic battle?


5. If you met somebody you love (Like an actor/actress, author, etc) but could only ask them one question, what question would it be?

• Can I borrow your stylist for my senior prom, please?

It's fine ♥
2013-07-23 15:16:23 UTC
1. What's something you could never choose between?

Family members/favourite anything

2. If you could be a prodigy on one instrument, which would it be?


3. If you were to have a movie made about your life, what would it be called? Who would direct?

Tim Burton would direct it and it would be called Up, Down, Up.

(and Johnny Depp would marry me)

4. What large group of animals would you choose to guide you into an epic battle?

Elephants. No one messes with elephants.

5. If you met somebody you love (Like an actor/actress, author, etc) but could only ask them one

question, what question would it be?

Do you wanna come home with me?
2013-07-20 12:29:42 UTC
1. What's something you could never choose between?

-eh....Which side of the bed I prefer. I like lists, I've already ranked everything.

2. If you could be a prodigy on one instrument, which would it be?

-Man. The Triangle without a doubt. If I could master that instrument people would be breaking down in tears with my magnificent Solos. In all seriousness i'll have to go with the piano as well. You can just create more, whats the word i'm looking for, "Flowing" music with the piano .

3. If you were to have a movie made about your life, what would it be called? Who would direct?

- I'm not sure what it'll be called. "Patience", "Shadowed" "Roger Johnson's Wacky Billy Cart Ride." I don't know, it would depend on what sort of story I was telling. But i'll be the one directing it. I'll be responsible for my own life, thank you.

4. What large group of animals would you choose to guide you into an epic battle?

-Komodo Dragons, these giant lizards are scary. They will eat almost anything they find, including humans. They can jump with their powerful legs, They have sharp claws and shark-like teeth. They are very poisonous and have amazing smelling ability and can smell you from miles away. They can run pretty fast and can climb trees as well, along with their wonderful swimming ability they are unstoppable. I'm not messing with these guys.

5. If you met somebody you love (Like an actor/actress, author, etc) but could only ask them one question, what question would it be?

-J.K.Rowling. "What the hell are Red-caps and Hinky-punks?"
2013-07-20 04:19:33 UTC
1. What's something you could never choose between? My favorite pet. They're all my furry babies, even though they like to poop in my room.

2. If you could be a prodigy on one instrument, which would it be? Violin. I've been playing it for nine or so years, but I would like to have been able to just pick it up and whip out some Bach piece, haha.

3. If you were to have a movie made about your life, what would it be called? Who would direct? Cat Ladies, directed by Sofia Coppola.

4. What large group of animals would you choose to guide you into an epic battle? Tigers, because they are scary and majestic felines.

5. If you met somebody you love (Like an actor/actress, author, etc) but could only ask them one question, what question would it be? I would ask Tom Hiddleston if he would marry me. Just kidding. I would ask JK Rowling if, 20-25 years ago, she would have imagined herself in the future being as famous as she is now.
2013-07-19 18:30:59 UTC
1. What's something you could never choose between? Ice cream or cupcakes

2. If you could be a prodigy on one instrument, which would it be? Drums

3. If you were to have a movie made about your life, what would it be called? Who would direct? I don't know. It'd just be called Damon. And everything would be exaggerated to make me look cooler. Quentin Tarantino or Danny Boyle would direct it.

4. What large group of animals would you choose to guide you into an epic battle? Penguins would be cute. Wait... Never mind. Wolves or bears.

5. If you met somebody you love (Like an actor/actress, author, etc) but could only ask them one question, what question would it be? I would ask them to marry me and then we'd be married forever and I'd never ask them another question again.
2013-07-19 18:30:52 UTC
1. What's something you could never choose between?

-Someone on here once asked who you would save if it could be between your mom and dad. I would never choose between my parents, I love them both more than anything

2. If you could be a prodigy on one instrument, which would it be?


3. If you were to have a movie made about your life, what would it be called? Who would direct?

-The Tale of Abbey (and my last name; my last name has a nice ring so it sounds really nice with that title... but I won't say it on here). I don't care who would direct it, maybe Kenneth Branagh. Or anyone who does the PBS Masterpiece tv shows

4. What large group of animals would you choose to guide you into an epic battle?

-I agree wolves; I like this question. Or cheetahs because I mean riding a cheetah would be so badass

5. If you met somebody you love (Like an actor/actress, author, etc) but could only ask them one question, what question would it be?

-Hmm, I would ask them what was one of the best moments of their life so far
Lost Girl *Forever Young*
2013-07-19 22:33:29 UTC
1. What's something you could never choose between?

-Shane Dawson.

2. If you could be a prodigy on one instrument, which would it be?

-The saxophone

3. If you were to have a movie made about your life, what would it be called? Who would direct?

-It would be called. "I'm not sure either." & Ariana Grande would play me while I direct it. Who else will capture the essence of my actual life?

4. What large group of animals would you choose to guide you into an epic battle?

-a lion!

