Teens: Want to take a random as heck survey?
2014-02-08 20:12:42 UTC
I'm bored lolololol

1. Do you read fanfiction?
2. What do you think of Russian and the whole gay issue? (if you don't know what I'm talking about, google it, it's HUGE)
3. How do you get your exercise (workout videos, the gym, running, walking, sports, yoga, etc)
4. Do you know what Destiel & Merthur are without looking it up?
5. What was the last thing you ate or drank?
6. Current mood?
7. Current favorite song?
8. Do you have an OTP? If so, what is it and is it canon or not?
9. GIRLS - Jeans or Leggings, GUYS - boxers, briefs, or boxer briefs?
10. Do you have a "go-to" outfit for just lounging around at home not doing much?
11. Favorite website?
12. Do you ever just see clothes that you really, really want at the mall or online and then see that it's some ridiculous price like $90 dollars for yoga pants (cough, cough lululemon...)
23 answers:
With her head in the clouds
2014-02-09 04:44:01 UTC
1. Do you read fanfiction? I do actually but I'm selective about exactly what I read

2. What do you think of Russian and the whole gay issue? (if you don't know what I'm talking about, google it, it's HUGE) I think it's awful, Many countries have rules against PDA (in general) but it's awful to discriminate against one group. I've heard from world news etc that Russian people tend to be uneducated about sexuality so they think homosexuality is the same of pedophilia. They need the education about sexuality but unfortunately the government only fuels the fire by making these laws and putting a cap on services or sexual education and health. At the same time though you have to be careful to be culturally sensitive because although many around the world disagree with the new laws we can't stop what another country wishes to do we can only choose to boycott travelling to the country. What people can do though is look into international law and consider if any international laws have been broken (especially seeing as torture has been occurring). What worries me the most about these laws is that the persecution is beginning in a similar way to the way the Nazi persecution of the Jews began. I think though, to be optimistic that we have learnt immensely from the Holocaust and that something so sickening would not occur to that magnitude again.

3. How do you get your exercise (workout videos, the gym, running, walking, sports, yoga, etc) I go to the gym.

4. Do you know what Destiel & Merthur are without looking it up? I don't watch Supernatural so I honestly can't give an intelligent answer to that

5. What was the last thing you ate or drank? I had a wafer biscuit and water

6. Current mood? Mellow and slightly tired

7. Current favorite song? I love Ironic by Alanis Morisette.

8. Do you have an OTP? If so, what is it and is it canon or not? No I can't say I do

9. GIRLS - Jeans or Leggings, GUYS - boxers, briefs, or boxer briefs? I'm a girl and jeans they feel more comfy to me (weird I know but I just prefer jeans)

10. Do you have a "go-to" outfit for just lounging around at home not doing much? Yea, it's called my pyjamas why would I get dressed if I didn't need to?

11. Favorite website? Youtube is great but there's this site called Upworthy that is basically videos of people doing really uplifting, amazing things and making really good points. Here's the url:

12. Do you ever just see clothes that you really, really want at the mall or online and then see that it's some ridiculous price like $90 dollars for yoga pants (cough, cough lululemon...) Not really. Over the years I've learnt which shops tend to be expensive and which aren't. As a result I've learnt to avoid the more expensive shops. Though to be honest nothing much surprises me anymore.
2014-02-08 21:11:36 UTC
1. Do you read fanfiction?


2. What do you think of Russian and the whole gay issue? (if you don't know what I'm talking about, google it, it's HUGE)

They're taking it out of proportion. It's not that big of a deal. It's great to have opinions on gay marriage but don't put it in the way of living and politics.

3. How do you get your exercise (workout videos, the gym, running, walking, sports, yoga, etc)

Chasing my dog around the house

4. Do you know what Destiel & Merthur are without looking it up?


5. What was the last thing you ate or drank?

A hot dog and cold tea

6. Current mood?


7. Current favorite song?

Bombay Bicycle Club - Home By Now

8. Do you have an OTP? If so, what is it and is it canon or not?


9. GIRLS - Jeans or Leggings, GUYS - boxers, briefs, or boxer briefs?


10. Do you have a "go-to" outfit for just lounging around at home not doing much?

Basketball shorts and a school t shirt

11. Favorite website?

YouTube (if that counts)

12. Do you ever just see clothes that you really, really want at the mall or online and then see that it's some ridiculous price like $90 dollars for yoga pants (cough, cough lululemon...)

