No there is no legal way for a 17 yr old to have a baby with a 14 yr old. Regardless of how you feel about each other consider this...
1. You are both young and your feelings and life perspectives will change as you grow up. (I am 29 and I thought I would be with my high school sweetheart forever. We were happy, engaged and well it wasn't too long when our goals became different he died and well we couldn't be together anymore)
2. While you are young your bodies are still developing and at your age it isn't healthy for anyone to have a baby. I have had several friends tell me your body isn't the same after pregnancy. Things are not as tight, things sag, nipples hurt from nursing and often you want to slap the baby for biting so hard on them. (no i don't support child abuse, so no worries)
3. Go to college first. College is where you expereince things that a sheltered live can't provide. You learn to work to buy what you need and want, learn valuable time management skills that you need in life, studying, a career and yes child care and you minght even find that you like kids so much you have a desire to learn what makes them tick.. like child behavior and learning. These child skills will help you address issues like discipline, learning disorders and much more that you can't predict with a kiddo.
4. If you are still reading this then if nothing else consider money. A kid takes money and that means that you and your bf will need to both have a job full time to help pay for diapers, formula, check ups and well take care of yourselves, cuz parents get sick too!
Stop and do a calculation for me... add up all the items you will need for a child in one month and get a total. Things like formula, diapers, babaysitter, babay food, rash ointment, dr check up, vaccinations for your kid (req. by law if they attend daycare), baby car seat, baby stroller, baby crib, baby pack-n-play, toys, books, clothing/shoes. **keep in mind babys grow outta clothes & shoes in less than a month sometimes and you will need to account for transportation costs (bus, car, gas), laundry detergent (cuz you will be washing daily).
If you can afford to pay for all of those expenses you just added up with a your own job or bf job and no help from the government or parents then you are ready for a kid.
My advice is to wait until you are out of school to consider a child. Y? Well I am 29 and I can't afford all the expense above and while I want someone to love me unconditionally, I realize that bringing another child into this world that can't be supported 100% by me isn't fair to the kiddo. Plus there are a ton of kids who are orphanned or on the streets that simple didn't ask to be brought into this world and have no one to love them, but they are GREAT KIDS who simply need a chance.