HOws your nght going?
It's day. I'm at school. So it already sucks. My friend just threw a book at my face. Oops.
What'd you do today?
Woke up, went back to sleep, woke up, ate breakfast, went to school, went for a nice long walk, and en went to my first class. And now I'm bored as hell.
What are you thinking about?
M thinking about how pointless our advisory class is. We pretty much sit here, tak out our binders, set academic goals, talk about our feeling and our schools culture of 'decency and trust'. *rolls eyes*
Did you fight with anyone today?
Just a slight verbal tiff. My friend wanted to get to her locker, which is on top of mine, but I was sitting in front of it reading another friends story. Unable to get to her locker, my friend walked away in a huff. Well she got to throw that book at my head, so now were even :)
What did you wear today?
T-shirt and jeans. As always.
Did you like avengers?
What's your favourite tv show?
Idk. So many....
What's your hair like?
Um.... Short, wavy, dirty blonde?
What's your favourite candy?
Milk duds! Or possibly Andes Mints....
What's the weather like?
55-ish degrees Fahrenheit. Relatively warm and windless, a bit cloudy.
How old are you?
What kinda phone do you got?
Not sure what it's called.... Touch screen, but it's slow.
How many days until your birthday?
Are you in a relationship?
Not a romantic one.
What's your dream car?.
Turquoise pick up truck :)