Yeah. This sweatshirt at Zumiez was like $60. PSHHHH.
2014-02-08 22:00:58 UTC
1. Do you read fanfiction? Nope

2. What do you think of Russian and the whole gay issue? (if you don't know what I'm talking about, google it, it's HUGE) I don't know what this is all about and i'm too lazy to google it xD but if it has to do with gay rights then I'm all for it. gays should be treated equally and fairly

3. How do you get your exercise (workout videos, the gym, running, walking, sports, yoga, etc) I work out every night at home :)

4. Do you know what Destiel & Merthur are without looking it up? Nope

5. What was the last thing you ate or drank? Brisk Iced Tea

6. Current mood? Pretty bored lol

7. Current favorite song? Only one? I can't choose. it's one of Mayday Parade's songs I think though

8. Do you have an OTP? If so, what is it and is it canon or not? What's OTP? Canon camera? I have a Canon rebel t3i

9. GIRLS - Jeans or Leggings, GUYS - boxers, briefs, or boxer briefs? Jeans all the way. I hate girls who wear leggings. Pet peeve lol

10. Do you have a "go-to" outfit for just lounging around at home not doing much? Shorts and a T shirt

11. Favorite website? YouTube

12. Do you ever just see clothes that you really, really want at the mall or online and then see that it's some ridiculous price like $90 dollars for yoga pants (cough, cough lululemon...) Yeah lol, not yoga pants though, considering as I said, I hate them xD but for certain clothes definitely
2014-02-08 21:16:23 UTC
1. Do you read fanfiction?- No

2. What do you think of Russian and the whole gay issue?- I think there stupid for doing that.

3. How do you get your exercise- The home gym in my basement

4. Do you know what Destiel & Merthur are without looking it up?- No

5. What was the last thing you ate or drank?- A burger, fries and a soda

6. Current mood?- Bored

7. Current favorite song?- Don't have one

8. Do you have an OTP? If so, what is it and is it canon or not?- No

9. GIRLS - Jeans or Leggings- Jeans

10. Do you have a "go-to" outfit for just lounging around at home not doing much?- No

11. Favorite website?- Youtube

12. Do you ever just see clothes that you really, really want at the mall or online and then see that it's some ridiculous price like $90 dollars for yoga pants- Nope
2014-02-09 12:10:25 UTC
1. Do you read fanfiction? Yup. It's practically my life, when I'm not writing the fanfic.

2. What do you think of Russian and the whole gay issue? (if you don't know what I'm talking about, google it, it's HUGE) It's awful (and frankly disgusting and sad) but not surprising. Homophobia is just really culturally intense there.

3. How do you get your exercise (workout videos, the gym, running, walking, sports, yoga, etc) Walking to class lol. And running when I have the time.

4. Do you know what Destiel & Merthur are without looking it up? Yup. I haven't watched Merlin so I don't ship Merthur beyond squeeing at the fanart, but I ship Destiel so hard :D

5. What was the last thing you ate or drank? Bagel + chive&onion cream cheese

6. Current mood? Sleepy.

7. Current favorite song? Everything on the Frozen soundtrack.

8. Do you have an OTP? If so, what is it and is it canon or not? Johnlock! And yes it's canon ok. So canon. It's just unrequited.

9. GIRLS - Jeans or Leggings, GUYS - boxers, briefs, or boxer briefs? Jeans.

10. Do you have a "go-to" outfit for just lounging around at home not doing much? A soft sweater and favorite jeans

11. Favorite website? Either Tumblr or AO3

12. Do you ever just see clothes that you really, really want at the mall or online and then see that it's some ridiculous price like $90 dollars for yoga pants (cough, cough lululemon...) Omfg yes fandom merch is ridiculously overpriced. Especially really cute tshirts on redbubble.
2014-02-08 20:34:55 UTC
1. Do you read fanfiction?

