If my house got on fire and I could only grab ten things one of them would be my autographed album of Fleetwood Mac's "Rumours" that my uncle got back in the 1970s and gave to me for my birthday a few years ago because he is the absolute best uncle in existence. I love every song on the album so much I'd hug each of them if possible, and the sound quality on vinyl is so superior to the iTunes version. I'm actually listening to them on my computer now and missing the vinyl version. (I'm at another house) I had a spazout blissfest on Tuesday when "Glee" did an episode based on the album. I have my mom's old record player in my room, and I listen to that album as well as others by Fleetwood Mac and David Bowie, Queen, the Beatles, Nick Drake, Johnny Cash, Etta James, Maxine Sullivan, and Aerosmith's earliest work.
How do you listen to most of your music? (on ipod, computer, record, tape, stereo, radio)
~ I mainly listen to music on my iPhone or laptop. We have a sweet music system set up at my dad's house where you can plug your iphone in and have the music piped through the house, and I also just listen it while chilling in my room. I listen to music on my laptop while I'm working or online. I do still listen to the vinyl albums at least once a week, though. "Rumours" is my musical security blanket.
Do you buy your music in stores or on iTunes?
~ I buy most music from iTunes. I subscribe to Paste Magazine, and they have a sampler you can download every week. I've discovered a lot of my favorite new musicians there.
Have you ever downloaded music illegally?
~ Yes, when I was fourteen I downloaded music I couldn't find on iTunes from Frostwire. I haven't illegally downloaded anything since.
Do you think it's wrong to download the music illegally?
~ Yes, it's an act of theft. It harms the musicians you want to support, the musical industry as a whole, and the overall economy.
Do you listen to online radio stations? What are the best ones in the UK?
~ Yes!!!! I love internet radio. I used to listen to Pandora Radio all the time, but now I primarily listen to Last FM and my college's radio station. I have the BBC iPlayer app and sometimes listen to BBC4, and occasionally I'll listen to London-based stations like XFM and Capital Radio through iTunes.
Check out this station:
They play my music sometimes!!!
You're welcome to check out my LastFM and Pandora stations if you wish:
If you go the Radio tab on the left sidebar of your iTunes library you can choose from hundreds of stations around the world.
~ skylark : )
Yes, I'd be happy for you to listen to my stations! Just click on the live stream tab to listen to Stanford Radio. The way Pandora Radio works is stations "grow" around a song or artist you select to be the seed, so on the left hand side of my profile page you'll see a long list of my stations. Each one has music similar to the artist or song I used as the seed when creating it. You can listen to each station individually, or scroll down to the very bottom and select "QuickMix" for a blend of all my music.
LastFm works somewhat similarly, but is even more personalized. I downloaded the software (it's free and easy to get, if you're interested) and it "scrobbles" my iTunes library. My station is built around the music in my library and songs similar to it. I have like 3000 songs of different genres, so it's more diverse. Fair warning - I've been listening to a lot of Pat Boone songs lately trying to decide on one to sing as a birthday present for my step-grandmother, so now there's music from the 50s cropping up, haha. You can listen to "SkylarkMelody Radio" by clicking on the tab about midway down on my profile page. It takes a while to buffer, but once it starts playing it's smooth.
: )