5. If you met somebody you love (Like an actor/actress, author, etc) but could only ask them one question, what question would it be?

-If I met Shane Dawson, i'd prolly start crying to be honest, then i'd ask him how he comes up with his video ideas.
2013-07-19 17:50:19 UTC
1. What's something you could never choose between?

My favorite color

2. If you could be a prodigy on one instrument, which would it be?


3. If you were to have a movie made about your life, what would it be called? Who would direct?

Beautiful. Jk, idk, probably Country Girl. I would wanna star in it, so I pick Steven Spielberg.

4. What large group of animals would you choose to guide you into an epic battle?

Cats. Jk, buffalo.

5. If you met somebody you love (Like an actor/actress, author, etc) but could only ask them one question, what question would it be?

Will you marry me?
Aurora; Parrot Salad
2013-07-19 18:24:49 UTC
Kay. ^^

1. eh. Chocolate Ice Cream or Cinnamon Ice cream

2. The piano.

3. Revenge of the Crazy Zucchini Woman.

4. Dinosaurs.

5. When will your next book be out?
Yonn-Willams Geldenhuis
2013-07-19 16:59:54 UTC
1) What classes to take in school

2) Hmmm I guess Piano

3) A Surfing Life. Um I'd like someone who directed HP, probably Chris Columbus

4) Wolves

5)Can I have sex with you?
2013-07-21 13:51:38 UTC
1. Who is the person I love most.

2. I know it's not technically an instrument, but I'd love to have mastered my voice.

3. I would want David O. Russell to direct the movie of my life because he does a fantastic job of realism in his films. My movie would be titled, "Smile" because I always try my best to be smiling inside and out, and it's kind of my trademark to tell people to smile!

4. I'd want tigers to accompany me into battle, haha.

5. "What is one lesson you've learned about people from your becoming successful?"

Great survey!
2013-07-20 00:10:13 UTC
1. My favorite song

2. Piano

3. It would be called Brave Warrior, and I'd save money by letting my sister direct.

4. Cats

5. I'd ask what the best vocal techniques are.
❝ Devon ❞
2013-07-20 19:51:13 UTC
1. My brother and sister. I love them both equally, and I couldn't dream of picking sides.

2. The piano.

3. "Where's The Remote?"; it'd be Jensen Ackle's big movie directing debut.

4. Bengal tigers, most definitely. I love tigers, and I'm pretty sure they'd scare the living daylight out of the opposing army.

5. I think I'd ask them if they were ever once like me, and what it would take/took to get to where they are now.

2013-07-21 00:33:26 UTC
1. My favorite movie. No, maybe my favorite artist. Or my favorite song. I'm really indecisive.

2. Piano.

3. I have no idea what it would be called... But I'd hope someone like David O. Russell would direct it. I think he'd do it justice. hehe

4. Ooh! Lions!

5. What can I do to be successful like you?
2013-07-19 18:31:12 UTC
1. I really don't know. :/

2. The drums. People look so cool playing them and guys that can play the drums instantly become so much more attractive. (:

3. "Whose Girl?" and it would be directed by... Gabrielle Muccino who directed my favourite movie "The Pursuit of Happyness".

4. Tigers I guess.

5. What inspires you to get up everyday and carry on living?

Nice survey. x
2013-07-19 16:50:35 UTC
1. ice cream

2. violin

3. Procrastination. Steven Spielberg

4. Zebras

5. I would like to ask Marilyn Monroe, if she was ever genuinely happy?
2013-07-19 17:16:12 UTC
1. My favorite color. It shouldn't be so hard.

2. Drums!

3. I haven't really thought about this before. I'd probably name it "Change". Pretty simple, aha. I guess it really describes my life as a whole. I've experienced a lot of change, wanted and unwanted. It's all about how you take it. I'm not really familiar with many directors.

4. Sharks! That'd be cool.

5. I'd ask them one thing they've learned about themselves.
2013-07-19 16:50:20 UTC
1. My favorite candy

2. Violin

3. My horrible boring life

4. Lions >:D

5. Why are you still a virgin?
2013-07-21 05:46:03 UTC
1. Killing my boyfriend or killing my younger brother.

2. Bass guitar, oh yes siri

3. 'are you going to eat that' directed by the man who directed Avatar.

4. Whales because I can.

5. Can I borrow some cash
2013-07-19 16:51:23 UTC
1 my dogs

2 my voice

3 "Her Life"

4 Gorgeous horses with flowing manes

5 Can i hug you?
2013-07-21 03:31:02 UTC
1. My children

2. The guitar

3. It would be called "Finding Him: My Story" and I would direct it

4. Hmmm, I can't decide...

5. "Would you like my number so we can text?"
2013-07-19 17:48:22 UTC
My pets.


Haha. That wallflower movie.

A flock of elephants and/or emus.

Do you remember me?
2013-07-19 22:19:07 UTC
my family and friends


a new world

tigers and lions

what is your favorite that you were in

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.