-Not really. Everytime I tried it was like 11 year old being harcore raped by famous people or vice versa

2. What do you think of Russian and the whole gay issue? (if you don't know what I'm talking about, google it, it's HUGE)


3. How do you get your exercise (workout videos, the gym, running, walking, sports, yoga, etc)

-Well I'm a carhop at Sonic. I usually work 4-8 hour shifts at a time & it's continuous standing and jogging. running or power-walking from the store to a car. Aside from that I take the stairs whenever I can & I plan to start running soon

4. Do you know what Destiel & Merthur are without looking it up?


5. What was the last thing you ate or drank?


6. Current mood?

-Hungry lol Fat girl probz

7. Current favorite song?

-Welcome to the Black Parade by MCR

8. Do you have an OTP? If so, what is it and is it canon or not?

- N/A

9. GIRLS - Jeans or Leggings, GUYS - boxers, briefs, or boxer briefs?

-Jeans. I'm just to insecure to wear leggings

10. Do you have a "go-to" outfit for just lounging around at home not doing much?

-Sweat pants and a Tshirt

11. Favorite website?

-This one

12. Do you ever just see clothes that you really, really want at the mall or online and then see that it's some ridiculous price like $90 dollars for yoga pants

-Yes :(
2014-02-08 20:18:32 UTC
1. Do you read fanfiction? - No

2. What do you think of Russian and the whole gay issue? - I sorta know about it.. I mean there should be equal rights.

3. How do you get your exercise? - Gym, running, track - when it starts again, exercises at home, some exercise tapes

4. Do you know what Destiel & Merthur are without looking it up? - Nope

5. What was the last thing you ate or drank? - I had a chicken nugget

6. Current mood? - Normal

7. Current favorite song? - oo... um One in a Million and If Your Girl Only Knew by Aaliyah

8. Do you have an OTP? - I guess not cos I don't know what that is

9. GIRLS - Jeans or Leggings? - LEGGINGS... I'm never buying another pair of jeans again... just leggings and non-jean pants.

10. Do you have a "go-to" outfit for just lounging around at home not doing much? - Pajamas lol

11. Favorite website? - This one

12. Do you ever just see clothes that you really, really want at the mall or online and then see that it's some ridiculous price like $90 dollars for yoga pants (cough, cough lululemon...)? - Yeah
2014-02-09 07:29:13 UTC
1. Do you read fanfiction?

More like eat, sleep, fanfic, repeat.

2. What do you think of Russian and the whole gay issue?

Well since I'm gay, I obviously have a massive problem with what's going down.

3. How do you get your exercise?

WTF is this exercise you speak of.

4. Do you know what Destiel and Merthur are without looking it up?

Yeah. I used to ship Destiel, but now I kind of hate it. Merthur is basically canon, and nothing anyone can say will change my mind.

5. What was the last thing you ate or drank?

A bacon and sausage sandwich.

6. Current mood?


7. Current favorite song?

I wouldn't say that it's my FAVOURITE, but I've had I Touch Myself by the Divinyls stuck in my head all weekend.

8. Do you have an OTP? If so, what is it and is it canon or not?

I have wayyy too many. At the moment, my OTP of choice is Joniss (otherwise known as OTP: Arrows and Axes). Sadly it isn't canon.

9. GIRLS - Jeans or Leggings, GUYS - boxers, briefs, or boxer briefs?


10. Do you have a "go-to" outfit for just lounging around at home not doing much?

Yeah, my pyjamas.

11. Favorite website?


12. Do you ever just see clothes that you really, really want at the mall or online and then see that it's some ridiculous price like $90 dollars for yoga pants?

Allllllllll the time. I try to find cheaper alternatives, but yeah.
2014-02-08 20:21:21 UTC
1. Do you read fanfiction? Not as much anymore.

2. What do you think of Russian and the whole gay issue? (if you don't know what I'm talking about, google it, it's HUGE) I'm tired of society talking about gays. Whocares whether or not you support it, stop making them seem like a different species.

3. How do you get your exercise (workout videos, the gym, running, walking, sports, yoga, etc) I do some squats in my room before bed, i walk home from school which takes like 25 minutes, and thats pretty much it. I guess gym in school counts too.

4. Do you know what Destiel & Merthur are without looking it up? nope

5. What was the last thing you ate or drank? mac and cheese with fruit punch

6. Current mood? a lots on my mind, but i'm otherwise content.

7. Current favorite song? Fine By Me- andy grammer

8. Do you have an OTP? If so, what is it and is it canon or not? one true pairing, right? I've always shipped Zayn and Selena Gomez. God, directioners would kill me if I ever tweeted that.

