2009-01-26 16:42:55 UTC
After the phone call, my mom asked my twin sister why I have been showing up late to my classes and my sister (and I’m not sure if she even tried to conceal it from our mom) admitted to her that I was showing up late because I smoke cigarettes and “go out for a smoke” during break.
When I got home from work, my mom confronted me; she asked me if I smoke. Of course, I denied it but I admitted that I had tried it at parties trying to appease her and my mom said: “Well, Annie [my twin] says you smoke, she also says that you started because you wanted to lose weight...” she continued with a rant about how smoking doesn’t help anyone lose weight and the health risks, etcetera.
I replied “Annie’s wrong.”
My mom said “I hoped that it wouldn’t come to this but please give me your backpack, Abbie.”
I said “No mom, it’s my personal space.” Praying futilely to God that my mom wouldn’t persist because there were two packs of regular size Export A Medium cigarettes in my bag, one unopened.
But my mom said “Now Abigail.” I silently swore and handed her my backpack, expecting to have my cigarettes taken away and grounded for the next month when she found my smokes.
But instead, after she found my cigarettes, she grabbed me by the ear (in that painful way that nuns always do in TV shows) and first she pulled me to the kitchen table where there was a couple unfinished packages of cigarettes from brands that I tried and didn’t like and hadn’t disposed of yet. Then she shoved the smokes into a plastic grocery bag, admitting that she already knew that I smoked after she searched the bedroom I shared with my sister, and pulled me (again, by the ear) to the balcony and made me smoke the rest of the cigarettes. My mom and I sat in patio chairs for over three hours while I chain smoked 67 cigarettes.
Finally, at least a hour after midnight, there were no more cigarettes for me to smoke and my mom pulled me into the house, pulled down my work pants and spanked me (no details, in case there are perverts lurking this website). It was painful and humiliating. After she was done, she said I was grounded for the next month and sent me to bed.
I think my mom overreacted. Six cigarettes a day to help me lose weight wouldn’t kill me, right? I lost the weight I wanted and I was going to quit soon anyway, there was no reason for her to spank me. Spanking your children is illegal isn’t it? It hurt but I don’t want my mom to get in trouble. She’s just having a hard time dealing with her divorce. It was probably a one-time thing.