-What are you doing right now? (Besides answering this question)
I'm being a couch potato. I'm laying on the sofa with a blanket, flipping through Netflix hoping to find something good to watch, and eating a blueberry bagel.
-When is the last time you worked out?
It's been a while. I went for a run the other morning with my friend, even though I'm a horrible runner haha.
-What is your favorite Pokemon? ;)
Is pikachu one? D:
-How long has it been since you cut your hair?
Almost a year. I don't get my haircut professionally anymore because I'm never satisfied. I trim it myself ocassionally but never do I get it drastically changed. I like my hair long so I can style it how I like. :)
-Did anything scary happen to you today?
There was this HUGE spider crawling on the ceiling and I was in the kitchen sitting at the island and the spider FELL from the roof and landed on the counter top. So terrifying.
-What is your earliest memory?
I vividly remember one night when I was only a few months old laying in the crib, and my dad was closing my bedroom window. I remember everything: how the room felt, looked, what I saw.. So weird.
-What would you change about the town you live in?
I dunno. Maybe it could rain more. :P
-How many truly good friends do you have?
I don't even know anymore. I have a large group of friends but I wouldn't trust many of them. True friends that have been with me through everything & genuinely care? 3 or 4.
-What is the scariest movie you have ever seen?
Original Exorcist and The Ring.
-Are you wearing any jewlery right now?
I'm wearing this necklace that my great friend Eli gave me, it's this strange little pocket watch type shape on a long string and inside the glass is a globe, a compass, some roman numerals.. It's just the weirdest little thing and I love it to death. He found it at some vintage shop a few months back and gave it to me. I wear it all the time.
-Do you like Obama?
I honestly pay zero attention to politics and anything similar.
-Who was your childhood hero?
My mom, she's a Cancer survivor - So brave and so optimistic, and she's a great mom.
-Legalize marijuana?
Sure. Illegal or not people smoke it.
-Would you ever eat a dog if they started slaughtering them for meat, like they do pigs, cows, etc?
Yucky, no. I rarely eat meat. When I do it's lean chicken and even then I just feel gross about eating it.
-Has any life experience changed who you are as a person?
Yes. I typically don't share this often on here but I am a mother, and going through my pregnancy, dealing with the hate I received from peers, and just learning the important lesson of having to deal with consequences of my actions has changed me so much. I've really matured these last few months. My pregnancy was the toughest time of my life but I wouldn't take any of it back. I made the mistake of staying with a man who did NOT care about me and did NOT treat me right, but its only made me so much of a stronger person. If I weren't in that relationship I wouldn't have my son. And, watching my mom go through chemotherapy and such really made me appreciate who you have in your life a whole lot more.
-Tell me something you like about yourself?
I like my hair appearance wise. Personality wise, I'm a really kind & sympathetic person!
-Peace yo.