My mom spanked me, isn’t that illegal?
2009-01-26 16:42:55 UTC
My science teacher called my mom at home on Friday afternoon while I was at work to inform her that I have been frequently showing up late to my classes and getting detentions; my teacher expressed concern.

After the phone call, my mom asked my twin sister why I have been showing up late to my classes and my sister (and I’m not sure if she even tried to conceal it from our mom) admitted to her that I was showing up late because I smoke cigarettes and “go out for a smoke” during break.

When I got home from work, my mom confronted me; she asked me if I smoke. Of course, I denied it but I admitted that I had tried it at parties trying to appease her and my mom said: “Well, Annie [my twin] says you smoke, she also says that you started because you wanted to lose weight...” she continued with a rant about how smoking doesn’t help anyone lose weight and the health risks, etcetera.

I replied “Annie’s wrong.”

My mom said “I hoped that it wouldn’t come to this but please give me your backpack, Abbie.”

I said “No mom, it’s my personal space.” Praying futilely to God that my mom wouldn’t persist because there were two packs of regular size Export A Medium cigarettes in my bag, one unopened.

But my mom said “Now Abigail.” I silently swore and handed her my backpack, expecting to have my cigarettes taken away and grounded for the next month when she found my smokes.

But instead, after she found my cigarettes, she grabbed me by the ear (in that painful way that nuns always do in TV shows) and first she pulled me to the kitchen table where there was a couple unfinished packages of cigarettes from brands that I tried and didn’t like and hadn’t disposed of yet. Then she shoved the smokes into a plastic grocery bag, admitting that she already knew that I smoked after she searched the bedroom I shared with my sister, and pulled me (again, by the ear) to the balcony and made me smoke the rest of the cigarettes. My mom and I sat in patio chairs for over three hours while I chain smoked 67 cigarettes.

Finally, at least a hour after midnight, there were no more cigarettes for me to smoke and my mom pulled me into the house, pulled down my work pants and spanked me (no details, in case there are perverts lurking this website). It was painful and humiliating. After she was done, she said I was grounded for the next month and sent me to bed.

I think my mom overreacted. Six cigarettes a day to help me lose weight wouldn’t kill me, right? I lost the weight I wanted and I was going to quit soon anyway, there was no reason for her to spank me. Spanking your children is illegal isn’t it? It hurt but I don’t want my mom to get in trouble. She’s just having a hard time dealing with her divorce. It was probably a one-time thing.
32 answers:
2009-01-26 16:54:48 UTC
Spanking your child isn't's only illegal if it leaves a mark for 24 hours or more.

Making you chain smoke nearly 70 cigarettes could be considered child abuse maybe.

But what the hell are you thinking smoking 6 cigarettes a day to lose freaking weight? Go on a diet, workout...but don't do something that can seriously affect your health in the future (including killing you) and has a high addiction rate. That's just plain stupid and irresponsible. You must not hold your life or health very dear.

I don't like the spanking or the forced smoking but if my children ever did this they'd be grounded for months on end with multiple restrictions.
2009-01-26 17:26:20 UTC
First of all, you cannot be serious in thinking that smoking was a positive way to lose weight? Trust me, its a reason that people smoke for years and that's because it ADDICTIVE!! That's like saying I'll smoke a crack rock just once..... Secondly, how do you figure that you have private property in someone else's house? I'm sure she bought the backpack and until you can pay your own bills in your own house, you live by her rules. Last but not least, why I do not agree with her making you smoke all 67 squares back to back, I agree with the spanking. Just thank your heavenly stars that that's all she did. I am the single mom of three sons ages 17,15 and 5. My 17 year old stand 6"2 and plays football and I would beat the brakes off of him if I ever caught him smoking.
2016-02-26 06:49:12 UTC
No, it's not illegal at all. People who say that it is are either misinformed, or they are very pro-spanking and they are desperate to prove their argument that kids "these days" are so awful because they aren't spanked. So they exaggerate and say people go to jail for spanking their kids. But again, spanking is NOT illegal in the US, unless of course you do it so hard that the child is injured or bruised. Seriously, I see people being very rough and smacking their kids MULTIPLE times (not just a quick pop on the rear) in public and no one says anything and they don't get arrested. So spanking isn't illegal and parents even seem to get away with worse. Child abuse, though it is illegal, is also the worst in the US out of all of the developed countries. Americans are still quite smack-happy people, and I don't know why so many people think otherwise. Spanking (not just beating, but any kind of physical punishment) is actually illegal in 32 countries.
Shawn H
2009-01-27 11:27:54 UTC
While I think your mom went a little too far in her treatment of the situation, I think she makes a good point that smoking is a very poor choice.