9. GIRLS - Jeans or Leggings, GUYS - boxers, briefs, or boxer briefs? Leggings

10. Do you have a "go-to" outfit for just lounging around at home not doing much? Anything that's not jeans with a shirt I don't care for.

11. Favorite website? twitter

12. Do you ever just see clothes that you really, really want at the mall or online and then see that it's some ridiculous price like $90 dollars for yoga pants (cough, cough lululemon...) That's why I don't torture myself my looking at clothes without money
2014-02-08 21:16:59 UTC
1. Do you read fanfiction? Rarely but I do. It is hard to find something interesting and well writen in an ocean of Mary Sue and fan service.

2. What do you think of Russian and the whole gay issue? Whole gay issue? It is a violation of human rights. I have read reports and seen videos of the level of violence that gay men are being subjected to in Russia, while the government pays lip service to religious authorities and far right groups, allowing its own citizens to be terrorized and murdered. I wanted to visit Russia for a very, very long time, but now that this situation has come to light I am disgusted and disturbed. People should not live in fear for being who they are.

3. How do you get your exercise? I bike and run daily.

4. Do you know what Destiel & Merthur are without looking it up? Nope, no idea.

5. What was the last thing you ate or drank?

Pineapple water.

6. Current mood?

I'm tired, but calm.

7. Current favorite song?

I always have the same favorite songs, more than one but always the same.

8. Do you have an OTP? If so, what is it and is it canon or not?

No, I don't.

9. GIRLS - Jeans or Leggings, GUYS - boxers, briefs, or boxer briefs?

Boxer briefs, but also commando.

10. Do you have a "go-to" outfit for just lounging around at home not doing much?

Just t-shirts and sweatpants.

11. Favorite website?

12. Do you ever just see clothes that you really, really want at the mall or online and then see that it's some ridiculous price like $90 dollars for yoga pants (cough, cough lululemon...)

Not really. I like expensive clothes, but I know they are expensive and understand why. I've never coveted a $50.00 simple white shirt.
2014-06-06 14:35:34 UTC
1. Do you read fanfiction? YESS.

2. What do you think of Russian and the whole gay issue? (if you don't know what I'm talking about, google it, it's HUGE) it sucks :(

3. How do you get your exercise (workout videos, the gym, running, walking, sports, yoga, etc). i literally dont exercise. ever.

4. Do you know what Destiel & Merthur are without looking it up? FUCKINGG **** THEY'RE MY TOP TWO FAVORITE PAIRINGS *DANCES AROUND* I DIES

5. What was the last thing you ate or drank? ate spaghetti :)

6. Current mood? stoked to be taking this survey cus ships = life

7. Current favorite song? hrmm... maybe ... "Sweeter than fiction" by taylor swift

8. Do you have an OTP? If so, what is it and is it canon or not? my #1 otp is merthur and yes they are canon ("love story between two men" "you just confirmed what a lot of people thought" = i can die happy)

9. GIRLS - Jeans or Leggings, GUYS - boxers, briefs, or boxer briefs? leggings:)

10. Do you have a "go-to" outfit for just lounging around at home not doing much? if im seeing friends or going somewhere in public, i do have a go-to outfit.

11. Favorite website? TUMBLR

12. Do you ever just see clothes that you really, really want at the mall or online and then see that it's some ridiculous price like $90 dollars for yoga pants (cough, cough lululemon...) YES!!!
2014-02-08 20:24:46 UTC
1. Do you read fanfiction? No

2. What do you think of Russian and the whole gay issue? (if you don't know what I'm talking about, google it, it's HUGE) I think it's none of my business- I don't care

3. How do you get your exercise (workout videos, the gym, running, walking, sports, yoga, etc) PE class

4. Do you know what Destiel & Merthur are without looking it up? No

5. What was the last thing you ate or drank? Thin mints

6. Current mood? Happy

7. Current favorite song? Let it go

8. Do you have an OTP? If so, what is it and is it canon or not? No

9. GIRLS - Jeans or Leggings, GUYS - boxers, briefs, or boxer briefs? Jeans

10. Do you have a "go-to" outfit for just lounging around at home not doing much? Yes

11. Favorite website? This one

12. Do you ever just see clothes that you really, really want at the mall or online and then see that it's some ridiculous price like $90 dollars for yoga pants (cough, cough lululemon...) Yes, of course all the time xD

Thanks! 'twas fun
2014-02-09 08:23:39 UTC
1. Do you read fanfiction?

