It hasn't been for a while, but the debate about the NSA and Edward Snowden that I had with, of all people, my AP Government teacher. He's required by government law, I suppose, to only bring up Edward Snowden as an example of a ratter and a traitor, and the NSA as some great powerful force. I asked whether the suspiscion and speculation to those under NSA surveillance wasn't similar to a lot of the accusations during the Red Scare, him being a history teacher as well.
He argued that it was different because the government was using the NSA to catch terrorists that actually posed a threat to U.S security and safety. I told him that point would hold water, if the system had actually caught any terrorists in its entire history. I just meant it as a respectful rebuttle, but suddenly it became this huge thing and the students in the classroom (more than enough of them famous for acting like the stereotype of rich white middle-class Americans) were all on my case.
Luckily this trimester, in comparison to last tri when it happened, I have enough friends in my class now to back me up whenever I don't agree with the norm of what we're taught. But then, even with me trying to be calm and respectful about disagreeing with people, making my opinions known was a nightmare. I'm upset that even was the case, in a place where everyone should be able to freely speak their mind, but like I said I'm happy things have gotten better for me now.
BQ: Something by the Beatles, to be sure.
BQ2: Fell asleep doing homework. The fact that I was even doing homework at all out of the house was surprising.
BQ3: It is a black t-shirt, with a fancy design of a red geary giraffe shadow and curly letters that read "Steam Powered Giraffe." Got it off the band's website, and I love it love it love it. I'm a sucker for t-shirts related to things I love, I plan on getting more soon.
BQ4: Social Security and how it relates to the Great Depression.
BQ5: To collect as many funny stories (of my own) in my life as possible. Maybe that's atypical or typical, I don't know, but I can't think of any goals that in some way aren't. And since a lot of crazy wonderful things happen to me when I go out on adventures, because I follow whatever impulse or idea my mind gets and am open to a lot, I think it'll definitely happen.
BQ6: Lea and Three Quarters. No idea why the peas part, but I do miss her.
BQ7: Went through both of those, those'll be some part of my stories. I'd say now it's the "Gang's All Here Redux" time period. Not to say everyone's only a replacement for those that have gone away or that they aren't as important: we've established a community, whether someone's new and just joining into it or have been on the section a while and seen faces come and go. But we're all connected and strong and I love the opportunity to meet new, wonderful people and make friends.