And I think you're wrong about one thing you said; six a day CAN kill you. Any amount of smoking has that potential, so please PLEASE try to stop. You'll be healthier without them, pure and simple. Take the money you spend on smokes and join a gym--that and a smart diet are the way to lose weight.

After all your mom put you through the spanking seemed excessive, too, though I can understand her wanting to make sure she made her point. I haven't had a butt-warming in 3 years, but if my folks caught me smoking, I think that might reopen that part of my punishment history...
2009-01-26 17:27:20 UTC
Obviously your mom cares about you and YOUR well-being. She wants you to grow up to be a wonderful, healthy human being.

She would NEVER want to do anything to hurt you and I'm sure she did NOT enjoy spanking you. She must have suffered each time she raised her hand at you but you left her no other choice.

If you want be treated as a "mature" human being and you DON'T want to be spanked in the future- then you MUST begin acting as a mature human being. Let ALL your actions be actions that you and your mother will be proud of.

When you grow up and become a parent, you will be glad you were so lucky to have a mom that cared for you.
2009-01-26 16:49:34 UTC
Get a reality check here! You deserved the spanking! Even if it might be illegal... Six cigarettes a day wouldn't harm you the first time, but when you continually do it, you'll end up dead. Before death, your natural appearance will turn into disgusting! You'll get cancer and all that...

If you want to keep on smoking, consider the risks you are going to take.... and quit smoking! Bad for ya!

I agree with JG

Go mom!
Monster Junkie
2009-01-26 16:58:35 UTC
I will admit that your mom spanking you is a little weird.

How old are you like, 15?

But all in the right reason. Smoking and cutting classes doesn't make you cool. Trust me, get your future ahead of you. Don't let it fall behind.

And it's a proven fact the smoking makes you gain weight.

So smoking probably isn't helping you in the least bit. Plus why waste your health, there are plenty of other ways to lose weight...
2009-01-26 16:52:40 UTC
To be honest, both of you are stupid. Smoking cigarettes to lose weight isn't a good idea and you might get hooked. But a 67 chain? If she doesn't want you to smoke then why the hell did she make you do that? Spanking is not illegal, but I think the judge gets to decide the line between spanking and beating. From what you said, I dont think it's a beating.
2009-01-26 16:54:57 UTC
So do you have any desire to smoke now??

Look ... your mom cares for you. She may be going through a rough time, but you lied to her face. Your sister obviously cares about you, too, and so does your teacher. Your smoking habit is obviously getting you into some trouble, and it's so not worth it. How old are you?

Smoking is not a good way to lose weight - think of all the things you put into your body. I read on another of your posts that your sister is 10 pounds lighter than you - big deal. You are two separate people; you cannot compare yourself to her, twin sister or not.

Smoking isn't cool, and you can develop all kinds of problems later on if you don't stop. Do you realize that the majority of smokers who have a serious problem probably started when they were in their teens? Think of the women you see around that look much older than they really are - wrinkled skin, hacking cough and raspy voices. My, is that attractive! not to mention they probably look 10 years older than they really are. With that in mind, I'd say losing weight is the least of your worries.

Believe me - out of my dad's seven siblings, probably at least half of them have died because of emphysema or smoking related cancers (they're all dead, actually, except my dad, who does smoke quite a bit).
2009-01-26 16:49:57 UTC
Um yes Every cigarette you smoke kills you, im sorry but thats very ignorant to say. You need to quit and learn to lose weight by eating properly and exercising other wise you will never keep the weight off either. Second no your mother had a right to discipline you. And I dont think its illegal for a parent to discipline their child. Besides its your word versus hers, and if you involve the police on your mom thats kind of wrong, and I think the end result would be a lot worst for you.
2009-01-26 16:52:15 UTC
Your 16 ? 17? 15? or 14? anyway this is stupid "It won't kill me " Cigarettes will KILL you. ha ha , wow . You need to stop smoking it is a disgusting habit . Search it on discovery channel and watch what it can do to your ENTIRE body. It is ridiculous she made you smoke them , but you need to apologize . Quit smoking now or you may never be able to again. Spanking illegal? Your asking this why? planning on having her turned in to DCHS ? Pathetic . She did a appropriate thing exclude the smoking of cigarettes .
Momma Bear
2009-01-26 16:57:51 UTC
Sweetie, your Mom is scared and although she may have overreacted, I think your Mom did you a favor (except for having you smoke all those cigarettes). ! You're going to remember this for a long time and you will think twice before lying to her and before smoking again. Cigarettes are not only habit forming but also can cause numerous lung diseases and cancer, not only for yourself but for those who inhale your second hand smoke.