^Nope, not really! I watched some crazy documentary about OTT fans of One Direction *groan and mutters x-rated curses under breath* and the fan fiction they write about two of the members being gay and being in a relationship with each other. Now THAT is something I'd love to read purely for the LOLs affect! :'D Think I might accidently forget about my biology revision and hit one of those sites! Oh yeah, and they have drawn pictures too!!!!!

2. What do you think of Russian and the whole gay issue? (if you don't know what I'm talking about, google it, it's HUGE)

^If it's the thing I'm thinking about (I haven't heard an update about it for ages so I might be a bit behind) it's d*mn right f*cking disgusting! They wouldn't be allowed to act this way against a different race or whatever so why are they against gay people? They're acting as if they're going to catch some deadly disease just by sharing the same space as them. They're pathetic bigots. These athletes are human and have slogged their guts out just as hard as straight athletes. (This probably sounds really stupid because last thing I heard about this situ. was in Octoberish!)

3. How do you get your exercise (workout videos, the gym, running, walking, sports, yoga, etc)

^I have my own work-out exercises at home which I absolutely love - and I can't stand any form of exercise. I even grumble at the thought of walking up the stairs! They're really good and tone everything, make your bust (and I need all the help I can get in that department!) and bum bigger and your waist smaller and are even anti-aging! :)

4. Do you know what Destiel & Merthur are without looking it up?

^I haven't got a clue. Sounds sort of teethy/dentally to me!

5. What was the last thing you ate or drank?

^A cheeky pint of water! :P I haven't had a chance to eat anything today (I always forget and then stuff my face silly), last thing I ate was a scrummy pasta-tuna thing.

Ooh, just remembered. I had a few pieces of chicken tikka earlier!

6. Current mood?

^Ummm... indifferent I guess. And sort of in a stressed and bad mood because it seems I've got every piece of cutlery, plate, dishes, mugs and saucepans in the world waiting for me to give them a scrub. :(

7. Current favorite song?

^I have quite a few: 'The Bewlay Brothers' by Mister David Bowie, 'More Than This' by Roxy Music, 'Thorn In My Side' by Eurythmics (which I just love to sing to a certain someone) and 'You're Making Me High' by Toni Braxton - which I'm currently blasting out at mouse level.

8. Do you have an OTP? If so, what is it and is it canon or not?

^I haven't got a clue what that is. I just googled it and I'm still none the wiser, or maybe I'm just pretty dense!

9. GIRLS - Jeans or Leggings, GUYS - boxers, briefs, or boxer briefs?

^Leggings, definitely. And lycra, not those cheap ones where you bend over and every gets practically mooned by you. :D And I'm not a bloke - well not since the last time I checked - but I love them in tight-ish boxer briefs!

10. Do you have a "go-to" outfit for just lounging around at home not doing much?

^Haha, my ex-friend's massive shirt, which could fit ten me's in, which he gave me (still not sure if it's a bit weird if I wear it?) and a pair of stretchy cycling shorts - an outfit I'm currently wearing!

11. Favorite website?

^I do love Y!A, I just can't resist having a nosey at peoples problems and trying to help them out. I love too, so I can play the 'when I'm rich' game and add every thing I want in the basket - and end up depressed afterwards when I check my purse and find a few pennies and a library card. :(

12. Do you ever just see clothes that you really, really want at the mall or online and then see that it's some ridiculous price like $90 dollars for yoga pants (cough, cough lululemon...)

^All the time! And unless I rob a bank there's about as much chance of me owning them as there is of a young Johnny Depp declaring his undying love for me. :(
2014-02-09 13:21:33 UTC
1. Not at all.

2. I'm not watching any of the Olympic games because I'm so disgusted with it.

3. I go to the gym and run four miles on the elliptical and two on the treadmill. Sometimes I'll do the stairs for fifteen minutes too.

