I'm 14 years old, almost fifteen, and all my parents' and I do is argue. I know for sure that it's my fault. I try not to be a complete b*tch to my parents, but sometimes when they say something that irritates me, I raise my voice and yell a bit. I don't realize it until they point it out. And all my parents do is give and all I do is take. Sometimes when they ask me to do chores I say nothing and just do it, no questions ask, but sometimes I do get annoyed. After a fight with my parents I start thinking about all the money my parents have spent on me and how much they gave up for me and I feel like a selfish b*tch. Lately I've been wondering why my parents didn't give me up for adoption or abort me when they found out my mom was pregnant. I say that because they only wanted a son and they got that before they had me. I try to stay out of their way by not bothering them and other times I show them my affection. Whenever we're arguing they remind me of how those times are annoying. I'm not thinking of suicide or running away. But becoming emancipated when I get a job and after saving enough money, or graduating from high school early so that I won't be such a burden to my parents. Is it normal to feel this way and what should I do?
Now about my grandmother, nothing I do is ever good enough for her. She hates the fact that I wear colored hair extensions (I don't dye my hair),the fact that I want to get my ears pierced again, that I'm interested in tattoos, how I want to be a pathologist or a neurosurgeon when I grow up instead of a stay at home wife and mother. She hates how I listen to music a lot, it helps me concentrates. She's always scrutinizing me and encourages me not to be myself. She's nothing but nice with my cousins and my brother. I can't teller her anything because if I make a mistake she talks at me and makes me feel worse. I love her, but she's stubborn and judgemental. What should I do?