I hope you never have to suffer through the pain of lung cancer or watch those you love die slowly before your eyes. It's an agonizing way to die, believe me.
mama ayers
2009-01-26 16:54:49 UTC
no spanking is not illegal!!! it is a common misconception that it is. i do not spank my children, but if they smoked and got into trouble at school and Then lied to me i just might do so. it was far more abusive and damaging to your health to have you smoke all the cigarettes. FYI i have had 2 people i loved dearly die in the last year to lung cancer, one of which never smoked a day in her life but got it from being exposed to second hand smoke.
2017-01-14 12:36:42 UTC
My Mother Spanked Me
2009-01-26 16:51:57 UTC
You deserved it my dear!

A. you shouldn't smoke( my husband died from lung cancer through smoking)

B. Smoking won't help you lose weight. Start exercising and stop eating the wrong foods

C.You obviously know nothing about weight loss programs or important health issues.

2009-01-26 16:48:25 UTC
It really depends... A jury or judge would have the ultimate say whether or not it was abuse.

Depending on your age, smoking is a illegal so I don't see how you can complain.

It was stupid and yes, smoking 6 a day would kill you eventually.

How cliche... "I was going to stop soon anyways..."
katie x
2009-01-26 17:19:11 UTC
well 6 fags a day can harm you & you shouldn't use them to lose weight, u can easily get addicted even if you think you can stop any time, u also shouldn't have lied to your mom abut it when she obviously knew .. that probably made it worse.

my mum would have probably yelled at me & then not talked to me.

let your mum cool down then ask her why she over reacted and ask her why she used physical punishment. i mean shes had a hard time but no need to take it out on you

bet you learned your lesson ..
2009-01-29 02:10:13 UTC
Spanking is not illegal in the uk, providing it does not leave any permenent marking ie bruising, and the parent only uses their hand.

i agree you deserved to have your bum smacked for your behavior, however, i disagree with her making you smoke the rest of the cigarettes as her lesson is suposte to show you not to smoke as it is bad for your health, and what she done is clearly no good for your health nethier.

2009-01-27 09:39:30 UTC
No, it isn't illegal to spank a kid. But now that you have smoked 67 cigarettes in one day, you could easily smoke 3 packs a day without getting sick or dizzy. Try it, and if you get caught, blame your mom. And get your sister started smoking, too, even if you have to force her until she becomes addicted.

I am very impressed that you can chainsmoke 67 cigarettes, BTW!!!
2009-01-26 18:56:42 UTC
>My mom spanked me, isn’t that illegal?

At your age, isn't buying/smoking cigarettes illegal?

If it isn't, it should be.


And if spanking teen-age daughters is illegal, it shouldn't be.

2009-01-26 16:54:49 UTC
Eh, it's not ILLEGAL. But child abuse is. There's a fine line between a spanking and child abuse. If you have whelps or something, then yes, that's abuse. Also if you're an adult, you could say she assaulted you and press charges. In some states 16 is legal, so you'd have to check. I'm assuming your over 16 if you work.
2009-01-26 16:52:45 UTC
Lol if i was your mom wou wouldnt be able to move at all.

You'd be black and blue all over. I'd beat you un concious.

My mom use to beat me all the time whe i was little......So yea.

But we're mexican so its normal for us :D Hah.

Spanking isnt illegal.

and few whips on the a*s odnt count as child abuse.
2009-01-26 17:20:30 UTC
Well first off you are really dumb for smoking, and you deserved everything you got. Second you must have a light grounding or you are breaking the rules again by getting on here.
2009-01-26 16:54:23 UTC
Geez. You do know one of the reasons you're such a ***** is the fact that your mom probably didn't spank you enough in the first place, right?
2009-01-26 16:56:15 UTC
It doesnt sound illegal, you should have just admitted it about the cigs. Sounds a little extreme about smoking that many. By the way it doesnt make you loose weight so that was dumb to think that
2009-01-26 16:50:36 UTC
Your either a troll or not very smart.

No its not illegal to spank you.
young m
2009-01-26 17:01:20 UTC
She Should have done more than spank you what the hell are you doing smoking cigarettes do you want to die of cancer?
some random kid
2009-01-26 21:06:14 UTC
omfg what a f***ing fatas*. you are such a tard. ur mom is also slightly a tard (sixty freaking eight in a row?!) but she atleast got something across and she should have beat you a loooong time ago. such white trash.u are a waste of our tax dollars.
dakota d
2009-01-26 19:20:51 UTC
Hey I think you have a cool Mom good for her. Quit bitching and grow up.
2009-01-26 17:16:12 UTC
wow...your moms a *****...if she ever dose it again threaten to call the cops

edit: oh yeah and for the people that said if your under 18 its illegal to smoke. there wrong. its illegal to buy cigarettes if your under 18 but once you get them its not illegal and its not illegal to smoke them
2009-01-26 16:53:22 UTC
well you should'nt have been smoking in the first place....
2009-01-26 16:47:23 UTC

how old are you.


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