4. Dean & Castiel ship name, but I'm not sure about Merthur.

5. I had cheese and crackers & green grapes.

6. I'm tired and kind of cranky tbh.

7. Watermark by Sleeping At Last

8. I don't really participate in those omg sorry :3

9. It depends on when and where I'm going, but I'll go with jeans (though Jeggings from AE all the way)

10. Yep, jeggings or leggins with a t-shirt and a cardigan.

11. Probably tumblr, maybe Pinterest

12. All of the time! I'll fill a cart on Urban Outfitters and go to "check out" (not really though) and it'll be, like, $900.
2014-02-09 13:05:39 UTC
1. No.

2. I don't know.

3. I haven't been exercising lately, but last quarter I went to the gym a lot.

4. No.

5. Crackers

6. Just okay

7. Roar by Katy Perry

8. I'm not sure what that is.

9. Leggings!

10. Yup! I usually wear it on the weekends.

11. Facebook and Yahoo Answers

12. Yes!
Pickles the Wise(♥'s☮)
2014-02-09 08:44:08 UTC
1. I have in the past. I've even wrote some - I quit because I wasn't into the story anymore, but a lot of people found it good and the community support was nice. The stereotype is that it's creepy and, yes, I've seen a lot of crazy sh*t floating around. But there can also be genuinely good stories in the mix that get hidden under the crap - it isn't the genre that makes a good story, after all, it's how good the writer is.

2. I think it's stupid and wrong - they talk about 'gay propaganda', but what about straight propaganda - telling little children that two men or two women being in love is wrong, saying locking them in prison for showing their love is OK? Raising people in an environment of hate instead of free that's just sick.

3. Mostly walking around town, and going to the gym and trying out different machines. I haven't been back there since the one weight-lifting day when my stomach was bruised for weeks, but that happened the first time I lifted weights, too, and I need to go back to keep building up stamina.

4. Not at all.

5. Today? Nothing. I've been writing since I woke up.

6. Determined to finish my homework and personal projects...and also, very happy that I'm not being lazy anymore.

7. Riptide - Vance Joy (FlicFlac Remix):

8. I've said things about other pairings before (Neville and Luna are a thing in the movies, hooray), but I don't really get strongly attached to the love lives of two characters unless it's from a story I'm writing.

9. Jeans

10. I don't immediately think of anything, but I do have a lot of fuzzy jackets and trashbag tops (tent-long floppy black shirts with the arms hacked off) that I throw on.

11. Here or Youtube.

12. I usually go shopping at small around-town stores to avoid that, if I shop at all. But yes, I have run into that problem with a lot of cool hats...(sigh)...
2014-02-09 14:32:21 UTC
1. No, never really considered it. But now that you mention it, I should check them out.

2. Ugh, frustrating, First of all, the laws are vague, oppressive, and seem to be their own form of propaganda (while ironically, part of the law is "anti-propaganda"). Russia, like a lot of countries that have a history of manipulative, corrupt leaders, are falling for the "Us vs. Them" agenda that distracts the people from what is really causing all the problems in their country. Secondly, this was so painfully unavoidable that I don't buy the Olympic's BS claims that they truly care; there was no point of holding them here if it would be so difficult/stressful! Russia's its own country and we can't force them to change their laws (just like I'd hate if another country like Saudi Arabia tried to establish Sharia Law in the U.S), so we should've never held them in Russia to begin with. It's putting a negative atmosphere on the Olympics in general. I'm not even watching them. *Rant over*

3. I play lacrosse and track in my high school. When it's off-season, I do some yoga and stuff in the house, try to run a mile outside, but don't really go out of my way to exercise.

4. No :/ Lol, no clue

5. Frosted Flakes XD

6. I have a bit to do before school tomorrow, so a little stressed but then again I'm on Y!A, so I guess I'm not really feeling the urgency lol

7. That's hard...It's a tie between Stompa by Serena Ryder and Blue by Beyonce (if you don't know them, you should check out both songs).

8. Nope

9. Jeans, I really hate leggings unless I'm wearing them with a nice summer dress.

10. Yup. My Victoria's Secret PINK sweatpants and Nike Lacrosse hoodie with these weird Indian fuzzy slippers.

11. Google. It's my door to the world wide web and part of my common phrase when I don't know an answer: "Just Google it".

12. Yes, yes, yes, and I automatically lose interest in them because I'm so pissed off at the ridiculousness.
2014-02-08 21:33:58 UTC
1. No, I don't even know what that is.

