1. Do you read fanfiction?
^Nope, not really! I watched some crazy documentary about OTT fans of One Direction *groan and mutters x-rated curses under breath* and the fan fiction they write about two of the members being gay and being in a relationship with each other. Now THAT is something I'd love to read purely for the LOLs affect! :'D Think I might accidently forget about my biology revision and hit one of those sites! Oh yeah, and they have drawn pictures too!!!!!
2. What do you think of Russian and the whole gay issue? (if you don't know what I'm talking about, google it, it's HUGE)
^If it's the thing I'm thinking about (I haven't heard an update about it for ages so I might be a bit behind) it's d*mn right f*cking disgusting! They wouldn't be allowed to act this way against a different race or whatever so why are they against gay people? They're acting as if they're going to catch some deadly disease just by sharing the same space as them. They're pathetic bigots. These athletes are human and have slogged their guts out just as hard as straight athletes. (This probably sounds really stupid because last thing I heard about this situ. was in Octoberish!)
3. How do you get your exercise (workout videos, the gym, running, walking, sports, yoga, etc)
^I have my own work-out exercises at home which I absolutely love - and I can't stand any form of exercise. I even grumble at the thought of walking up the stairs! They're really good and tone everything, make your bust (and I need all the help I can get in that department!) and bum bigger and your waist smaller and are even anti-aging! :)
4. Do you know what Destiel & Merthur are without looking it up?
^I haven't got a clue. Sounds sort of teethy/dentally to me!
5. What was the last thing you ate or drank?
^A cheeky pint of water! :P I haven't had a chance to eat anything today (I always forget and then stuff my face silly), last thing I ate was a scrummy pasta-tuna thing.
Ooh, just remembered. I had a few pieces of chicken tikka earlier!
6. Current mood?
^Ummm... indifferent I guess. And sort of in a stressed and bad mood because it seems I've got every piece of cutlery, plate, dishes, mugs and saucepans in the world waiting for me to give them a scrub. :(
7. Current favorite song?
^I have quite a few: 'The Bewlay Brothers' by Mister David Bowie, 'More Than This' by Roxy Music, 'Thorn In My Side' by Eurythmics (which I just love to sing to a certain someone) and 'You're Making Me High' by Toni Braxton - which I'm currently blasting out at mouse level.
8. Do you have an OTP? If so, what is it and is it canon or not?
^I haven't got a clue what that is. I just googled it and I'm still none the wiser, or maybe I'm just pretty dense!
9. GIRLS - Jeans or Leggings, GUYS - boxers, briefs, or boxer briefs?
^Leggings, definitely. And lycra, not those cheap ones where you bend over and every gets practically mooned by you. :D And I'm not a bloke - well not since the last time I checked - but I love them in tight-ish boxer briefs!
10. Do you have a "go-to" outfit for just lounging around at home not doing much?
^Haha, my ex-friend's massive shirt, which could fit ten me's in, which he gave me (still not sure if it's a bit weird if I wear it?) and a pair of stretchy cycling shorts - an outfit I'm currently wearing!
11. Favorite website?
^I do love Y!A, I just can't resist having a nosey at peoples problems and trying to help them out. I love misguided.co.uk too, so I can play the 'when I'm rich' game and add every thing I want in the basket - and end up depressed afterwards when I check my purse and find a few pennies and a library card. :(
12. Do you ever just see clothes that you really, really want at the mall or online and then see that it's some ridiculous price like $90 dollars for yoga pants (cough, cough lululemon...)
^All the time! And unless I rob a bank there's about as much chance of me owning them as there is of a young Johnny Depp declaring his undying love for me. :(