2. I have no comments

3. I go to the gym to run on the treadmill, shoot hoops, and use that stair thing. I lift light weights at home to keep my arms toned, sit ups, jumping jacks, squats and if I don't feel like doing all this I learn dance moves on YouTube.

4. Not at all

5. I ate some vegetables, mini baked potatoes, and rice.

6. Happy

7. Creep by TLC

8. Idk what that is honestly

9. Jeans

10. Yes, it's usually sweatpants and any old shirt.


12. No, I always go to stores on the days that they have good deals, so I won't look broke only bringing out one shirt when everything is too high.
2014-02-08 20:23:55 UTC
1. Not really, I mostly read Imagines

2. It's awful and just need to stop

3. No

4. Supernatural *rolls eyes*

5. dinner and water

6. Meh

7. Outta My Mind by Kidoh feat: supreme boi

8. Many

9. Both tbh

10. Sweatpants of course

11. Tumblr

12. Sure
Green Machine
2014-02-09 15:16:39 UTC
1. I don't regularly, but occasionally if I see a post about it on my tumblr dash, I'll read it.

2. I disagree with Russia. Support the gays. The whole pride thing is awesome.

3. Fencing 6 days a week.

4. Yes xD thanks, tumblr! I don't watch Supernatural or Merlin, and yet...

5. Lady Grey tea.

6. Chill.

7. Cold by Blood Red Shoes.

8. I have a list. My top one is me and my boyfriend. We're canon. Go us. Second & third, respectively, are his two best friends. 4th & 5th are the cutie patootie twinlet friends of mine and their girlfriends. The rest of my ships aren't canon...but maybe, someday. I ship my friends so hard.

9. Jeggings xD

10. I actually dress up when I'm at home, to test out clothes. Today I'm testing out some tights I bought (they are fleece-lined and I love them and wow) with one of my old roommate's Greek-style tank tops (it's pretty revealing, chest-wise, but still pretty comfortable) and a sweater I haven't worn in a while + my new favorite scarf.

11. Tumblr.

12. YES. Fuggin' Urban Outfitters. At least Love Culture is *reasonably* priced. Both stores are so hard to find when I'm traveling, though, unless I go to a huge outlet mall.
2014-02-08 20:22:36 UTC
1) Yes on Wattpad

2) I think it's ridiculous for them to get arrested, especially on the opening night

3) Walking up and down steps and gym

4) No

5) Water

6) Happy

7) Sex in the lounge Nicki Minaj, Bobbie V, and Lil Wayne

8) No

9) Jeans

10) No

11) Wattpad

12) Yes
2014-09-30 12:37:05 UTC
I was trying out all the same solutions that I was finding about ejaculate too quickly.. and none of them were seeing improvements either. It was about then that I decided I had to put a stop to this. And I'll tell you, I discovered something so powerful that I can guarantee it's unlike anything you've ever seen before... See how "Ejaculatory Science" can be used to eliminate even the worst case of Premature Ejaculation... quickly, effectively, and permanently - 100% Guaranteed It really can fix your Premature Ejaculation, permanently... you will even see improvements immediately: ( ) What's more, I'm one of the only guys in the world who's revealing this stuff. More on the actual cure later... for now, I have to share some earth shattering discoveries I made during my research... I'm serious, this stuff will blow you away You must check out "How to last longer in bed?" tutorial on how to stop premature ejaculation. ( ) It explains how to end premature ejaculation for good. It’s basically a blueprint on how to develop natural control over your ejaculation. It actually reprograms your ejaculatory reflex so that you last longer without even trying. It involves a combination of techniques, learning knowledge, and following a specific approach that attacks premature ejaculation from all three angles; the physical, mental, and hormonal. I was able to cure my premature ejaculation problem in only 2 weeks and I never had a problem again.
Marius Pontmercy
2014-02-08 20:47:20 UTC
1. sometimes

2. equal rights all around

3. Wii Fit

4. Destiel is Dean and Castle :P......i've heard of Merthur but idk what it is its something English

5. banana bread

6. tired

7. Que Sera- Hannah Montana #noshame

8. Evan Peters and Taissa Farmiga, Troyler and many more.

9. jeans

10. my "go to" outfit is a cami and shorts

11. Tumblr

12. YES and i have to try sooooo hard to resist it

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.